Forums Discussions valentino brothers dvd/ebook

  • valentino brothers dvd/ebook

    Posted by emotioncatcher on September 26, 2011 at 1:13 pm

     i just wanted to buy a dvd of the valentino brothers, but then i saw that they also offer really cheap ebooks, so that i could buy even two instead of one.

    but now i wonder whether the ebooks will be as good as the dvds and include all the same exercises and tips?

    has anyone experiences with the dvd and/or ebooks?


    Masked Loopy II replied 13 years, 4 months ago 12 Members · 41 Replies
  • 41 Replies
  • verucablue

    September 26, 2011 at 2:43 pm

    I did the video downloads for my computer and love them 🙂



  • emotioncatcher

    September 27, 2011 at 4:01 am

    thanks girls. sounds like the dvds are great, can´t wait to try the exercises!I would only buy the downloads, too. 

    but if i would buy a ebook i could buy for the same price even two.  it´s so hard to decide…

    do you think the ebooks will be also good to follow?


  • emotioncatcher

    September 27, 2011 at 4:35 am

    i also thought the motivation would be better with a dvd and maybe it´s also more fun… 

    i think i´ll get now the ebooks as i had to pay a lot this month, so i can buy the side and front splits and then save some money to once buy also the dvds (or maybe those for oversplits). i think it also might be a good combination to have both.

    i´m so excited now! i´think i´ll have try them immediatly!

  • RoseMay

    September 27, 2011 at 12:10 pm

    I have the beginner/intermediate series with 3 downloads and I really like them. They definately work! 🙂

    However I'm not sure whether the beginner/intermediate DVD's are the right choice when you are already able to do the splits (and I think you are, right?) They really just work up to the splits.

    It depends on what you're looking for I guess. Of course there are also some other nice stretches and the back bend part.

    Maybe you would benefit more from the advanced oversplit videos (I don't have these though, so I don't know what's in them)

  • emotioncatcher

    September 27, 2011 at 12:25 pm

    i´m sure i´ll soon order the oversplit dvds, too =)

    in the side split (on good days) i still have about 3cm left. my front splits are okay i think, but still not perfect. maybe the stretches will although help me a bit. 

    l´ll try the exercises later and will let you know, whether they were although helpful for me!

  • Vaudeville

    September 27, 2011 at 2:01 pm

    Do you guys think I could benefit from having the valentino brothers dvds even though I already do veenas flexibility training? Or is it basically just the same thing?

  • emotioncatcher

    September 27, 2011 at 2:35 pm

    i tried now the stretching for side splits and could reach immediatly 3,5cm! that´s amazing.


    @vaudeville: if the dvds include the same stretches as the ebook, you´ll get about 15 exercises depending on which dvd you´ll get. that´s not as many exercises as veena offers, but i think there are a few different ones still. 

  • RoseMay

    September 27, 2011 at 2:38 pm

    Wow, 3,5 cm – that's pretty close

    Vaudeville, I watched only some of Veenas flexibility lessons and no stretching routine of hers. So I don't know whether the exercises are all the same or not.

    I personally found that Veena explains the exercises better than the dvds and also gives more variations of the exercises (I mean beginner and advanced ones)

    It might be nice to have the dvds as well just to have a different routine and to not get bored with doing the same one over and over again.

  • Vaudeville

    September 27, 2011 at 4:46 pm

    I think Im gonna get the dvds as well 🙂 at least the one for the backbend, since there isn’t a routine for that on this site. Yet 😉

  • LopsiJulie

    September 27, 2011 at 6:55 pm

    OKIE gang!  I have both and have done both (Veena vs Valentino).. hehehe!

    Okie, my suggestion: if you want to pole and stretch do Veena cause her routines are about 25min long, so you can also pole first to warm up 🙂

    The Valentino videos are really good for days off pole as they are 1 hour long and include a yoga warm up for 5 min.  Also, with the bro's you hold the stretch for 1 min each and by the end of the hour you are quite sore.  Veena is a bit more gentle, doing each stretch a few times with foam roller in between, and holding for 30sec. 

    Both suggest you can use yoga blocks to help with balance and posture on some moves, but only Veena has the foam roller, which I love, but if you don't have a roller and can't afford one at the moment, I would be tempted to sway towards the Valentino vids.

