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@Empyrean- I didnt realize that you are w ETED- I see yu here all the time! We did correspond via email when I first inquiried. You were going out of town ( I think somewhere south of the border?) and said you would contact me the following week. I did try to email you back twice! I am so sorry it didnt work out and we couldnt connect for whatever reason.
I am not too worried about "certifiactes" or certs of completion, etc.. I am interested in learning all I can for my own personal knowledge. If it ever works out in the future taht I should teach, that would just be a plus for me.
I am really fascinated by ALL the aspects of pole dancing- including everything business related. It seems so many are willing to jump into a business because they love pole dancing (which is great) But w out any understanding or love for business ownership first!
I am just interested in anything to further grow!
@Empyrean – I still plan on taking your course. I just had a major expense though, so it might be a little while!
I didn't realize that there was a difference between certification and certificate of completion. how is it different? does that just mean that upon completion of your advanced course, you are certified as an ETED instructor?
just to clarify for others – angel gives a "certificate of completion of the discoveries dance instructor certifcation course" so I guess that Empyrean's course gives the same kind of certificate. i apologize for giving wrong information!
We offer two programs…the online program results in a certificate of completion and the live programs result in a certification.
First to clarify – anyone offering any program of any type can legally call it whatever they like. There is no governing board which tells us who may determine if their course is a certificate or a certification.
In general a certificate of completion is considered a training program…an educational experience. A certification assesses a person's skills in said area and qualifies them.
Also, typically, a certification program is "approved" by a third party standard setting organization.
The ETEDance live programs are approved by the PFA, The PDC and AFAA to be considered certification programs.
I personally am not willing to consider my online program a certification course as I do not feel that online testing – both written and practical exams by video – are in depth assessment tools by which to award a certification. There is no way to guarantee that someone is not taking an open book exam for the written portion and unless I skype the exam it is definitley easier to record your practical at your own pace and re-record until you feel it's done perfectly.
Forgot to add:
Both of the ETEDance programs provide the same content for it's participants – identical manuals, DVDs of moves, etc.
However, the live program is a more in-depth assessment and will go into detailed training and assessment based on interactions between us and the participants. This is not as effective in an online program.
Certifications also usually require proof of ongoing training and or experience after a renewal period.
I plan on taking the ETED certification next year when I either have the money sitting around or can save up to do it, I've heard really good things and it's here in Chicago even better!
@empyrean – thank you for explaining! i hope that i will be able to use my teaching skills one day. like paulette, i am mostly interested in the education/knowledge aspect. it would be hard to get a studio going where i live, plus my friend has been trying to get one started and it has been a struggle. the last location didn't work. and i'm not sure she's going to try again. i'm hoping to get a couple of students to come to my house. i could just offer lessons on a "donation" basis, and have the student sign a liability waiver, to keep it simple.
I too plan on taking another cert course. I am really enjoying everything that I am learning!
so many replies! Thank you everybody.
@ legend: what do you mean by " To avoid the headache that would be making the videos (student shyness, language barrier, time consuming, etc) I'm doing the UK course"?
Ho can you ass the VD course without the video test? Please share with me. 🙂
@ psychoholicslag: have you done the online training? how was your "video experience"?
By the way, also KT course has anatomy and fitness modules.To be preciser, if you do not have already taken any fitness certificate for her it's necessary that you keep the first VD module plus the Fitness module, which is what I am doing now.
Aryannapoledancer, I did it online. Her videos are very informative. For the videos I had to shoot, they weren't much trouble. However, I did this when I first started my business, so finding two women for the Beginner video was a bit challenging. The women I had coming (and still do at the Beginner stage) were very shy, didn't really know what pole dancing was or the different aspects of it, and we were complete strangers to one another, plus I was teaching out of my house. So, for the beginner video, I taught a class to my sister and a friend. They were completely new to pole dancing, and it worked out great. The intermediate and advance videos were no problem because by then the students feel a lot more comfortable about poling and have a friendly student/instructor relationship.
Psycho, do you rememebr if you recorded the video after sending paperworks and passing online tests?
I have finished Fitness Manual excercises and I'm fininshing Vertical Dance too but last tasks require me to complete session planning and feedback forms, I am confused and can't understand if they refer to the practice of my assessment or the real assessment, which means I need to shoot before sending final paperworks.
Hope you understand my question!
Back a few years ago when I did it, I had to send in my paperwork and session plans before making the video. She had to approve my lesson plan before I recorded the session.
Hi guys new here!
I am looking to get some form of dance teacher qualification, anything to allow me teach in the field. I am a dancer and have taught dance but want to make it official. Can anyone recommend where to start? I’d ideally like to do as much online as possible -
Hi guys new here!
I am looking to get some form of dance teacher qualification, anything to allow me teach in the field. I am a dancer and have taught dance but want to make it official. Can anyone recommend where to start? I’d ideally like to do as much online as possible -
discoveries dance has an at home course. I am in the middle of it and so far i like it
Oh thanks for replying! And does that leave you with a qualification to teach? Also if anyone knows the logistics, I an in Ireland, is the cert recognised over here?:-)
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