Forums Discussions would like some honest opinions..

  • Lyme Lyte

    October 20, 2011 at 10:27 am

    I had DD's put in about 10 years ago and really am hating them as I age.  I too would like to get them removed, but replaced with a perkey B cup.  

    Me too, whenever I go upside down, they start to fall out.  Maybe not completely, but at least the nipple starts to show.

    A few more years, when I can afford it, I will for sure be going smaller.  I am so envious of people on here with small perky boobs.


    October 20, 2011 at 10:51 am

    Breast size is so personal for woman. Before being pregnant with this baby I was a DDD, but actually lost some tissue from poling and was a DD. I felt so small! I was a G the last time I measured, and I can't wait til I have my milk comes in! Hehe….

    It's funny though…years ago when my hubby and I would go out, I would ask who he thought was pretty and he always picked the girls w/ an "A" chest. That made me feel really good about my body knowing that I could be any size, and he would love me the same and still find me attractive.

    I think it is all about how you percieve yourself. If you really aren't happy with it, then change it. If you are happy, than brush off any comments from others, even if it is from your significant other. When I finished breast-feeding my last baby, I had lost so much breast tissue. I was always a D, and then nursing brought them to a DD. After nursing baby number 1, I lost so much "meat". I was a 32 C and 92 pounds naturally. I went into the docs office and I had them back up to a D(I even brought in a pic of what they looked like when I was 14 as my photo example!). My ex said I still looked like a boy when I came home from the procedure! I threw him out three days later and never looked back.I gained 10 pounds w/ him gone, and was so happy and they went back up to a DD and they flucuate ever since.

  • ronia

    October 20, 2011 at 12:04 pm

    While I think it's totally ok to do whatever you want with your body, since you brought up the topic of breasts and implants I think I should share my feelings on that. As a small A/AA cup I've always felt a bit insecure about my breast size. I even considered getting surgery myself. That was until I discovered pole dancing! It gave me so much confidence! Before I used to cover my breasts up with loose t-shirts or wear a push-up bra, even to the gym. No I can be completely confident wearing just a tight top or a sports bra in class. I also learned that being flat chested is a real advantage while pole dancing, since it's easier to do all the tricks and moves with nothing geting in your way:)

    I think this is so great about pole dancing that it helps women to feel confident and comfortable in their own body. It is not so much about what you look like and what size you are, what your breasts, or thighs or ass size is, you can still feel beautiful and sexy because you can create those graceful moves and beautiful lines with your body.

  • emotioncatcher

    October 20, 2011 at 1:03 pm

    i think if you feel umcomfortable with your implants your should do something against it. but you should really think again about it, so that your won´t miss them and want your boobs back after another few years.


    @ronia: i like your decision. i think natural boobs are more beautiful and i don´t really like beauty surgeries (besides some little exception like when someone had an accident or something like that). i would never do any beauty surgery, too and it´s so great to hear that you learned to accept your natural beauty instead of following the ideals the community created over the last years.


  • Lina Spiralyne

    October 20, 2011 at 1:59 pm

    I'm not experienced with the surgery, but I don't think you should worry too much about being one month off the pole. It may seem like a long time but seeing it from a wider perspective it's really just a drop in the ocean. Maybe you can do some extra flexibility exercises during this time instead for example?

    In any case, I hope you'll feel comfortable with your decision, whichever it will be:).

  • xtinalovespole

    October 20, 2011 at 2:23 pm

    I had a breast reduction 10 years ago.  My breast were huge and it was rather uncomfortable. Not to mention the pains of shopping for bras that fit properly and tops that flattered my breast. 

    It was uncomfortable to have the procedure done.  What was most uncomfortable was the bruising and swelling.   It took me 4 weeks to be back to regular activities.  I was not poling at the time. However, I do remember being at the park with my nephew and not being comfortable with swinging on the monkey bars at around 4 weeks. 

    I had no regrets with the surgury.  I loved the way my breasts look and fit into shirts.  Being able to wear backless shirts and no bra was a dream.

    I had a baby 2 years ago.  Many milk ducts were severed and I was not able to breast feed my baby full time. We supplemented with formula.  This is not always the case for everyone.  Some people can nurse others can not.

