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  • nymphdancer

    March 7, 2011 at 7:23 pm

    lol her loss, we tipped her well the first night we went because she did really pole dance. She had an awesome routine, some really nice tricks. But even though I like watching her perform the other girls get more of our money now.

    and yes chem that thought had crossed my mind as the reason as well, which knowing me is pretty darn funny.

  • nymphdancer

    March 7, 2011 at 7:23 pm

    lol her loss, we tipped her well the first night we went because she did really pole dance. She had an awesome routine, some really nice tricks. But even though I like watching her perform the other girls get more of our money now.

    and yes chem that thought had crossed my mind as the reason as well, which knowing me is pretty darn funny.

  • Briannabohannah

    March 7, 2011 at 8:40 pm

    I used to work as a waitress at the Spearamint Rhino and none of the girls really knew how to do aerial moves. One girl could hang in an invert and one girl could do a lot of pretty spins but nothing that impressive. Im not surprised given that they work 6 to8 hour shifts and doing any aerial work would be difficult to maintain.

  • Anonyma

    March 7, 2011 at 10:53 pm

    i used to dance, and believe me i rocked that pole…guys loved it,  only downer was the low ceilling.  

  • Viva

    March 8, 2011 at 5:10 am

    I used to dance and know girls who dance now, and yep we definitely did our tricks! But when you're dancing 15 min stage sets, for 8 hours, obviously you have to pace yourself and can't bust out non-stop aerial antics all night!!

    But the truth is most men don't really appreciate it, as some others have said they tip more when you're up-close-and-personal, not huffing and puffing somewhere up near the ceiling, your hair and make-up getting ruined as you try to pull off some amazing trick!

    Also thought I'd add that from my experience, the female "customers" were often the nasty ones who were basically there to judge you, thinking (or worse, telling you!) they were prettier/thinner/could dance better, and understandably also maybe feeling threatened because their guy's attention was diverted to other naked women! Plus, to be blunt, couples were usually just there for a novelty and didn't really spend $$$.

    Not saying you're like this, Nymphdancer, but maybe the dancer at your local club has been treated this way by others, so now she is guarded towards other women?

    Hope this doesn't come across as rude! I have a lot of respect for strippers, it's a tough job and it is also one place our art originated and I think we should celebrate that! 🙂

  • Venus dancing

    March 8, 2011 at 6:52 am

    Remember, dancers are there to make money…. The more time on the pole = the less time you have to make stage money, and talk a person into that VIP room!

  • Meleania

    March 8, 2011 at 7:01 am

    Haha, I dance and I make sure I do every pole trick every time I go on stage at work, so I build up crazy stamina! Now I can pole dance all day. When I started working there only 2 other girls could do pole tricks (chopper pretty much) and now alot of them can do at least a scorpio cuz I taught them how lol. Whenever theres women in the club i make sure I do every move, even if its the end of the night and im dead tired. Then I go over to them and ask them if they are interested and I hand them business cards to this site. It sucks that men really dont appreciate it 🙁 I dont really get any tips, I pole dance more for myself to keep my stamina/metabolism/strength up.

  • nymphdancer

    March 8, 2011 at 7:01 am

    no VIP room in the club we go to, no lap dances either. They make their money on stage.

    its jusf funny, the rest of the girls (including the waitresses see us come in and they are very happy to see us lol except one. and she would rack up on the tips from us if she didn't have a chip on her shoulder.

  • dustbunny

    March 8, 2011 at 9:54 am

    Hubby and I went to a couple clubs in TO one night.  The first place we were at, all the girls completely ignored us!  There was next to nothing going on anyway, long waits between stage dances and a pole that was obviously not used for tricks as it was right at the edge of the stage.  Needless to say, we didn't stay long or spend very much.  So we hopped over to another club on the airport strip and had a good time, it didn't take long for the girls to approach us (I was wearing my stripper heels, so they were like, "ooh, are you a dancer"  It's pretty good for the ego, lol)  All the girls could at least do a few pretty spins, and there was one who could do quite a bit on the pole.  I was impressed, I spoke with her afterwards (while I got a lapdance, first one ever, 😀 ) and found out she teaches the other girls before they get busy.  I wished we hadn't wasted so much time at the first club, we would have spent more time and money at the second.  Oh well, live and learn.  For anyone in or visiting Toronto I highly recommend the Spearmint Rhino.

  • Charley

    March 8, 2011 at 10:47 am

    Don't go to a strip club for the tricks, go for the experience.  I love strip clubs, I learn a lot of movement and floor work by watching strippers.  I love the stage presence so many of the girls have.  I tip the best dancers and my friends – whether they do tricks or not.  I've only been to 1 strip club whereI felt like it was all booty shaking and no stage work.  Even if there aren't a lot of tricks I enjoy watching them strip and learning how to hold myself in the regard they do on stage.  There are a lot of talented performers who have a ton of personality – and really grab your attention.  Every now and again a girl will do a trick – even something basic and I get excited because I can do it too!  I love talking to the girls about clothes and shoes.  It's a lot of fun.

  • TrixieLovett

    March 8, 2011 at 4:15 pm

    Unless the cash was out I generally didn't bother with the aerial moves.  A few spins and a pole sit is enough to draw the attention of the crowd.  After that most guys are more interested in the "Up close and personal" stuff.  I worked in the clubs here in Las Vegas for many moons and can say that was the general rule.  It's the girls who are more impressed with the pole and the effort it takes to master a lot of moves.  Many of the strippers out there know more than they let on…

  • Mary Ellyn

    March 8, 2011 at 4:50 pm

    I think everyone has pretty much clarified it varies from club to club and that most times the money isn't made when you're on the pole but instead when you are down in front of the customer at the edge of the stage.

    I too have seen a wide variation from club to club…some do more tricks and some definitely seem to play more on the pole when the club is less busy but as the crowd fills in they are working the crowd more than that pole. Again…that's where the money is!

    I'm sure others who've been dancing at or going to clubs for a while have seen this too, but it seems that pole dancing has evolved a lot more rapidly since it became mainstream.

    When I first started going to strip clubs 12 years ago we didnt' see any of the sort of tricks we see now. I'm certain the dancers are having as much fun learning pole tricks as the rest of us are and they want to do the tricks too. So you see more advanced stuff more often than you use to at the clubs.

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