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Pole Dance RANTS!
Posted by Veena on January 4, 2025 at 3:04 pmHappy New Year!
I want to share something with this amazing group of pole dancers. I’m starting this year off with a new way to educate, motivate and engage with our beautiful community. Pole Dance RANTS videos.
Let me provide a brief explanation. Pole Dance RANTS will be uploaded every Friday to my Youtube channel These are not dance videos, demonstrations or tutorials, but rather content covering important aspect of pole dance training and life as a pole dancer. These are long form, vlog or podcast style videos. Making them perfect for listening to on your commute, as a way to relax after a long day, or for a motivation boost after a discouraging pole class or home session. There will be something for everyone, students and instructors alike.
Don’t miss a show! Here are three ways to stay in the know. Check the “notify me of new replies” box at the bottom of this post. Check your email, or subscribe to my Youtube channel, as I’ll be sharing new content every Friday.
My first RANT is for the total pole newbie.
I cover 10 different aspects that all pole dancers should know, including those who are not new.
Got a suggestion of something you’d like me to RANT about? Message me or leave a comment below!
This discussion was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by
Veena replied 2 days, 8 hours ago 6 Members · 50 Replies -
This discussion was modified 2 months, 1 week ago by
50 Replies
Episode 2. Is up!
I share my thoughts on static and spinning pole. Enjoy 💜
Episode 3. is up
If you’re curious about my mindful based classes here are some links.
Front splits class
Invert class
If you enjoy the please let me know and I can make more!
To review, here are four different ways to reframe how you think about yourself and your pole practice:
1. Journaling: Before your pole session write 1-5 things you’re worried/stressed about. Then write down why you feel stressed, worried, scared, or incapable. Next write down if the “why” is true (based on fact) or just a story. Remember stories are not factual. Last, I highly suggest ending every journal session with at least 5 things you’re grateful for.
2. Meditation: I prefer meditations that focus on Chakra balancing. I like guided meditations that have vocals covering the aspects and color of each Charka.
3. Self Hypnosis: I remembered the self hypnosis woman! Her name was Roseasnna Leaton. I couldn’t find any current information about her to share with you. I used her anxiety downloads, gosh, it must have been almost 15 years ago, and they worked so well! I was shocked as I tend to be a skeptic.
4. Mindfulness: (Living in the present moment)
1. Recognize when your mind is telling stories. A story has nothing provable or factual about it and it’s not occurring in the present moment. It’s just a thought. Versus a real event that is happens in the present moment which has provable and factual aspects that others can see too!
2. Reality happens in the present moment.
3. Things do not have to be black and white, good or bad, they can just be.
4. It’s not about pushing away feelings or stopping thoughts but rather acknowledging them without judgement or suppression. Sit with that painful pole sit! Don’t stress, or fear it, observe it without judgment.
Loved this rant xx
I now understand what I’m doing to myself, I need to be more positive than negative an learn or teach my brain
Thank you for this an I’m starting my own journal xx❤️ he’s my first positivity I can’t wait to do day 13 of the takeoff program 😀😀
Episode 4 is up!
Caring for your body is just as important as learning new pole tricks and skills. If you neglect this aspect of training. Injuries, frustration and slow progress is inevitable. Always consult your medical professional if you have injured yourself. This is not medical advice!
Let’s recap the 8 points of self-care as a pole dancer:
1. Bruising: Learn what excessive bruising is for YOUR body and understand how to prevent it. Please understand when I talk about excessive bruising, I’m referring to individuals who do not have any underlying health conditions that cause bruising.
2. Self talk: Understanding and becoming aware of your thoughts and how you speak about your pole practice matters. Don’t judge yourself when you go down a negative path. Instead be grateful you recognized it and then take steps to work towards change. Things that can help you in this journey are:
3. Massage: Angry fascia, knots and tight muscles along with mental stress can often be reduced if you allow time for massage. Here’s a list of different methods of massage.
POLE – This is my Pole massage routine
FOAM ROLLER – If you need guidance on how to foam roll you can find tutorials here
PEANUT – I take mine whenever I travel!
TENNIS BALL or LACROSSE BALL – You can find these easily, you might even have one laying around.MASSAGE CHAIR – I use to have one, I loved it.
MASSAGE PILLOW – Here’s an inexpensive one, I’m not sure of the quality.
MASSAGE CANE – This one is similar to the one my husband and I have
PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE – It’s worth treating yourself now and then!
4. Rest days: If you’re a student of mine, I hope you’ve seen the benefits of having rest days. Also, in addition to resting the muscles, relaxing the mind allows our nervous systems to recover too. This is very important if you deal with mental health issues, are hypermobile or nerospicy.
