Forums Discussions superman drop

  • Charley

    July 12, 2009 at 3:36 pm

    DId you see Redke7’s tutorial? That is what I worked off after I initially got it. I still can’t do it no handed. It’s scary for sure!

  • SaschaPoles

    July 16, 2009 at 3:29 am

    wait, are you wanting to drop into the gemini? or bend back up into the SM? red has an awesome tutorial on how to do the gemini-superman-gemini combo, but i can’t even do the SM yet so i can’t give advice on that

  • Foxy_Rei

    July 16, 2009 at 1:26 pm

    Redke’s tutorial is to a scorpio, not a gemini… she listed it wrong at one point I guess. (I suppose you could do it to a gemini, maybe??? I haven’t tried)

    Here’s the link to Redke’s tutorial just in case… She puts in written stuff in the video instead of talking so maybe that would help you:

  • RoxyPink

    July 17, 2009 at 5:48 pm

    This is such a scary move for me! I’ve tried it to both a gemini and a scorpio…gemini is easier, but scorpio is less painful!

  • Foxy_Rei

    July 18, 2009 at 11:28 pm

    It’s easier to a gemini??? Hmmm… I may have to try that.

    And yes, I can do this move, I just never posted about it or put it in a video yet… It still needs perfecting. I only have 7′ ceilings so half of the time I do my superman I’m not far enough off the floor to drop anywhere. Also my superman still hurts like a b*tch because of all the lovely humidity we’ve been having; makes pole burn 5 times worse. I do it to scorpio, so I may have to give it a try to gemini if I don’t slide half-way down the pole in the process, hehe.

  • pole-twista

    July 19, 2009 at 2:30 pm

    thanks for the link! she is so amazing! i have a laptop (finally) but still waiting for internet connection ( should be today or tommorow ) so will give it a try when can have the comp. in same room so can watch as i try. all this time i have had a desktop on 2nd floor and the pole i use is on 3rd fl. so have to try to remember what goes where when trying new moves. this 1 does look a little scary but that hasnt stopped me yet! lol

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