Forums Discussions thigh rest…why oh why is it so hard??

  • PoleNerd

    February 25, 2011 at 9:12 am

    I'm a beginner and this is a move I get, though it's definitely not easy. It uses a lot of bicep and ab strength – my bicep is always sore after practicing this move! Also have  bruises where my thigh "rests." That said, I can't hold this move for long.

    Have you tried it on both sides?

    Also, have you tried it on spin mode? Not sure if Veena would recommend that, but I find it easier.

    I found that by lifting my inside leg (the thigh that rests) first helped me 'get it,' though it ultimately made the move more difficult; it's not what Veena shows in her vid. I watched her video about 20 times to understand the movement and learn to lift my outside leg up first.

    Think of tilting your body back instead of just lifting your legs up – Veena shows the body tilt (effortlessly, heh) in her video.


  • Veena

    February 25, 2011 at 9:31 am

    I do show to lift the inside leg first 🙂

  • PoleNerd

    February 25, 2011 at 10:03 am

    agh, sorry Veena…maybe I was thinking of which leg to step with first? That definitely helped me.

    Does it actually matter which leg you raise first? I rememer the part where you first placed your inside leg agains the pole, but when you did the move again it looked like you were raising the outside leg first…maybe I just have to watch it again.

  • poleluvndallas

    February 25, 2011 at 10:03 am

    I worked on this move at the studio for a few weeks, and was literally pissed at myself for not getting it. I went home and watched veenas lessons and got it. my issue was failure to squeeze once that inside thigh makes pole contact .contracting the abs and squeezing that quad tightens up your tuck, giving your other leg an opportunity to make pole contact without as much slippage. it was also easier for me to do the open leg “v” version first.

  • polefairy

    February 25, 2011 at 10:51 am

    ''I Have placed some of these more difficult moves in beginner because they are strength builders….if you can't hold your own body weight you should not be doing spins!''


    I was not critisizing you for putting it in the beginner section, I was saying I'm disappointed myself for not being able to do it. Also, in relation to holding your own body weight and spins etc, I can hold myself up in many of the other holds and strenght exercises so it probably is down to poor technique here.

  • Veena

    February 25, 2011 at 11:16 am

    Oh no, no, fairy, I didn’t mean you personally shouldn’t be doing spins. I was simply pointing out again why its placed in beginner. As you said there are other moves that can be used to gadge strength.

  • Cherry87

    February 25, 2011 at 7:43 pm

    Looks like I need to work alot on my biceps then. And my abs.

    Thanks so much for all your help!

  • EagleSpirit

    February 26, 2011 at 9:28 pm

    I'm having the same trouble with this move. Are you supposed to use just arm and core strength to hold yourself up? Or are you supposed to squeeze with your "resting" leg against the pole to help?

    I, too, can do a number of moves beyond this one as well as spins, but I just can't hold this thigh rest position for more than a second and I've been beating myself up over it ever since I started.

  • Veena

    February 26, 2011 at 9:44 pm

    Eagle..yes, use the top front of the thigh. it is rested against the pole….this is why I call it a thigh rest. A big mistake is jumping into it and not leaning back allowing the thigh to rest on the pole.  If your taking the lessons try watching it again and you'll see I totally rest my thigh on the pole and notice how I pull my legs up towards the pole bending at the hips/waist. There is not a straight line from torso to knees. Thigh and bottom hand are pushing against the pole, top arm is pulling, hips and body turn to face the pole.

  • Runemist34

    February 27, 2011 at 3:40 pm

    Veena, I think I figured out my issue. I'm not really pressing with my thigh, and so I'm trying to rest everything on my arms, and I just can't do it. I'm not strong enough to lift my whole body with one arm!

    So, this one is a bit of a lesson for me…how to engage things and press into the pole with different parts of the body properly!

    Also, I watched the lesson a few more times, and I see what you mean by lifting my thigh first…I didn't understand what you meant before!

    So, thank you for so much help! I'm gonna get this one, I swear!

    Oh, and I'm getting it out of my head that this is even remotely related to the cradle spin.

  • Veena

    February 27, 2011 at 5:33 pm

    @ Runemist

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