Forums Discussions what to do for the august 2011 challenge?

  • Theo Simon

    July 25, 2011 at 12:38 pm

    Glitterhips those are great ideas! I'm sorry. I haven't been following the challenges like I should. I want to start from the beginning and catch up… haha. That would take FOREVER. What month was the aerial challenge?

  • Theo Simon

    July 25, 2011 at 12:40 pm

    I REALLY also like the lost loved one idea… I have the perfect song for my grandmother who is my inspiration in everything and still a very soft spot for me when I think of her. She was my emotional support- I kinda didn't know what to do when I lost her. 

  • Runemist34

    July 25, 2011 at 12:51 pm

    While I could see dancing for a lost loved one being a very strong, emotional dance for many here, it would make me quite uncomfortable. I'm not sure if I can properly explain why, yet, but I know that's how I feel :S

    The others however, those sound fun! I really like dancing as an "alter ego," especially since I'm learning a lot more how much movement and certain ways of moving can suggest personality. Dancing in pants wouldn't be so much of a "challenge" for me, just normal 😛


  • Theo Simon

    July 25, 2011 at 1:05 pm

    I understand. I just cope with loss by dancing. I always have… I totally understand that it might be sad for a lot of people including myself but its very celebratory at the same time. Dancing in pants… woah. I hate pants. Trying not to sound like lady gaga here! haha. An alter ego… I dunno how i'd pull that one off. I feel like I dance with alter egos alot- I'd have to really amplify something and make it extremely dramatic… hehehe. But I love the dramz!

  • glitterhips

    July 25, 2011 at 1:20 pm

    No worries at all! Aerial challenge was January 2010 🙂

  • MissMegi77

    July 25, 2011 at 3:41 pm

    Theo Simons I also lost my grandmother one months ago and I feel kind of empty without her but I would like to dance for her.

    Except that, maybe:

    no inverts or

    no inverts no spins chalenge or

    floor work chalenge 😀

  • KateSykerd

    July 25, 2011 at 5:04 pm

    I don't know what people will think of this, but I've been watching a lot of the "It gets better" videos lately – maybe everybody could do a "it gets better" pole dance and, if they feel confident enough to, put them up on the site. If you haven't heard of it its all about letting young LGBT know that if they can get through the bullying and all the hard stuff, life gets better and to hold on (it was after a patch of teen sucides over the issue). Now I know everybody here isn't LGBT, but I'm guessing most people will have had to over come something really really difficult and maybe we could do a dance that shows you can come out the other side being a stronger person? It'd also let people dance for the loss of a loved one, or just celebrate life, and help people struggling in the process.

    Just a thought after watching loads of those videos – some are so sweet!

  • VanillaryPuff

    July 25, 2011 at 5:13 pm

    excuse me, but what excactly IS lgtb?

  • reenie aka Mysfit

    July 25, 2011 at 5:58 pm

    hmmm….I am not 100% as the letters aren't in the same order I am used to seeing them in,,,

    BUT up here—GLTB–Gay, Lesbian, Tranny, Bisexual.

    Not sure if they mean the same thing in a different arrangment…..


  • reenie aka Mysfit

    July 25, 2011 at 6:00 pm

    OK googled it………

    Yep~~~Gay community.

    Very cool. I had no idea this project was happening. I am off to view the vids now……….



  • KateSykerd

    July 25, 2011 at 6:09 pm

    Haha sorry! I'm in uni so its all over the place at the minute – its the time when people tend to come out so there's loads of support groups for it. LBGT is like shorthand for non-hetrosexual people, lesbian bisexual gay and transgender. It's also known as the Trevor Project I believe – I think the It gets better project is like a spin off. I know more about the It gets better project though because theres so many celebs behind it and its a lot more recent – theres even ads on the telly here for it at the minute which google, microsoft and apple are funding.

  • KateSykerd

    July 25, 2011 at 6:18 pm

    oh and, the project is basically people posting youtube videos or videos on the it gets better website, telling the youth that it gets better, maybe some words of support or a story of your own to share. The idea was that if you can stop one person from taking their life with your video, its worth it, but now its gotten so big and so many massively powerful people are getting involved, its starting to completely change the way homosexuality is seen. The pole dance would just be something inspiring to show anybody watching that the dancer has been through hard times too, and can come out even stronger than before.

  • Maria-Elena Kadala

    July 26, 2011 at 9:56 pm

    I would like to see a "No Disclaimers" challenge … a month of posting any/all videos without the usual disclaimers "Well, it's really not good, cuz I was tired/sick, and I'd already been practicing for X hours, after not practicing for days/weeks, and my leg/back/arm/etc was sore …"

    C'MON, ladies! if you can't say something nice about yourself, say nothing at all!!!

  • Laura KittyCat

    July 28, 2011 at 5:52 am

    I have seen a lot on here about relationships that didnt work out. How about an in your face “look what you lost” dance? Show people how totally awesome you are (because you all are awesome) and how stupid they are for not beleiving in you and cherishing you.

  • Reyn

    July 29, 2011 at 11:30 am

    Kittycat has a great idea… I think that would be GREAT confidence boost too. 

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