    Again, both great routines tailored to different lifestyles: Valentino = the dedicated, I"m taking time to stretch and put it into my schedule, and Veena = I'm dedicated, but need to cook dinner and do laundry before the kids get home, so I can probably fit in the 20min session while the chicken is baking and the clothes is in the dryer.  😉  I'm thoroughly enjoying the combo of using both.  I've just started though, so can't tell you much abotu the effects on flexibility.

    (Veena I hope you don't find anything I say offensive, as I love the fact that your stretching videos are short and compact, but I also enjoy doing a longer stretching session on some days!)

  • Veena

    September 27, 2011 at 8:11 pm

    RoseMay, I do have different stretches posted as individual lessons that are not included in the routines.

    LopsiJuile, is right about how I created my routines, they are quick yet effective. I know most people don't have time to spend stretching for hours. I also don't feel that you should be sore after a stretch…if you are you have either not warmed up enough or pushed too hard. You do not need a foam roller to do the lessons or routine, I give options for those who do not have a roller. The individual lessons are focused on proper technique like RoseMay mentioned…I feel this is VERY important. If your trying to stretch by only looking at how someone else is holding the pose, you may not be getting all of the benefit of the stretch, with out detailed instruction. My routines are not as in depth (as the individuals) because you should have already worked on these lessons before starting the routines (as recommends at the beginning of each routine)

    Also the routine is only a guideline…you can hold moves longer or do the whole thing 2 times if you like. Change the order or swap out other stretches that are listed in the individuals. I highly suggest you play around with frequency, how long your hold, order in which stretches are performed.

    All individual lessons are placed in a row according to the muscle groups stretched, so you can simply hit the next button if you wanted to spend more time on a stretching, then the routines offer.

    If possible, it's always best to use all resources you have available to you.

    LopsiJulie…it was nice to see your thoughts

  • emotioncatcher

    September 28, 2011 at 2:37 am

    i hope to be able to buy veena´s lessons again, soon. the stretching exercises sound so great.

    the valentino brothers don´t explain a lot (at least at the ebooks). you have just pictures, sometimes from different ankles. in the explanation they only tell you what this exercise will stretch, how long to hold it and sometimes a little tip, but only if there is somehing very important. 

    i didn´t feel really sore afterwards, the 5min yoga warm-up was good and i felt relaxed afterwards. there were two exercises which also required some strenght (in the side split workout), but one also had a easy alternative which didn´t require strenght.


    @lopsiejulie: i only have the ebooks and there´s nothing about yogablocks. do they show how to use them for the exercises on the dvds? 



  • LopsiJulie

    September 28, 2011 at 2:57 am

    yes, they use the blocks while in a lunge-like pose (for eg).

    With the DVDs they aren't as thorough in explaining as Veena (no one ever really is… for all type of routines, stretching and pole, I find Veena is THE BEST at explaining as it is always the most detailed… true for some people some of the information won't be helpful, but it means that there is info to be beneficial to everyone and all styles).  They do explain some bits.  I think I just like it for variety.  Some stretches I find too difficult and they don't really put enough options for the really really crap people or slightly weaker (holding a bridge for a minute is tough), but I still think the videos are great and would recommend them. 

    Veena, I like following along stretching routines (although I do also stretch on my own and don't use a timer, but stretch until I feel stretched out), so for me swaping the order and putting different moves in would be off putting.  If I'm stretching with Veena, then I'm stretching with Veena 😉  (You don't know this but when you say "hi guys", I tend to say "hey Veena"… heheehe).

    At the end of the day gang, we really just have to be honest with ourselves and ask the tough questions: does my lifestyle allow me the time to stretch for an hour 3x a week or would it be better to stretch for 25min 3x a week after my pole sessions?  Will I be frustrated if I can't follow along to all the moves on the dvd because there isn't an option for my flexibility level or I don't have enough strength to hold it?  Before spending money, I suggest you think about these things a little too…  work stretching around your life or your life around stretching?  I'm picking the first option.  😉

  • PaulettePoles

    September 28, 2011 at 5:31 am

    Do you have a link to the valentino brothers? I googled it and couldnt ifnd it! Thanks-

    I love Veena's lessons, but I also like to mix  it up a bit too! Everyone has somethiong different to offer and appreciate.

  • emotioncatcher

    September 28, 2011 at 5:48 am

    you can find the links to the ebooks here: (i couldn´t find them on their homepage)

    and here´s their website:

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