Forums Discussions smoking

  • Elyse Hauke

    November 19, 2009 at 5:39 am

    So I got on the non-smoking train and got Chantix. I am really disappointed. major sad face. It is now day 7 and I have seen no change in my cravings at all. I am hoping that it is just taking longer to build up in my system otherwise I am going to be really bummed. I have tried every other method out there and I really want to quit, but nothing so far has worked. The longest I have been able to quit is two months and I have been smoking for more than 10 years. Its time, to quit but I am losing hope. I know that Chantix isn’t the only thing that determines my quitting but it seriously isn’t doing anything for me. I dare say it seems that I am smoking more than usual and I smoke a pack a day. ahhhh. So far, its a waste of the $150 i paid for the month’s prescription.

    I haven’t given up yet though. I am going to continue to take it for the month, but if I don’t see any change, I think I am going to go back to the patch. Its way cheaper and I seemingly had better results after 1 week. I just gotta wear the patch for a longer period of time. I usually stop wearing them at the 2 week marker because I feel pretty good and don’t want to keep the nicotine in my system.

    Keeping my fingers crossed!

  • loopielou

    November 19, 2009 at 9:15 am

    I stopped a week and a half ago without anything. I have had a few days now where I’ve wanted to rip somebody’s head off, but I am determined to do it this time. My husband is on the Champix (Chantix) and he was the same as you punkrocgirlie in that he didn’t consciously feel that his cravings were reducing, but I noticed he wasn’t smoking as much – now I don’t know if that was just through willpower or not, but he also stopped a week and a half ago and seems to be doing ok as well. I think you still need the willpower even with the Chantix unfortunately I found when I took it last time to try and stop that it made me feel ill if I smoked whilst taking it, but the side effects were worse than the benefit of stopping smoking for me which is why I am going down the willpower route this time.

    Never stop giving up that’s what I say. Even if it doesn’t work this time, it might work next time – and all the money I save could buy me a new 45mm Xpole!!!

  • RoxyPink

    November 19, 2009 at 1:44 pm

    So I got on the non-smoking train and got Chantix. I am really disappointed. major sad face. It is now day 7 and I have seen no change in my cravings at all.

    AWW…It hasn’t changed the way it tastes or smells to you??? OMG after two days I couldn’t stand the smell and the taste made me sick to my stomach! But then again I am very sensitive to medication so maybe that is why it hit me so fast! Good luck and if you need to chat let me know….I haven’t smoked in 13 days and haven’t really had a single craving…now I think about it A LOT but I don’t have any cravings and I know I won’t give in bc it will just taste horrible!

    I stopped a week and a half ago without anything. ………..I found when I took it last time to try and stop that it made me feel ill if I smoked whilst taking it, but the side effects were worse than the benefit of stopping smoking for me which is why I am going down the willpower route this time.

    YAY! Loopielou!!! Fantastic!! I had issues to with some side effects (crazy assssssssss nightmares) when the dosage got up to 2- 1mg pills a day…but since I had such good results at the lower dosage, I cut it down to just 1-1mg pill a day…and seem to be fine and the nightmares have stopped thank God!

  • amy

    November 19, 2009 at 1:46 pm

    congrats and keep it up! i quit memorial day of ’08 and i still miss it, but i know i’m doing something really good for myself every day that i stay "clean" haha.

  • amcut

    November 19, 2009 at 5:43 pm

    Girlie- my mom is like you.
    When she quit (.. and I say quit like she didn’t decide to start smoking later because she’s a big fat baby and falls victim to the peer pressure of irresponsible hair dressers trying to make my mother smoke a damned cigarette) she was on chantix for at least two and a half weeks before she even started slowing her smoking down.

    She didn’t quit until the end of her month- and she took hers for four months, I think. My mom is really stubborn, so I don’t know if you’ll have to fork out the zillion dollars in chantix- but I do know that some people don’t feel it for a little while.

    When I quit, I was done when my starter pack was up- but I wished I had taken it for longer, because I LOVE chantix dreams, and still miss them.

  • Elyse Hauke

    November 20, 2009 at 2:53 am

    So I got on the non-smoking train and got Chantix. I am really disappointed. major sad face. It is now day 7 and I have seen no change in my cravings at all.

    AWW…It hasn’t changed the way it tastes or smells to you??? OMG after two days I couldn’t stand the smell and the taste made me sick to my stomach! But then again I am very sensitive to medication so maybe that is why it hit me so fast! Good luck and if you need to chat let me know….I haven’t smoked in 13 days and haven’t really had a single craving…now I think about it A LOT but I don’t have any cravings and I know I won’t give in bc it will just taste horrible!

