Forums Discussions std testing

  • std testing

    Posted by halfjack on February 1, 2010 at 8:51 am

    I know this is not helping anything making this topic but I can’t help it…I’m off to get a full std screening today and I’m just terrified. It’s not like I’ve had millions of sexual partners or anything, but I did sleep with a friend 4 years ago and we didnt use protection , and with my current boyfriend I’m on the pill so we don’t use condoms. I got tested for most things after sleeping with both of them and came out clear…but my bf and I broke up for a few months last year and I didnt sleep with anyone else but I know he did, so I wanna be tested again.

    Also I’ve never had a blood test for HIV etc. Mainly because the doctor didnt seem that bothered about doing it on both occasions and also because I’m just flipping terrified…I KNOW its irrational and I KNOW that if I tested positive for something then it would be much better to be able to be treated early….but it doesn’t make a difference in my irrational mind.
    Half the time I think "look the chances are you havent even GOT anything so just go and get tested and then at least you’ll know for sure, its FINE" and then the other half of the time I’m just an irrational, paranoid, wreck!

    My friend says that they only contact you if you’ve got something and if you havent heard from them in 2 weeks its fine. But if I get tested for everything and then they find I have something and then they call me up to come into the clinic again…I’m blatantly going to assume the worst…I’ll definitely assume it means I have HIV as opposed to something less scary like chlamydia.

    Gah. My mind just keeps rolling with "What ifs??" I can’t stand it. I was inspired to go and get checked out by Glitters post, I’m gonna ask them to give me a smear (pap) test too…I know it’s better to know than to not know…but I can’t help how terrified I am. I know its selfish of me to be terrified because I probably don’t even have anything but still.
    Weird thing is I’m not even particually scared for myself. I’m more scared about telling my boyfriend/ my family if I have something.
    ANYWAY. I’m off to go get tests now…sorry for ranting…

    halfjack replied 15 years ago 7 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • amcut

    February 1, 2010 at 10:37 am

    I don’t think STDs are as frightening as..
    the potential baby mama call.

    And that one- well, the callback isn’t just for two weeks of worry. 18 years, 18 years. LOL

    I always think, I’ve been with my husband 5 years. That means the kid will be at least 5 years old. The crunch years where he’s asking where the father is. … 3 more years until we’re probably safe from my husband’s sordid past.

    Yeah. I’m kidding.
    Good luck anyways, girl!

  • Layla Duvay

    February 1, 2010 at 11:44 am

    I’ve been through this too and it’s FREAKY!! You imagine all sorts. You’re doing the right thing, venting here. It helps a bit and we’re here for you, girl! "Potential baby mama call…" ha, ha, ha! Amcut, you’re soooooo right!

  • halfjack

    February 1, 2010 at 8:01 pm

    Hehe amcut… baby mama call!! Yeah I’m looking forward to worrying about that one!
    Thanks Polephile! Honestly…I’m just an idiot…I’m such a hyperchondriac. If I read too much stuff on the internet I start being CONVINCED that I have symptoms of it, however vague the symptoms are.

    I went and I actually feel a LOT better now. Like obviously I’m still really worried about the result but the nurse was so nice because I was obviously so scared. I was also asking to a re-prescription of the pill….and they have to take your blood pressure for it, and I was so scared about getting the HIV part of the test that my blood pressure was stupidly high…she had to take it FOUR times to get an accurate result and tell me "imagine youre on a beach and everything is calm…breathe"
    She told me that with my sexual history she very much doubted I had HIV but it was good I was getting a test anyway, and…yeah basically she was just great, It’s definitely better that I get tested anyway, as opposed to just sitting around putting it off. I got a smear test too.So hopefully everything will be okay. Just gotta wait it out.

  • Audball

    February 1, 2010 at 8:40 pm

    I’m pretty sure i’d rather be pregnant wit octuplets than find out i have HIV! So I understand you feel halfjack. I was actually thinking about doing a full test over the xmas break but kinda chickened out. Well done for doing it. Now I must do it! You’e reminded me! No excuses! Might as well ge the bf to come along too. I guess it’s gone to find out if you’ve got chlamydia, because it’s totally treatable and all that.

    Well anyway, thanks for encouraging me to do it, and well done on being brave!! (Hope the results are okay, i’m sure they will be!)

  • Audball

    February 1, 2010 at 8:42 pm

    And i’ve also had the blood pressure problem. They told me they wouldn’t renew my prescription if my BP was too high, so I got all stressed out and it shot up! Luckily managed to get it down in time and left will my pills in hand! Lol

