Forums Discussions pole cert questions

  • pole cert questions

    Posted by smokinangel on February 5, 2012 at 5:30 pm

    I'm debating between the Vertical Dance and ETED pole certifications.  I've been teaching for awhile, and have my PT certification. I'm hoping to use this as CEUs as well as get ideas for mutli-level lesson plans. And, more knowledge is always good =)

    Both programs are about the same price, both offer CEUs and both seem very comprehensive.

    Here's my dilemma: Since VD is based in the UK, will it have the same recognition/respect in the states? ETED requires a trip to Chicago, at least for the advanced portion and CEUs… that requires more money.

    I've read through the other threads on certifications but they don't seem to give many specifics. Opinions, anyone? And if anyone who has taken either course wants to chime in and/or answer my way too many questions, I'd really appreciate it!  Feel free to PM me!

    FreeTheSun replied 13 years, 1 month ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • smokinangel

    February 6, 2012 at 2:43 pm

    ETED = Empowerment through exotic dance.  Been staring at the spreadsheet too long.. everything is abbreviated in my head.  Btw, Vertical Dance = VD… hehe

  • chemgoddess1

    February 6, 2012 at 2:58 pm

    Ummm…I thought that ME changed some of the requirements of having to go to Chicago.


    I have heard nothing buty good things about the ETED course as it also has a lot of business aspects to it.  You really need to find out specically what it is you want out of the certification.



  • FreeTheSun

    February 6, 2012 at 3:23 pm

    Both look like good certs.

    I know Vert Dance has a good rep cause it's been around a while and it's KT Coates, but some people are hesitant about the whole online thing, but based of reading it looks like they are still very careful about ensuring you have proper form and knowledge through Skype and videos and such. I like that is says it has a portion specifically about pregnancy and pole, which is a good selling point but also piece of mind for you that you know more about what to do when you encounter it or are asked for advice.

    I've heard a lot of great things about ETED and if you want or need the business side of things, that's a great way to go cause Empy has a lot of knowledge and support to offer on that front. But that being said, do you really need that right now? As far as I know you're not planning on branching out on your own or being put in charge of a secondary studio for a while. And if you're thinking you want to do both the basic and advanced training, do you think you will be able to do it (time and money wise) in the following 2 years after completing the basic.

    I think both programs are excellent in terms of content and reputation, but I would lean towards Vert Dance for your current situation. But then again, I don't know how other other studios and instructors view an online pole cert, so that would be interesting to know. You'd hate to go for VD only to learn it's not well regarded in the studio circuit.

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