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superman help
Posted by lucifairy on April 9, 2012 at 4:34 amSo I’ve been working on superman for what seems like forever. I can get into position and do the flip fine. The trouble is I can’t let go. It feels unsafe and like if I do I’m gonna faceplant the floor. Does anyone have any idea what am doing wrong as I reeeally want to nail this move 🙁
lucifairy replied 12 years, 11 months ago 7 Members · 8 Replies -
8 Replies
A video always helps. Also, try this from the floor first to see what it is like. You can either get into it from a plank or you can stand with your back facing the pole, walk your feet back as far as you can and then just lift them. Good luck.
Sounds like you aren’t dropping your hips enough or setting your top hand high enough. Look at some pics of people doing it and try to emulate the spacing of hand and hips.
Check out my video….trying to get superman. I wasnt letting the hips slide down, there for almost face planted! Then i learned to dop my hips and the last move of my sexy video i posted last night u can see what i do to nail it. Good luck!
I struggled with this move for about 6 months! The key for me was letting the hips drop, you'll probably spin a little bit which feels scary, but once you drop the hips and get the legs nice and tight it should all fall into place. I've got videos of me not getting it, then getting it 🙂
Practicing from the floor helps to get the feel for it, lie face down then get up on your tiptoes.
Good luck!
I've been trying this move from the floor, too! I don't quite understand this "letting the hips drop" part. Every time I tried, I just ended up sliding farther down the pole, till I didn't have any left and I was on the floor…and my head and feet were still farther down than my hips!
Any suggestions there?
A few suggestions–Super man is a close(not exact–but close) opposite of a plank.
Once you get into the superman part—you still need to engage those legs, lock those ankles(if you are still corssing them),turns those knees and squeeze……..
I generally teach this move with crossed ankles for safety, and to develop a better understanding of the required muscle engagement. Once the form is great and the strength is there–we will uncross the ankles for a more advanced version.
The hip dropping part- When planking—we press the hips up, engaging the core , butt and legs at same time.
In superman—pressing the hips towards the floor–causing a slight arch in the lower back is what "dropping" hips is really about.
A video would be great help…
Let us know if any of this assists in helping any of you get into the superman.
Also–If you guys have Veenas Lessons—here is the link to the superman lesson.
Thanks girls. Tried tonight and realised I’m doing the opposite to dropping my hips and arching Tryon to put myself in a straight line!! Will try again tomorrow and post vid 🙂
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