Forums Discussions reshaping muscles

  • reshaping muscles

    Posted by chumpchkin on December 6, 2010 at 3:46 pm

    When I watch my videos, I often notice that my legs don’t look straight. I’ve tried really locking my knees and engaging my quads to straighten them as much as possible, but even then, my knees look distinctly bent. Upon further consideration, I’ve decided that I think it’s because of the way my muscles have developed–I have reasonably big hamstrings and calves, and the way they meet my knee makes it look like it’s perpetually bent.

    So I’m wondering…are there exercises I can do to reshape the muscles so they’re longer and leaner, so I don’t get that effect? This past summer, I did P90X, and although I’ve lost some of that shape over the past semester (I don’t have much time to get to the gym at school!), I’ve retained that muscle definition in my legs, at least. Anyway, is there a way I can change this? I just think it looks awful when I dance that my knees always seem bent!

    poleluvndallas replied 14 years, 3 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • poleluvndallas

    December 29, 2010 at 6:30 pm

    i would also like to know the solution. I am gaining serious muscle, but its bulky. Hamstrings, quads, and my triceps are ridiculous. I am struggling with flexibility, even though i stretch twice daily. my extensions look crooked due to muscle also. How do i lengthen with losing strength?

  • Veena

    December 29, 2010 at 7:23 pm

    Do you guys turn out when you extend your legs or are you trying to keep the perfectly straight? Depending on the move turning the leg out (knee cap points to the outside) can look a lot cleaner than trying to keep the leg straight (knee cap up) Also strong hip flexors Iliopsoas are needed as well.

    If your doing workouts in addition to pole that build muscle like weight training, squats, PX90 ect and not stretching well during and after EVERY workout you can end up feeling very tight. When I lift weights I stretch in between and after every set, especially legs!! Then for a good half hr or longer I stretch some more after my workout. Things like sitting for a long time will also tighten you right up.

    Active stretching and PNF stretching are good ways to strengthen the muscles while stretching them. Working on strength moves like Leg lifts with a focus on control and lengthening can help. If you focus on extending the legs in various positions while dancing it can really strengthen quite well while also stretching the muscle. Do either of you have a pic or vid of your leg extensions that you dislike…it may also not be as bad as you think!!

  • poleluvndallas

    December 30, 2010 at 6:23 pm

    I am dedicated to stretching. I spend an hour daily just on stretching and flexibility. Currently I use your lessons, and I practice the Cooley method. Im very short, sort of gymnast build, muscles just seem bulky. i do weight train, twice a week, opposite my pole days. Id never thought of rotating the knee to appear straight. i will definately try that tonight to see if that makes a difference. Thanks for the lessons, btw. the booty bounce is tonz of fun…hehe

  • Veena

    December 30, 2010 at 6:33 pm

    Glad your enjoying the lessons Yes we all have different body shapes and shorter dancers can look like they have bigger muscles, your just more compact! I would love to have a build like that but I’m an ectomorph build so naturally my muscles look long and I’m stick like. lol You can still have beautiful lines with a shorter body type….just think of trying to extend out through your fingers and toes! Like your shooting energy out from them

  • poletrickster

    January 1, 2011 at 2:37 pm

    Callanetics "10 yrs younger in 10 hours" will really lengthen and reshape your leg muscles!

  • poleluvndallas

    January 10, 2011 at 4:08 pm

    rotating the knee definately helps! Even my instructor said’ laura ur extensions look really straight’ lol i feel like im cheating, but hey, good praise is good praise! i will check out that website though.

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