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sore wrist = no pole :( help!
Posted by HannahElizabeth on October 26, 2011 at 4:39 amI've hurt my wrist somehow – no idea what I've done but the only thing I can think is that I put too much pressure on it whilst doing split stretches or something.
anyway it's been sore for over a week now – by sore I mean it hurts when I flex my hand too far backwards or forwards. It's not massivley effecting me in every day life but I'm worried if I pole I will damamge it even more and it will take longer to heal since so much pressure is puton the wrists when poling.
Has anyone else had this feeling in their wrist? The was no visiable swelling or other symptoms other than pain whilst flexin
I also don't know whether it's the kind of thing that you have to keep using so it doesn't seize up or whether it's best to leave it to heal naturally. I've worn a bandage and don't really think it's worth going to doctors for since it is only affecting pole and as I say there aren't any noticeable symptoms
Does anyone know of any strenthing exercises I can do to keep my pole strength without putting too much pressure on my wrist? I'm going into my second week without being able to pole now and it's killing me!
nolaelle replied 13 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 13 Replies -
13 Replies
Hi Hannah! I didn't hurt my wrist but hurt my elbow about a month ago. It's the same, hurts when I flex it or straighten it but very minor pain and I don't notice it during the day when at work etc. I was in an elbow grip straight edge and my body was sorta floating around the pole a bit and my balance point went overhead in a different way and I heard my lower supporting arm elbow crack/pop. Came back down expecting a terrible injury but had no pain. Now I just have that very very minor hurty feeling sometimes. I got a elbow brace off ebay for it and put it on tight when I pole, that helps HEAPS!!! and at night I sleep with the brace on with magnets in it I swear they have helped a bit too. Maybe try a wrist brace to support it while it heals?
Hi Hannah!
Sorry to hear that you’re having trouble with your wrist. I had a similar problem about a year ago – I didn’t fall from the pole or anything but I developed an ache on the outside of my wrist. It was sore when I moved it and I’d sometimes get pain after poling. I thought it would go away so I took it as easy as I could (easier said than done!) but it didn’t improve. I went to a physio in the end and he diagnosed me with a compressed (ulnar) nerve which required me to wear a brace and rest for a few weeks. I would recommend resting for a while if at all possible. Wrists are temperamental and mine has taken a while to get back to 100%. Seek professional advice if you can – I saw an NHS physio (as I’m UK based) really quickly but pharmacists can be of some help too.
That aside, I now do wrist flex exercises on a regular basis to keep it strong. I rest my forearm on a table with my wrist dangling over the edge and flex up or down in every position possible. Its quite a small movement but it makes a big difference. I use small dumbells or a spare section of pole as a weight but bare in mind that a) its a good idea to start with a low weight and work up and b) don’t do strengthening exercises until after you’ve rested or you may inflame it more. I also carry a tennis ball around with me for squeezing to improve my grip strength and I try to incorporate some wrist rolls into it while I’m doing it.
Hope that this helps and that you’re better really soon!
Shellectra, thanks for mentioning about magnets! I've used them before and it just didn't even cross my mind time, so I put one on yesterday and within 24 hours I really think it's helped 🙂
& Doodlebug thanks for the tips about wrist exercises. I'm UK based too and it's handy to know that the pharmacists can help with things like that as I didn't know that before now!
Going to try and do some light pole now it's feeling better. Thanks ladies!
I have wrist issues also…turns out it is arthritis ( make me feel so old lol) in my wrists from the job I have…a friend suggested that I wear a wrist brace at night (keeps it straight) because at night we tend to curl our writs under our chins or elsewhere and leave them like that all night which causes more pain… I started wearing the brace at night at it has made a HUGE difference!!
My wrist pain turned out to be issues with extensors and flexors in my forearm (which don't hurt) which were pinching the nerves running thru my wrist. I learned this from PT (injured shoulder and arm falling down my stairs).
Solution … stretching stretching stretching! Veena has specific stretches for this, which I had ignored, thinking How big a deal can those silly little stretches be???
I use both Veena's stretches, and massage against the pole (same idea as foam roller) to iron those babies out!
I pissed my wrist off for a while. Get a wrist brace, wear it all day for a week and see how it feels after that.
i did 3 hours of handstands and bridges once and my left wrist felt really strange after– as though it needed to pop. i didn't have full range either, i felt a dull pain when i tried to do wrist circles.
ignored it for 2 weeks then finally went to see someone. turns out i had dislocated two of the small wrist bones and partially torn some of the connective tissue.
my honest advice is see a doctor, chiro, acupuncturist, someone… just in case.
Try massaging it and "light" pole work until it gets better. Hope it does soon! Don't worry, you can always work on your tricks once it heals properly. Find out if it is also from typing or writing, or anything else you can attribute your pain too(even blow-drying your hair). Good luck!
I had wrist problem 2 years ago due to not enough warm up before poling. I stayed off my pole for 2 months as advised by doctors but 2 months later my wrist was still not better and I was getting depressed from no pole. It even bothered me when I use keyboard during the day at work, and I am a computer programmer. What really helped was when I started to do light workout on pole again, such as doing spins on static pole. I would make sure I had enough warm up and do lots of wrist flexes before attempting, and I was amazed to find out after each workout my wrist felt warm and painless. Wearing a wrist band might be a good idea during pole workout, but I would suggest not wearing one during the day, because I think the body tend to comfortably adapt to the environment. The more assistance you are giving your body to achieve the result, the less hard your body would work by itself. But do lots of wrist exercises during the day whenever you get a chance. Veena has lots of them. Good luck, hope your wrsit heal soon!
Yes, I feel I have the same problem.. kinda hurts (pinchy) if I flex a little too far up or down. Started with my right wrist, but now it seems like I have a little bit of this pain in my left (ulnar)side as well. Not sure what's wrong. I've been off it for about 4-5 weeks already.
@amy… how did they find out that you have something dislocated or that you've torn connective tissue? Do you have to have an x ray or MRI? MRI can see connective tissue but x rays can't?
Also, when ppl are referring to a "physio" do they mean physical therapist? They can diagnose?
My wrist was sore for several weeks during the summer. I'm not sure exactly what I did, but it starting hurting the day after a poling session. It just felt strained, it wasn't swollen or anything. Wearing a wrist brace helped a lot I think. In order to give that wrist a rest, but still keep up my workouts, I did some one-handed poling. It was kind of interesting. I worked on one-handed spins and I was able to climb up one step to do a crucifix
My wrist was sore for several weeks during the summer. I'm not sure exactly what I did, but it starting hurting the day after a poling session. It just felt strained, it wasn't swollen or anything. Wearing a wrist brace helped a lot I think. In order to give that wrist a rest, but still keep up my workouts, I did some one-handed poling. It was kind of interesting. I worked on one-handed spins and I was able to climb up one step to do a crucifix
This same thing happened to me last week! I think it totally had to do with not enough warming up before a pole class (not my usual one).
I just graduated to a wrist brace because I take the bus everywhere and holding my arm up keeps agitating it.These posts were super helpful. I think I’ll take an unfortunate break, do Veena’s stretches and wait to see. I wish my insurance was better right about now
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