Forums Discussions studios & studio veena

  • studios & studio veena

    Posted by Anonyma on November 18, 2012 at 5:56 pm

    just wondering if the studios let their students know about studio veena

    does your instructors tell you about the existence of this place or you found out by yourself? 

    did you stop going to your studio because you found it was better to learn at home ?


    Lee lee replied 12 years, 3 months ago 16 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • CapFeb

    November 18, 2012 at 6:05 pm

    The two studios I’ve been to in phx both refer to SV pretty frequently.

    “I saw your post on Veena, that was awesome.”

    “Did you see so and so’s performance on Studio Veena? She did this amazing trick combo. It was blah to blahblah to blah.”

    Things like that. But I know some studios don’t.

  • chemgoddess1

    November 18, 2012 at 6:35 pm

    When I was teaching I told peopel about it all the time.  Where I go for play also knows about it but some poeple are just not as obsessed as I am about pole.  A lot of people do not hav eth dedication to learn things on their own if they have a decent stidio offering classes.

  • Krissykiki

    November 18, 2012 at 6:45 pm

    I used to attend classes at a studio but left as it wasn't the best fit for me. I found studioveena on my own about a month after i started poling 🙂

  • Layla Duvay

    November 18, 2012 at 8:13 pm

    I left a studio a couple of years ago because I was learning more on this site than I was at that patricular studio!

  • Saphyre

    November 18, 2012 at 8:32 pm

    I found out about this site from my first instructor, Glitterhips! Otherwise, I don't think I would have ever heard about it. I think my current instructor gets a little annoyed with me because I refer to this site all the time. Haha! At this point, I am still able to learn from my studio. It is newer and the instructors are newer to pole as well. They are still definiltely more advanced than I am, but there may come a time when I start to catch up enough that it won't be advantageous (especially financially)  for me to continue taking the classes. When I learn something new in class, I head straight to SV to watch a tutorial to get a better understanding of it. I suspect that, eventually I will rely on SV and the occassional private lesson for my continued education.

  • Aviva

    November 18, 2012 at 8:59 pm

    Yeah, what Chemg said, verbatim.  

  • Maria-Elena Kadala

    November 18, 2012 at 9:20 pm

    Yes, I told the instructors at my new studio, and they both signed on.

    Veena is a terrici resource in many regards, it supplements what we learn in class, but doesn't replace classroom instruction (unless one has no access to classes).  There's a wealth of information not just on pole moves, but conditioning, stretching … plus the community of other dancers!

  • JBStarryEyedGirl

    November 19, 2012 at 12:26 am

    I tell everyone! Other instructors, students, and friends! Even strangers lol. I think this is a pretty remarkable site, with a strong community, and an incredible amount of knowledge that is shared. This was made to shared, POLE LOVE <3

  • MichelleH

    November 19, 2012 at 7:21 am

    As an instructor, I'm usually too busy teaching to talk too much about SV but I definitely promote it; and maybe more importantly, I agree with promoting it (too busy isn't just an excuse for 'I don't want my students to learn from anyone but me!')


    Most importantly, when a sell a girl a pole for home, I make sure to promote SV! That is the kinda girl who is looking for guidance outside of the studio!