    16 months after stopping breast feeding, I have lost A LOT of density.  A full cup size and I really do miss how I looked prepregnancy.  I am looking into augmentation sometime in the near future.  It sounds kinda funny when I read this back to myself.  But I really loved the way I looked after my reduction.

    Do your research, go for a few consults and wiegh your pros and cons. 

    Whatever your decsion may be, do it for yourself only.


  • tarah

    October 20, 2011 at 8:20 pm

    wow, thanks ladies for all of your good advice and support!  i feel kind of embarrassed now, lol 🙂

    @xtinalovespole – yes, a reduction is a big deal!  you were brave to do it.  i'm just looking at getting my implants taken out, which is alot easier!  sorry to hear about your milk ducts.  i'm glad it all worked out, and appreciate you sharing your story!

    @ lynette, you are totally right about that!

    @ emotioncatcher and ronia – it's so true about pole dancing!  i wish i had discovered it when i was in my 20's or 30's.  i never felt sexy before i started pole, which is probably why i went for the implants in the first place.

    @organic angel – wow, thank you for sharing!  you look very pretty in your photo, and  i'm glad you got rid of that ex-boyfriend!

    @lyme – me, too!  so jealous of the small breasted girls!

    @sarah – thank you for the honest opinion!!  i completely agree with you about the money. that's why i just want to have the implants remove and not do anything else.  even the lifts are very expensive.  for that money, i could have two more poles!  🙂


    October 21, 2011 at 8:35 am

    You may want to look at any contract you signed when you got your aug. I know my doc offers for the patient to only pay anesthetia(so 500) instead of an entire procedure payment.

    I have also heard that the skin looks stretched but just give your body time for it to go back.(this may take atleast a year or more). You can also get fat from other areas put into them(from your legs, stomach or butt) if this happens.

    Good luck whatever you decide!

  • tarah

    October 21, 2011 at 1:34 pm

    thanks, organic angel  it's amazing what they can do now (moving fat around)!  i'm really just looking at having the implants taken out.  i want to keep it as simple and inexpensive as possible.  i'm hoping the surgeon here is not too expensive.  if he is, i will have to find someone on the mainland.  i could go back to the doctor who did my aug. but she is in florida!  🙂


    October 21, 2011 at 2:30 pm

    Ya, I think it is called "fat harvesting". They take out the fat from somewhere, spin it down so it gets nice to put in and inject it there. I haven't had it but it looks pretty cool. I don't believe in botox or anything, but they said they can use it as fillers in the face too-  atleast it is natural so your body doesn't reject it.

    If you flew all the way to your doc, you'd be paying just about as much for a procedure anyway huh? Hopefully you can find a good doc. It must be hard being in a diff. location.

  • Veena

    October 21, 2011 at 3:13 pm

    Everyone has some great thoughts and they're right you gotta do what works for you. Don't worry about time off of pole. You'll bounce back in no time!! We'll be here for you whatever you choose.

    I could use some fat harvesting to give me some boobs LOL

  • Dancing Paws

    October 21, 2011 at 3:45 pm

    It IS possible to have an adverse reaction to botox like an allergy. That's not real common, so I woldn't worry about it, but I just thought I'd mention it. I had botox injections in my neck (for migraines) and it is SO WEIRD! Whenever I'd bend forward I couldn't hold my neck up! I thought it was funny.

  • Runemist34

    October 21, 2011 at 3:56 pm

    Veena, if you need some fat/boobs, just have some of mine! 😛

    As for the removal of implants…honestly, it's up to you! I think small boobs are wonderful, because I'm on the other side of the fence. Finding bras for mine is a pain in the rear, and I ALWAYS have to wear one!

    If you still love them, then keep them! If you don't, then perhaps your thinking about getting rid of them is a good sign that it's time.

    As always, up to you!

  • Krista Bocko

    October 21, 2011 at 4:19 pm

    ha ha. veena, i'm with you. i wouldn't mind getting some fat harvested from my rear and transplanted to my chest. LOL.

  • tarah

    October 21, 2011 at 7:22 pm

    @ organic angel – it sounds like the future of agriculture (body-culture?).  going to get your fat harvested and then re-planted! 

    @ veena – thanks!  LOL now look what you have started

    @sensualscimitar – i will never get botox!  too freaky for me.  glad your neck is ok!

    @runemist – i like your philosophy!  nope, not in love anymore… time to say goodbye..


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