    That’s amazing Roxy, I am really happy for you. I have quit before and the 2 week marker is like gold. I always feel really confident and woke up and found that a cigaretter wasn’t the first thing I thought about in the morning. Its a really good feeling. Keep it up girlie!

    So far, I have noticed only a teeny tiny difference in taste but nothing close to the point where it’s so disgusting I can’t stand it. I don’t mind thinking about it, as long as I don’t NEED a cigarette. But I still NEED the cigarette at this point. I think I am ok though, I mean where there is a will there is way right? My problem is that I still like smoking and as much as I want to quit there is a big part of me that still wants to smoke. Hence the Chantix. ha.

    Thanks for being there, I will defintely keep you posted. I might just need to take you up on that talk. Plus it would be nice to talk to you anyway. Are you still coming up for the Xmas Jam?

  • SissyBuns

    November 20, 2009 at 3:13 am

    So I got on the non-smoking train and got Chantix. I am really disappointed. major sad face. It is now day 7 and I have seen no change in my cravings at all.

    AWW…It hasn’t changed the way it tastes or smells to you??? OMG after two days I couldn’t stand the smell and the taste made me sick to my stomach! But then again I am very sensitive to medication so maybe that is why it hit me so fast! Good luck and if you need to chat let me know….I haven’t smoked in 13 days and haven’t really had a single craving…now I think about it A LOT but I don’t have any cravings and I know I won’t give in bc it will just taste horrible!

    That’s amazing Roxy, I am really happy for you. I have quit before and the 2 week marker is like gold. I always feel really confident and woke up and found that a cigaretter wasn’t the first thing I thought about in the morning. Its a really good feeling. Keep it up girlie!

    So far, I have noticed only a teeny tiny difference in taste but nothing close to the point where it’s so disgusting I can’t stand it. I don’t mind thinking about it, as long as I don’t NEED a cigarette. But I still NEED the cigarette at this point. I think I am ok though, I mean where there is a will there is way right? My problem is that I still like smoking and as much as I want to quit there is a big part of me that still wants to smoke. Hence the Chantix. ha.

    Thanks for being there, I will defintely keep you posted. I might just need to take you up on that talk. Plus it would be nice to talk to you anyway. Are you still coming up for the Xmas Jam?

    Hell yeah she is!

  • Charley

    December 7, 2009 at 2:08 am

    So I quit last Friday…I started with the patch and realized it was giving me a rash and making my arms hurt so I took it off. I am over a week done. So far so good. It’s been sort of cold turkey and there have been moments where I have held a cigarette and lighter in my hand and stared blankley down but haven’t lit up.

    It kind of helped when I saw my 17 year old niece smoking. I realized I had been smoking since being her age and all I could think about was how tough it is to quit and how I have wanted to quit – so I did.

    I went from a pack and a half -2 packs a day to zilch, nada, nothing. It sucks but I am hoping the day comes soon that I won’t think about it anymore.

  • LittleC

    December 7, 2009 at 2:30 am

    It gets better – the first few weeks were so bad for me that was sometimes the only thing that kept me quit, because there was no way in HELL I was ever going through it again! I also started to realize that if I had a severe craving, it would pass on it’s own even if I didn’t have a cigarette. I think that was a big fear for me, the idea that if I really wanted one it would never go away. Hang in there – it’s been almost 5 years since I quit and I am grateful every day for it.

  • Veena

    December 7, 2009 at 4:16 am
  • loopielou

    December 7, 2009 at 9:50 am

    Been a month today now for me. And I am still getting cravings, but it is getting easier by the day. I don’t think about smoking as much as I did and I would agree with LittleC in that I don’t want to start again because the hell it has been this first month stopping, I never want to have to stop again! My emotions have been all over the shop with me over-reacting to things and feeling down at times, but I still don’t want to smoke (which is good )

    Keep at it as it will get easier. Hopefully we can all still be non-smokers in a years time and much healthier for it!

  • RoxyPink

    December 7, 2009 at 1:18 pm

    Woohoo to everyone else who has decided to quit too!!!

    Rock on Charley!!!

    Those of you that quit cold turkey…bless you…you have more balls than me. I knew that I would need some sort of medical intervention…

    My update: it’s been 33 days!!!! woot!

  • SissyBuns

    December 7, 2009 at 1:23 pm

    I’m so proud of all of you quitters!!!

  • SaschaPoles

    December 7, 2009 at 8:02 pm
  • LittleC

    December 8, 2009 at 1:05 am

    Me, too! And the more people that quit, the more people there are to support others as they make that decision. I love it.

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