  • glitterhips

    February 1, 2010 at 9:13 pm

    I’m glad you were inspired to get a pap smear because of my post! It really is SOOO important to stay on top of these things…..I totally understand you worrying (my biopsy is tomorrow and I’m a train wreck right now) but it’s so much better to find out if you do have something and get it treated and taken care of than letting it go unnoticed because you’re too scared to find out. It’s awesome you’re getting an HIV test, even though it probably is very unlikely you have it it’s still a good thing to find out. The pap smear is the only way you can detect HPV and I’m totally not saying you have it but it is extremely common among people who have had a few partners, I had only had one partner and I ended up getting it! But the good news is if you do end up having something which hopefully you dont, almost all STI’s are treatable and can be taken care of if you stay on top of them. I have been dealing with this HPV/abnormal pap smear thing for going on four years and it is beyond a pain in the ass not to mention emotionally and physically stressful from having all sorts of gadgets shoved in my cooter…..but if I had gone these four years and never been tested there’s a good chance I would have the beginning stages of cervical cancer and they might have to take pretty drastic measures to treat me for it. I know it’s scary to wait, but in the end it’s much better to know if there is something wrong and take care of it than be in denial and have to do something really drastic/life threatening to treat it. Be proud of yourself for going, I will send you positive thoughts! Keep us posted on your results which I hope are positive

  • halfjack

    February 1, 2010 at 10:38 pm

    Aww thanks aud…yeah the blood pressure thing was funny, I just knew it was gonna be high though, throughout the whole appointment my heart was just BOOM BOOM BOOM so fast in my chest! Definitely do go and get checked out, I feel so much better now (though obviously nervous) but at least I feel I’m being pro-active. And yeah chlamydia is totally treatable and easy to deal with but if its left untreated it can lead to infertility and all kinds of horribleness :S And yeah make your bf come with, it would have been so nice to have someone there for support…(of course mine was in edinburgh so I couldnt drag him along this time but im definitely gonna make him get tested too.)

    Glitter…I wish you so so so so much luck with your biopsy tomorrow…it must be so scary for you. I got the pap smear as well and those results come seperately so heres hoping theyll be okay as well. *fingers crossed* Thank you so much for inspiring me to get just an overall check up…its something I’ve been meaning to do for so long and its just kind of been building up and building up and the longer I left it the more scared I would get. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow, sending good thoughts your way too!

  • glitterhips

    February 1, 2010 at 11:30 pm

    Aw thank you so much! I am nervous but hoping for the best…I know I’m not going to die even if it does turn out not so good so that’s slightly comforting I will keep everyone posted as soon as I hear anything, I am so blessed to have everyone’s support from here! You are all such a wonderful family!

  • SadiraSimone

    February 2, 2010 at 5:40 am

    Halfjack and Glitterhips I will be thinking of you both and wish you both the very best.

    I just wanted to take a minute to say that, I wish that during whatever "sex education" we got as youngsters that the educators really took the time to really explain the risks of not using certain contraceptions. (I know that parents should also be responsible for helping their kids understand – but I guess I’m just speaking generally.)

    I too, got caught up in the moment had had unprotected sex with a guy or two in college – granted, I was on the pill, but that made me sort-of think that I was invincible. My partners were people that I was either in a serious relationship with or knew really well so I trusted them, but what if they hadn’t been honest with me after all? When I was younger I just didn’t always think things through like that! And I think that most young people have an experience like that.

    Halfjack, I went through the full testing about 5 years ago and I was terrified too! On one hand I really wanted to know because I found myself in love with a really great person, but on the other hand I wondered how I would tell my partner (if my tests came up positive with something) that I had possibly endangered his well-being. I knew he would be understanding, but it didn’t make me feel much better

    I feel that if we really knew the sort-of silent dangers that lurk out there like HPV as teenagers and young 20-somethings, we’d be more likely to be more careful (certainly never even considered HPV back then). I was fortunate enough to have my tests come up negative, but like glitter said – it can only take one partner.

    HJ – I wish you the best with your test results, and I am really glad that you are getting tested!
    Glitter – I will continue to sent you good and healing energy and I hope that you stay in good health all around!

    I realize that I can’t solve the world’s problems in a forum, but I just wanted to express my thoughts for a minute – thanks for listening.

  • Gsylass

    February 2, 2010 at 8:03 pm

    I totally agree with you!! They are so softly-softly in sex ed at school, and I did biosciences at uni and we came out of the lecture on STDs saying if only they taught us like that at school!

    I had the full range of checks done before I got married, and yes it was terrifying both having objects shoved up inside my lady business and the blood extraction (so yeah I’m a wimp, I hate needles, and I hate having popsicle sticks wiped around my nethers too!) and waiting for the results, but at least when the results came back I knew as certainly as I could that everything was ok. And if it hadn’t been, then I’d’ve known and been semi-prepared for whatever life threw at me!

    Sending thoughts your way, hope everything is fine for you **hugs**

  • halfjack

    February 15, 2010 at 11:33 am

    Just to update everyone…I got my results today…negative for EVERYTHING

    I almost cried when I read it, it was just one of those things that I let build up in my mind so much…as soon as I’d get a cold I’d be like "omg…HIV!" Very very very VERY stupid.

    But…YAY!!!!!! Thanks for the support everyone it means a lot!!!!!

  • Layla Duvay

    February 15, 2010 at 2:11 pm

    HOORAY!!! I’m SO relieved for you!

  • Gsylass

    February 15, 2010 at 7:32 pm

    Oh that’s wonderful news!! Thanks for letting us know!

  • glitterhips

    February 16, 2010 at 4:18 am
  • halfjack

    February 17, 2010 at 3:42 pm

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