  • firebird

    November 19, 2012 at 10:33 am

    Interesting ?… Where I teach, there is no set policy on whether we promote anything in particular or not, it’s really an independent matter that varies by person. I know 2 others there have told me they are not fans of SV for their own unique reasons, but marvel that I get so much great pole-related info (just in general, besides learning how to do things on the pole) out of it myself! I find this phenomenon quite curious… I don’t know about the other instructors, I don’t get to interface much w/them… That all said, since I myself AM a fan, I do promote it in my own ways, and not really intentionally either. I treat SV just like one more resource for polers, just like any other, like talking abt grip aids, or pole clothes, or good places to go see strippers, or pole events/competitions/etc… So I certainly mention it if it comes up or I remember bc of s’thing relevant. Like for instance, when I 1st discovered the Janeiro pose on here, I was so excitedly sharing abt it w/a bunch of our students while 5 of us were in a car together driving to a local event. Similarly w/Orion move… A couple times I’ve even forwarded links to some of my students (or fellow instructors) of discussion threads on topics they are specifically dealing with (pole brands/finishes, grip problems, hosting showcases, and so many more…). So I’m not saying “oh go to SV and buy her lessons” – that’s their call. Actually, I lie, bc I did do that once w/a great student who was just starting & wanted to continue but was moving across the country to some new town where she’d already checked & found NO pole studio there. But I am making people (in general) aware of its existence by sharing info/resources w/them off SV — up to them to even check out what I share w/them! I also agree w/person above, that when I’m w/students in front of me, whether actively teaching a class or not, OMG I am non-stop busy, so this is all only really a matter of whether “it comes up”.

  • JhennD

    November 20, 2012 at 1:12 am

    Studio owner- lead instructor : no. But she mentions ‘ YouTube and other poler videos’
    My friend instructors I introduced them to Veena. In class they ask for me to review a spin, and modification – ‘can’t remember how I should do the grip on…. Jhenn get on Veena’.
    I like being at the studio for ideas, correction, ‘you too?’ moments, and now currently a pole. I can’t (fear of ethical agreement) for privacy post videos, so studio is a great feedback.

  • Danielle Tillie

    November 20, 2012 at 10:43 am

    I recommend joining the site to my students for sure! That’s why there are many Bella Forza ladies on here. This site is so fantastic for motivation and pole info that I feel like I’d be holding back this wonderful pole secret from my students if I didn’t tell them. I actually gave some students in my beginner class my card today and reminded them that Studio Veena is a link on my website. So yeah, I promote this site. 🙂

  • Charley

    November 20, 2012 at 12:16 pm

    I encourage students to come here, some sign up for lessons but the rule is they aren't allowed to do advanced stuff without permission.  I look at SV as an amazing resource for my students – they can use this tool to help them remember moves, alignment and how to correctly do it.  I just did a 16 hour dance instensive and to be honest I have already forgotten too much – so having a place to review with proper technique is important.

    I know some studios feel that people will stop coming if they can do Veena but for me because I stress safety so much and taking the move into a sequence I have never had anyone drop me for Veena.  Infact those who take with Veena ENJOY coming to me because we review, spot and take what they learn here to another levl – and if they can't remember a spin or how to do it – they come HERE and get the proper information so when they get back to me we can spend less time on review and move forward into variations, sequences, etc.

    For those who are cash strapped -as I ALWAYS am – some do online lessons with Veena then a monthly or bi-weekly private with me.

  • jkpolegirl

    November 20, 2012 at 10:25 pm

    I always promote veena!! I’ve learned so much and have gotten a couple girls to join the site

    I understand some owners or instructors would be worried about losing clients…. but the one thing studioveena doesn’t give you is that class atmosphere where u get instant feedback and correction and cheers…….. so if you are losing clients I think its more of how the business is run and possible inadequate instructors

    I do know of a studio that doesn’t promote studioveena and the reasons above are in my opinion why they don’t share

  • Charley

    November 20, 2012 at 11:06 pm

    jkpolegirl – I have heard the above arguements myself and concur – the classroom is a different experience and an important one with the proper environment.

    SV provides the 24/7 studio experience and there are things that are different but I feel and I can tell everyone on this thread does too that I wantmy students to excel as best they can.  I have a hard enough time posting REVIEWS much less full on tutorials – that takes a TON of time.  It's much easier to say "wanna get bett4r faster, log onto SV, buy the lessons, review the stuff we did in class and I'll just post the choreo we did."  i could not imagine having the time to edit and post each move plus how the choroe i taught.  GEEEZZZ, lol!

    SV works perfectly for how I teach and offers a lot of extra instruction for a fair price and a cheaper price than it would be to pay for me.  My excelerated program REQUIRES SV membership.

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