Forums Discussions so much pain

  • so much pain

    Posted by unicorn on February 19, 2011 at 4:15 am

    I hurt my back about 3 weeks ago ,I was practicing Inverts the previous day!

    I think I have pulled a muscle behind my shoulder blade as when I take a breath in, it hurts and I also feel pain in my chest. 3 weeks later and its still hurting, It was getting better although not completely gone. A few days ago after missing poling for a few weeks decided to do some gentle pole. just walking. dancing. no tricks, no spins and I am in Agony with that shoulder again .Cant move without feeling pain in my arm and chest.

    I hope this is not going to be an ongoing problem as I will have to give up Pole.. :0( 

    Feeling really fed up and want to get back on the pole..

    I am back to the start now with strength and stretching as I have had to stop it all!!! 

    I have been trying to gently stretch that muscle. don't know if that is a good idea or not..

    polefairy replied 14 years ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Polecat88

    February 19, 2011 at 4:36 am

    Rest! It'll recover, perhaps you were pushing yourself a little hard when you injured it.

    Relax for a while it'll come back quickly. In fact, if you're still injured you're probably a lot stronger than you think. x

  • Scarlet Thunder

    February 19, 2011 at 4:49 am

    Hi Sue, when I first started poling I pushed myself too hard with repetative inverts and did the exact same thing. It lasted about 6 weeks but eventually with rest it got better, I work on strength alot more now and havent injured myself since. Try and do some gental stretches after a hot bath. It always helped me. Don't let it dishearten you as you'll be better in no time as long as you rest and dont agrivate it.


    Hope you get better soon.

  • unicorn

    February 19, 2011 at 5:57 am

    Thanks girls.

    Its just so frustrating, I cant even hold  the pole to dance, on top of that I have hurt my wrist on the same side, so the left side of me just feels useless


     I think for a few weeks I am going to work on strength and stretch and work on my ab muscles as they are just no where to be found!!  lol! 

    My new pleasers came too and am dying to try them out   ;0(

  • PoleNerd

    February 19, 2011 at 10:27 am

    Are you able to afford physical therapy? It may help you heal faster and prevent you from injuring it again.

    I pulled a muscle in my upper back (non pole related) and a professional massage helped (once the severe pain went away). Also curious about acupuncture. Sometimes rest simply isn’t enough.

  • unicorn

    February 19, 2011 at 12:54 pm

    I am going to my doctor on Monday, he may send me to see someone to get it sorted, I would have thought after 3 weeks of rest it would have healed, kinda kicking myself for having a little pole play the other day, As its come back with a vengeance , I had a sleepless night with the pain, I cant move with it, so painful to just move my left side at all..

     Anyway Hoping the doctors can give me something or stronger pain killers



  • juvo73

    February 20, 2011 at 4:38 pm

    I tried something similar, but was less injured.
    Be VERY carefull not to damage your rotatoer cuff as well.
    It is THE most common mistake and by far under estimated by new polers (like me haha)

    Please do a google search for the rotator cuff and poleing, you will find a lot of valuable information about it. If you do get a damage to the cuff, it can be permanent and then you are done poling!

    Be good to yourself, build up strength and listen to your body and accept your limits and know that it takes time to expand them 🙂

    Best wishes, Julie

  • polefairy

    February 20, 2011 at 4:45 pm

    I hurt my hamstring a few months back and was told to rest it as much as possible but of course even after a few days of rest, the day to day wear and tear of walking to and from work, walking up stairs etc all prevented the pain from fully going away. I ended up in agony for close to three weeks so I gave accupuncture a try. I remained sore all that day but woke up the next morning with no hamstring pain at all (my skin hurt from the accupressure massage) but the injury seemed to have healed overnight. I heard injuries to the hamstring are prone to returning a few times a year but at least I know something works if it happens again. Maybe you could look into it for your back if it doesn't heal soon.

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