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stickin to the pole!
Posted by MiszPheonix on September 16, 2009 at 8:38 pmi’m having a HUGE problem having my skin stick to the pole. i can do a pole sit, but whenever i ATTEMPT a gemini or a crucifix i can’t even let go of the pole cause i’m slippin down. i’m trying to squeeze as best as i can and i still slip. it may only be a little bit sometimes, or ill just fall completely.
pllleeassseee what can i be doing wrong?
or does it just get easier the longer i keep trying?Veena replied 15 years, 6 months ago 10 Members · 14 Replies -
14 Replies
A lot factors into having good grip with the pole….The type of finish, size, your skin type, humidity, if the room is hot or cold and if your body has been properly warmed up. Also proper technique…of course. If your body isn’t warmed up and you have a cold pole, moves will be difficult. This article might help you figure out why your having trouble.
mighty grip! mighty grip! mighty grip! lol.
At first i had trouble sticking to the pole due to super sweaty hands. And I would already be warmed up and everything… And then, i bought mighty grip. best thing ever for a person like me.
sitting on the pole, doing a hangback, and a crucifix. not a problem though. at big thighs are useful for something/ lol.
good luck!
will mighty grip work on my inner thighs?
I use windex. It works on my pole and on me just fine.
On top of everything Veena and the other posters have said, you might find it is your strength in your legs too. For crucifix (or inverted crucifix, if that’s what you mean?) you are squeezing the pole as tight as you can between your legs, which means tensing all your calves, hamstring, quads, even pushing your ankles and toes towards the pole to get maximum grip.
With a gemini – well I’m not sure if you mean outside leg hand or inside leg hang, coz the names scorpio and gemini get mixed up so much. If you mean your outside leg – you need to be right in the crook of the knee, and the stronger your hamstrings are, the better your ‘knee pit’ grip will be. If you mean inside leg hang, then try with your top off or rolled up to get some grip along your torso. Definitely don’t wear sleeves coz you will use skin near your armpit to grip for these moves too. Good luck!
will mighty grip work on my inner thighs?
from my experience. It does work, but it gives you MAJOR pole burn as your sliding down.I thought it was a genious idea at the time. Which turned out to be well…. ingenious. lol.
I think you may be using too much product. A small amount is good, more is not better.
different things work better or worse for different people as veena pointed out. and depending on room warmth, pole finish ect.
some products to try (some you will have in the house)
I love itac. but I like to dot it on the pole not on myself (karol helms saved my butt literally in jamaica by letting me borrow hers for the showcase)
gel shave cream
corn huskers lotion (good for people with dry skin not sweaty!)
these work well for me, however I will say I have the driest skin on earth. if you are a sweaty person might not work well for you at all.
/sigh 🙁
I have having so much trouble sticking to my pole. I can't do a sit or anything that involves gripping the pole with my thighs.
Is it because I have such small thighs? or maybe lack of strength in that area?
Can someone tell me which moves are beneficial to improve my grip?
Thanks in advance.
ITAC!!!!!! is my best friend!!! i know a lot of polers that hate the stuff, but i find if i put it on about 30 min before poling, my natural body heat warms it up and i feel like i stick to the pole but dont get STUCK if that makes any sense???
No one product is the answer for every one or every situation.
Mighty Grip should be applied after warm ups and stretching. The product is heat activated; the warmer the body the better the grip. Most people use too much. A little goes a very long way.
Kozmiclove, I can't stress this enough…make sure you are fully warmed up if your cold and your pole is cold you will not have grip. If your taking the online lessons here this is a great warm up for you and your pole! I have small thighs to so part of a pole sit it technique but really being really warm is soooo helpful when working with leg grips.
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