Forums Discussions sick…boo

  • sick…boo

    Posted by CrazyKosters on February 7, 2014 at 5:42 pm

    So my husband came back from a work trip in Aruba last Thursday complaining of rib pain on one side and not feeling well. He started coughing up old blood and Monday I finally convinced him to go to the Dr. Stupid men…lol jk. Anyways he was diagnosed with pneumonia and possibly a blood clot. We went to the hospital and there were no blood clots but he had pneumonia in the upper and lower right lobe. He never got sick or a fever, runny nose,etc…. so they almost admitted him but gave him iv antibiotics and let us go. When we were in the er, I started coughing and thinking it was in my head like when people talk about lice and u start itching… The next morning I got severe cough, body aches, high fever and headache. That was Tuesday morning. My fever is still here and will only go away for a few hours with 800mg ibuprofen. My flu test was negative but our flu tests aren’t the best and Dr thinks it is. I’m tired and hurting, want to get back to normal. I feel almost worse. Soooo has anyone had anything similar and it wasn’t the flu? I got advanced at my pole studio and was going to go this Saturday but now I cant, I’m so bummed and feel like I’m going to loose strength and flexibility because I’ve been in the fetal position for 4 days…. sorry I had to vent! I lay here looking at my pole and feel even shittier lol

    CrazyKosters replied 10 years, 8 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • quancutie23

    February 7, 2014 at 6:01 pm

    Get better the both of you. Idk know whats wrist being sick being in a car accident. Im supper beat up. Try taking it easy

  • grayeyes

    February 7, 2014 at 6:10 pm

    CrazyKosters that does sound a whole lot like the flu, comes on fast and knocks you down hard. If you’re four days in, you should be on the mend soon. Usually ends in about five days but can last up to a week. Just take it easy and allow your body to heal and you’ll be back on the pole in no time. Unfortunately there is not a whole lot you can do for the flu except ride it out.

  • Veena

    February 7, 2014 at 6:11 pm

    Oh dear! I have no advice, but I do hope you both feel better soon. Our family was hit with a flu real hard last February, and it came on fast, and we were in bed for days with a fever, took awhile to get back on my feet. Keep yourself hydrated! xoxo

  • CrazyKosters

    February 7, 2014 at 6:49 pm

    Thanks ladies. I think it’s the flu to. Certainly feels like it.. I am drinking water, bolthouse juice and Gatoraid 🙂 my fever is down from over 102 to 99.7 without meds so hopefully tomorrow it will be gone. Quan- u were in an accident? Hope ur ok. I was going to call u but I got sick.

  • quancutie23

    February 7, 2014 at 8:46 pm

    Yes Im alive so im doing ok. I dont have a car so it sucks and I had to drop out of school hopefully everything will come together

  • CrazyKosters

    February 8, 2014 at 8:26 pm

    Sorry that happened!!

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