5. Social media breaks: If you have a tendency to doom scroll or compare yourself and your pole skills with others. 👏Put 👏down 👏the 👏phone! Instead of wasting your life by watching others. Learn a new skill, try new hobbies, gather in person, spend quality time with yourself.
6. Anti Inflammatory foods:
fatty fish
green tea
extra virgin olive oil
dark chocolate and cocoa
cherries7. Heat: Heat is incredible for sore muscles and aiding in healing injuries, both acute and chronic. Ways to use heat are listed below:
8. Cold: Gone are the days of recommending ice for injuries. While I believe using ice immediately is key in treating acute injuries. I only do this once, as soon as possible after an injury occurs. If you’re a fan of ice baths go for it. Just make sure to track if it’s offering a positive or negative affect on your training. We’re all different so it’s important to do what’s right for YOUR body.
Definitely watching this one xx
Just what I need, I slept funny and woke up with a stiff neck 😔 luckily today is rest foam rolling day xx❤️
Hello, hello! Episode 5 is now up!
Picture this 🙌 You’re watching a pole tutorial, or attending pole class and a new pole trick is introduced. You understand the instructions for the skill/trick but you’re just not able to “get it” before the end of class. Suddenly panic, frustration or feelings of inadequacy run through your mind. You might even be thinking “I must be doing something wrong.” Well let’s have a RANT about this.
Below are two links that cover what I call FUNDAMENTAL aka foundational pole tricks. PLEASE BE SURE TO READ THE VIDEO DESCRIPTIONS TOO!
This first link is for fundamental Grips Holds and Hand placements for spins
This link covers fundamental tricks
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to nail a trick the first time you try but it’s more important to understand yourself and how you learn.
Looking forward to watching this 😊
I can relate to it xx❤️
I really appreciated your most recent pole rant! Especially the reminder about just needing to practice more. Sometimes I think I’m missing something when I can’t get a move right away. But it’s really just a matter of practicing, building strength, and getting used to a new thing. Good reminder that there’s not always a hack for instant success.
I’m glad you liked it! I tried to think about things where I’ve felt that I should just be able to do it, but couldn’t. I realized it comes down to natural ability or needing to just practice more and be patient. I am still learning to be patient, it comes and goes lol
Episode 6. is all about Inverts!
Hey pole dancer, did you know that even if you were to never Invert you can still enjoy pole dance and reap the benefits? It’s true! So please don’t feel like you’re “less than” if the Invert is not in your current pole vocabulary.
It’s my hope that this podcast will help you understand the Invert and put your mind at ease. Breath, it’s ok, there are other ways to get upside down. You’re not behind, or bad at pole, the Invert is just another trick and I’d love to make it easier for you.
If you’re currently working on your Inverts or if you’re not sure if you’re Inverts need cleaning up I suggest you: Check yourself before you wreck yourself!
Here’s a guide to help you determine if your invert is solid or needs help.…
Here is my FREE tutorial for the Side Pole Hold and Invert Hold…
Common Invert methods:…
Oh hey, remember I said the CHOPPER is not the same as an INVERT? Here’s a video that explains the difference. / dfvwg_hsxle
Ultimate Guide to Inverts Series…
Ready to learn all you can about the Invert? Check out my FREE 20 invert resources guide…
Proof that I’ve been using controlled momentum for my inverts for 16 years • Justin Timberlake- Veena New Pole Dance MIn 1:18 is where I Invert.
Here’s how I taught myself to go upside down a Half Cartwheel and Half Handspring. • Pole Dancing – Gimme More by Britney … Min 2:00 Cartwheel • Santa Baby Min 1:47 Handspring
Last thought, please remember you have to learn how to properly use momentum. If you’re using the correct grip and have been working through a progressive training plan (like mine) you will not slam your body into the pole. If you’re hitting the pole you’re not using the correct grip!
Loved the pole rant 5 ♥️
My dad played the guitar, he couldn’t read music he taught himself with records back then no such thing as apps 😂 he taught me when I was a kid , been years since I played x
But yes I totally understand the practice part , getting better myself with more practice xxx♥️
Just gotta watch rant number 6 🤗 can’t wait
My dad played a little and also my older brother plays(he’s 20 years older. He’s even in a band lol It’s fun to get together now and play, but he’s way better than I am!
I’m glad you liked the RANT
Wow sounds like a lot of fun an as you say “practice” 😀 xx ❤️
Episode 7.
Nothing is more important than knowing you have a secure grip when you pole dance. Below you’ll find more resources to help you unlock your best grip! I’d like to add that not all grip aids work for everyone, you have to find the right one for your skin, climate, and pole finish needs.
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