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what style of dance best complements pole?
MoxieMeg replied 12 years, 3 months ago 11 Members · 18 Replies
I wanted to see if anyone else had an opinion about how previous dance styles affect your music choices. I have danced lindy hop and blues for quite a while, before starting pole. While I definitely notice my blues background in pole (movement wise), and the groundedness that comes from lindy, the biggest thing is my music choices. I am used to moving to vintage jazz and blues, and have a hard time figuring out how to dance to the more common pole music. I notice it especially in classes. When I'm at home, I can freestyle all I want, because I choose the music. As soon as I get to class and they want us to just dance to a song to warm up or end class or anything, I'm totally lost because I just haven't figured out how to dance to other types of music.
I was just curious if anyone had experienced something like that, more than just not enjoying or feeling the music, but just not being used to dancing to a particular style because of your background. If that makes any sense. Perhaps I'm just overthinking this…
I know this doesn't answer your question, Moxie, but you should ask them to play one of your songs sometimes! You are challeneged all the time by this more "typical" pole music– let your fellow dancers be challenged by your music too!
Ok so to get to your question: I find it's easiest to connect to the music when I'm alone and dancing with the lights off, with my mirror turned around. I'm sure a butt ton of it looks so silly but you just have to get past that. Just listen to the music and see what it makes you want to do.
Haha yea, I'm sure 90% of my "freestyle" stuff at home looks horrendous, but it feels good. And that's all we really want, right?
I hadn't really thought of it that way, though. You're absolutely right. It is challenging, but in a good way. It's hard to learn to move in a way that feels natural to music that we're not used to, but trying a different genre of music sometimes can open up new ideas and new styles of movement to us. Maybe I'll play with that some more at home…try dancing to something that's just totally different from my personality every once in a while, and see what comes out. 😀
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