Forums Discussions very sore forearm – not muscular – help :(

  • very sore forearm – not muscular – help :(

    Posted by Cherry87 on March 4, 2011 at 1:56 am

    Hi again ladies…

    So ive been poling for almost a month now and im loving it. The past 5ish days though my right forearm bone itself (def not muscle) has been really sore, more so when i pole. Its my prominent arm & im mega sad its sore 🙁

    Is this common/will the pain subside?

    Thanks in advance for any help/advice 🙂

    Poleluver replied 12 years ago 19 Members · 21 Replies
  • 21 Replies
  • Cinara

    March 4, 2011 at 6:40 am

    Ouchies! I've had the same thing where it hurt right along the ulna (the bone that is on the little finger side, not the thumb side). It hurt mostly when I released my grip from things like the cradle and boomerang, basically anything where my weight was supported on my hand with my fingers pointed down. With me, even though the pain was along the bone, the problem was actually the muscle underneath, and the pain was just referred to the bone.

    Is that similar to what's happening for you? If not, from what I've read forearm pain and injuries are some of the most common for poledancers. You're supporting your weight with your arms, and gripping onto the pole tightly, so it's something your arms aren't used to doing in everyday life. It's very easy to strain the muscles by suddenly demanding more form them than they're used to.

    What worked for me was going to the physio to get it checked out and release the muscle a little, avoiding split grip tricks for awhile, and going back to basics with the cradle and completely relearning it. It turns out I was taught some bad technique at a pole studio, but Veena's lesson fixed it right up.

    So yeah, get it checked out by a doctor/physio/shaman/whoever, because I have absolutely no qualification to give you any help beyond general waffling, and just go easy on your arms while they get used to the pole. 🙂

  • poleluvndallas

    March 4, 2011 at 9:42 am

    I had the same thing happen my first few months into poling. it is actualy muscle pain transfered to the bone, and the cause is split grip. mine was anyway. the muscles and tendons from elbow to wrist aren’tmeant to sport your weight, and we typically don’t think to strengthen forearm muscles before you start using a split or twisted grip. ice rest and compression will help stop the pain, but you should watch veenas lessons on strengthening and stretching the forearm and wrist. I use a stress ball for finger strength, and small weights for the wrist and forearm.. also, during split grip, instead of closing the hand thats low on the pole, point your index finger down along the pole. for some reason that really helps. my arms wd literally be on fire when I left pole class until I watched the lessons and adjusted my grip. I hope this helps you!

  • Samantha B

    April 20, 2011 at 11:30 am


    Thanks for the tips! 

    My forearms are just killing me, especially my left. 

    I'm not surprised that it could have something to do with a studio giving bad technique… I never have problems with Veena's versions of things, just my in person instructor who's obsessed with closed fingers on a pole (no index extension) and she uses split grip for everything (even things that shouldn't..

    I found allot of relief with massage therapy loosening up that tight tiny muscle… but don't get a massage on a day you intend to pole. Doesn't matter how much you wash your hands you can't get the oil off.

  • Kandipole

    April 21, 2011 at 1:41 pm

    Hey Ladies!
    Ive had the same problem. Where it feels like bone pain in the same location – I thought I had a stress fracture or something – but yes, its from too many split grips and repetivite use without stretching.

    Its quite common I find especially when working on a lok of split grips.

    Everyone is right, physio and massage and stretching properly after really help, even home self massage.

    Good Luck!

  • LoneStarDiva

    April 21, 2011 at 3:26 pm

    Very deep muscle aches can certainly FEEL like 'the bone'.  I've had a few, and just KNEW I was gonna die, have to have surgery, or be in a wheel chair for life.. ( that was a good one… I thought it was breaking every time I had to lower to the toilet.)  

    Hope you get to feelin better.. massage, massage, massage! 🙂

  • LoneStarDiva

    April 21, 2011 at 3:29 pm

    OH.. and on "OIL" for massage.. the very best and most absorbent is Jojoba.  I used to use it exclusively on all my clients, and would carry along my own when it was My turn! 😉

    I just hated feelin like I was gonna slide outta my shoes and break my butt after a massage.  You can always take your own jojoba, too!

  • PoleNerd

    April 21, 2011 at 4:54 pm

    I feel like there is no way to avoid the initial forearm pain, even if you don’t do it too often and use the correct technique. I have the tiniest forearms and wrists ever.

    However, I no longer experience forearm pain from the cradle spin and thigh rest…it will probably come back once I start trying the advanced split grip moves, but I have to say that the pain will prob go away once you build strength and don’t overdo the split grip.

  • Dancing Paws

    July 13, 2012 at 12:25 pm

    I get this now when I attempt the superman and the butterfly. I feel the pain right after I let go! Booooo! I guess I need to go back and strengthen my darn forearms more…

  • Trixie Kicks

    August 29, 2012 at 7:29 am

    I had this pain a whole ago. A physical therapist actually had me strengthening my shoulder. He said my forearm was hurting since my shoulder was taking enough weight. Plus, engage shoulders when you split grip.

  • Saphyre

    August 29, 2012 at 5:11 pm

    This is a continuing issue for me. Stupid forearms and wrists! Why can't they just cooperate? I am working on strengthening everything from shoulder to hand. Pain in the !@#$% buttox…

  • Divine Gotcha Hooked

    August 29, 2012 at 5:27 pm

    Me too. 🙁

  • Divine Gotcha Hooked

    August 29, 2012 at 5:27 pm

    Me too. 🙁

  • Dirty Girl POLEtice

    August 30, 2012 at 1:22 am

    I know this is an old post, but I wanted to post a vid I did for aerial amy about this…is this what your problem is??




  • klixje

    September 1, 2012 at 4:50 am

    Great info! tnx!

    it's exactly the issue that i have when i try v legs or an aerial body ripple, or simply try to hold my bodyweight with my two hands..
    I don't have it when doing it inverted like a butterfly, because then i always use the gungrip (tnx to veena!)

    I'll try if i can lift my self up with the hand position from your video!
    Three teachers couldn't give a helpfull advise, i'm so glad with this site

  • Empty

    September 1, 2012 at 8:59 am

    I had that pain last night after pole class!!
    We started doing planks, laybacks and V legs again & my poor little wrist/forearm freaked out. Its been 2 weeks since I've done any pole so my body was already pre-pissed off. Isn't it the worst pain ever? Luckily its my left so I didn't have to use it much after. When i got home i iced the crap out of it and now its not to bad. Throbs when i put pressure on it but not nearly as bad as it was in class.

    Thanks for the video Dirty Girl!

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