Forums Discussions stretching while sore?

  • stretching while sore?

    Posted by vamp79 on July 3, 2011 at 8:16 am

    I’ve been wondering what everyone does…today I woke up very sore from my workout yesterday and I would love to stretch anyways. However I know that my range on motion is going to be horrible because all my muscles hurt. Do I stretch anyways or will it be for nothing since I won’t ne able to stretch as far as I usually go?

    vamp79 replied 13 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Runemist34

    July 3, 2011 at 10:03 am

    Generally I find it very helpful to stretch when I'm sore, but not stretch to increase my flexibility…more to get rid of some of the soreness!

    When you're sore, you HAVE to be gentle with yourself. You're a lot more fragile now than any other time…at least, I know I am! So, stretch a little bit…because, yes, it's gonna friggen hurt, but you'll feel a bit better afterwords 😉

  • reenie aka Mysfit

    July 3, 2011 at 3:12 pm

    If you did a workout yesterday and are extremely sore today—You overdid it. DOMS(Delayed onset muscle Soreness) -the normal stiffness within muscle fibres after workouts—Should start around 36-48hrs post workout. Doms can kick in earlier, but it shouldn't cause you to be extremely sore as you mentioned….

    Were you doing a whole bunch of new exercises?

    Runemist is on the right track—-gentle stretching and active rest(cardio, mimicking the exercises without any resistance or weight, and gentle stretching) will help flush out the lactic acid.

    Just take it easy~~

    Did you complete a good full stretch post workout? This is an extremely important part and should never be skipped. As I tell my clients—Warm up and cool down and not optional—they are MANDATORY. No room for debate….lol


  • vamp79

    July 3, 2011 at 7:13 pm

    I did some new exercises but they didn’t seem that hard. I did legs and back from p90x and then some of veenas ab and upper body exercises. I can barely walk now, everything hurts, even more now than this morning. Ugh… I did stretch earlier and will stretch lightly again before going to bed. Hopefully I will wake up better tomorrow.

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