Forums Discussions to heel or not to heel

  • to heel or not to heel

    Posted by LocheshXXX on May 27, 2012 at 2:51 pm

    Hi everyone! I have a question or two about heels (platform etc…) that I wonder if anyone else has issues with.

    My question is —- Did anyone have a hard transition from barefoot to platforms?

    If so what did you do to make it better?  My left ankle has issues and I'm not sure if I can do

    4 inch plats but I sorta feel less pole dancer like without 'em.

    That coupled with having a hard time just walking in 'em.  Any tips suggestions much appreciated

    AvaBabe replied 12 years, 9 months ago 14 Members · 17 Replies
  • 17 Replies
  • Lyme Lyte

    May 27, 2012 at 3:20 pm

    Oh yes, I am the same way but getting better. Make sure u have a hard surface to walk on and practice, practice, practice! Also when inverting, if u r using ur leg / foot to push off on, then u will have a hard time inverting as well. You really need to rely on ur abs and arms to tuck and tip back!

  • pegasusaerialfitness

    May 27, 2012 at 3:29 pm

    I've heard to get comfy in heels you should clean house with them on. Maybe a lace up bootie to give the ankle more support.

  • Lyme Lyte

    May 27, 2012 at 3:38 pm

    Thats what i heard too. Hate to clean the house as it is, i’ll be damed if Im going to do so wearing heels! Besides i dont clean much, so not much practice wearing the shoes anyway! 🙂

  • LillyBilly

    May 27, 2012 at 4:00 pm

    Actually, don't like to dance in heels, but I do like wearing super-high heels when I go out. I have very weak ankles, and I find that buying the right shoe for you is critical if you don't want to sprain them. Here are some guidelines I find useful –

    1. Make sure that the curve of the shoe fits the curve of your feet. If there is space between the arch of your feet and the shoe – don't buy it, no matter how pretty it is! It will hurt you.

    2. Make sure the shoe hold your feet well – your legs shouldn't slide inside the shoe, and when you lift your leg from the ground the shoe should hold firm and not be wobbly. 

    3. Put the shoe on the floor (don't wear it), and try to rock it sideways – how easily does it fall? It shouldn't. Is the heel aligned at the center of the shoe (look from the back)? Repeat with other shoe, they are not always completely identical.

    4. Now wear the shoe. Is the heel aligned with your ankle (look from the side and the back)? Try to press the leg sideways, see if you lose balance to either direction. Repeat with other shoe – the shoes and legs are not always symetrical.

    If steps 3 or 4 fail – don't buy the shoe, you are likely to sparin your ankle in them.

    5. Make sure you have enough space for your fingers, and that the strap that is holding them is firm and is holding your leg well. Prefer wide straps – if you do lose balance, your fingers may slide out and it's painful (true story).

    6. I find that for walking (I don't know about dance), it is helpful that the sole of the shoe and the heel have good grip.

    Some other things – 

    Practice walking with your shoes at home. I used to go back and forth in my living room until I got it.

    Watch your posture – streight back, tummy tucked, head up, shoulders down. Like in dance – you have to keep your balance and you can't do that if your upper body is swaying like a noodle. 

    That said, I find that letting my hips move from side to side as I walk helps me stay balanced and looks better.

    And have fun with it, high heels rock 🙂

  • ronia

    May 27, 2012 at 4:54 pm

    I personally find dancing barefoot much easier than in heels. It just feels more natural and allows for a better expression. In heels my legs feel soo heavy. Sometimes, I even find the sound of heels against the floor distracting. 🙂 But on the other hand, as Lilly said, the heels give you better posture. They just force you to stand up straight, pull your shoulders back and tack your tammy, which is the correct position when dancing. And you don't even have to worry about pointing your toes, since you're already on your toes! The heels completely change the way you move, making it a bit slower and more sexy. Anyway, I think it is up to you how you want to dance. If you don't feel comfortable dancing in high platform heels than I would't force myself to do so. I don't think it makes you any less of a pole dancer 🙂

  • HyperHorsegirl

    May 27, 2012 at 5:13 pm

    My weak ankles make it very hard to dance in heels. I just don't do it. I keep telling myself that practice makes perfect and to work at it, because I love the way they look, but it's just too easy to take them off when my ankles start hurting/getting sore. My floor at home is soft carpet, so walking here is a no go.

