Forums Discussions sliding down pole??

  • chemgoddess1

    September 2, 2011 at 2:02 pm

    There is a fine line between death grip and no grip.  For my students I have them do a pole hold with knees bent and when they start getting to a point that they cannot hold themselves up any longer I have them loosen their grip until they are on the ground, still on their knees.  They learn really quick how to control their grip!

  • chemgoddess1

    September 2, 2011 at 2:02 pm

    There is a fine line between death grip and no grip.  For my students I have them do a pole hold with knees bent and when they start getting to a point that they cannot hold themselves up any longer I have them loosen their grip until they are on the ground, still on their knees.  They learn really quick how to control their grip!

  • cupcake11

    September 2, 2011 at 9:20 pm

    –thanks I am going to try the knee trick this weekend.   Now, any tricks for holding on too tight with your hands?  Pole grip, then loosen…or do you have something better?

  • Mary Ellyn

    September 2, 2011 at 11:09 pm

    As Chemmie said it's a fine line between too much or not enough grip. It really just comes with practice. And then some spins you will find you slide too much and have to learn to grip tighter and others you can't slide enough and have to learn to loosen your grip without falling.

    For student who have a particularly difficult time adjusting grip to slide down from a static position like the pole hold I have them progress in the following stages:

    First, practice sliding down from a static position, like the pole hold and sliding to the floor as Chemmie mentioned – but instead plant your feet further from the pole, lean forward to grip the pole with your sternum against the pole, and instead of picking your feet up, keep your toes on the floor while you adjust your grip to slide slowly down.

    The next step from there would be to place knees on opposite sides of the pole in kneeling position and with your feet bent straight back underneath you  instead of kneeling position with them out behind you. This way you can adjust your hand grip but still have your knees for a bit of control.

    Then move up to sliding with legs bent and off the pole.


    Another important point is to keep the knees further apart…if you do lose your grip at any point and hit the floor it's better to hit the insides of the knees than to have the knees close together and slam down on your knee caps!

  • JLL05008

    September 4, 2011 at 3:35 am

    Thanks ladies!! I'm gonna give it a go and let you know if it worked

  • Lilypad

    September 4, 2011 at 4:56 am

    Not so long ago, I couldn’t slide down either, but I was doing the spins wrong. I was gripping too tightly with my dominant hand and not doing much with the other hand. Now when I go into, say, a clockwise fireman, I remember to pull the pole towards me with my right hand whilst pushing the pole away from me with my left hand. That way I can spin for longer but still slide down easy peasy. ^_^ HTH!

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