    One of the instructors at the studio ONLY dances in heels. Another only wears them if required for competitions. It's all preference, but I do agree that a heel that FITS right makes all the difference. I have a few pairs of heels that I LOVE because they fit my foot comfortably and make walking in heels easy. I just haven't found that fit yet in a pole shoe.

  • aliceBheartless

    May 27, 2012 at 5:44 pm

    I love dancing barefoot, and I love how dancing in heels creates such beautiful lines etc. however, I totally agree that shoes that fit make all the difference. I have a very hard time finding shoes that fit. With no halfsize options I find that I am NEVER comfortable in heels, always too small or too big, and usually always too wide. I do know however, that just wearing them around the house is the best way to get used to wearing them. Any time I have done that, I have really been able to see a difference in the subsequent dance videos.  I also agree that choosing not to dance in heels is totally fine. If you don't like them, don't wear them.

  • JeHanne

    May 27, 2012 at 5:51 pm

    I like wearing heels for the sexy factor and also since they protect the bottom of my feet. Practice, practice and practice some more to really get the feel for them. Heels take balance, strength and patience to wear. It gets easier with practice… the first time I put on platform stilettos I thought I was going to die… lol! I also fell a few times… maybe everyone has. Not sure if thats a 'just me' thing. Regardless… I love my heels.

    I agree that bare foot dancing doesn't make you less. It is a personal preference and our preferences can change. Some dancers will wear heels sometimes and not the other. Find what you are personally comfortable with and go with it.

  • LillyBilly

    May 28, 2012 at 1:41 am

    For size issues (and comfort) – you can buy silicon inserts that protect the ball of your feet and make the shoe a bit tighter. There are tons of models on the web, just google it. For example:

  • LillyBilly

    May 28, 2012 at 1:42 am

    Don't forget to try the shoe with them at the store, though!

  • SashaMae

    May 28, 2012 at 12:13 pm

    I LOVE slow dancing in my heels. I wear 7 1/2in Pleasers and to me they are way more comfortable than my day-to-day heels. It didnt start that way though. Someone told me to clean the house in them and after awhile they just became an extension of me. As for your weak ankles start with ankle weights and walk around in those. I use ankle weights while practicing leg extension and deadlift elbowstands. It really makes a difference. Take it slow. Wearing heels while dancing really slow will allow you to think about your sensuality and the beautiful lines you’re creating. Turn down the lights turn up the downtempo beats and move slowly. It’ll make you feel so sexy 😉

  • polergirl

    May 28, 2012 at 12:35 pm

    I almost always dance in heels. They took a little getting used to but now I love it. It’s a rare occasion that I dance barefoot… once I’ve warmed up, that is!

  • Tarapebbles

    May 28, 2012 at 11:28 pm

    I prefer heels, being only 5 feet tall and I love the way my muscles pop and how they feel in heels however I have found it important to practice both ways to see easier how much you are actually pointing your toes

  • Tali Kat

    May 29, 2012 at 5:19 am

    I prefer being barefoot because I like the graceful ballet style of pole dancing best, but I wear shoes in my studio. Pole class is in the only time I ever wear high heels and even then I wear the shortest heels in my class. They are only 1 inch kitten heels because I find tall heels uncomfortable and I'm far too clumsy so I would never feel safe dancing in them. Having said that I appreciate how sexy all the other girls high heels look, they just aren't for me :3

    The only negative thing about being barefooted is the floor is somtimes cold and you have to exert more energy standing on tip toes :p

  • LocheshXXX

    May 29, 2012 at 9:11 am

    A big thank you to all who posted with helpful suggestions

    I am probably going platform shopping. This time making sure they fit my feet correctly and I will definitely walk around the house in them. It's nice to know others have found them uncomfortable and clumsy when learning to walk in 'em.

    Also, good to know barefoot is fine too

    Thanks so much for tips etc… donam

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