Forums Discussions xpole?!?!?! what is wrong with you dear xpole?

  • xpole?!?!?! what is wrong with you dear xpole?

    Posted by aWiiPeanut on January 7, 2010 at 1:18 am

    Right now i’m having issues with my xpole. When i put it in spinning mode, it doesn’t spin fast AT ALL… less than it did less than a month ago (i don’t use the spinning mode often). So i get to looking at the pole as i spin it and on each rotation it sticks a little and stops. It makes the pole look like its moving outwards and inwards, outwards and inwards. So i thought it was the bearing and i took it down. I have a spare pole i bought from a friend and i get it up and go to spinning mode and it does the same thing. This is the first time i’ve put hers up. Has anyone had these problems?? It appears the bearing is cracked (not chipped) in each dome and it wants to fall out when its upside down (not everytime tho). Has anyone seen this happen before? is it common??? I think its weird that it would happen to both poles. I know i’ve babied my pole. The one i got from my friend isn’t as new as mine so I can’t know how well she took care of it. However the fact that they have the same exact problem makes me feel like its an xpole problem. I emailed them and haven’t heard back yet. Does anyone have any feedback for me?

    rabidshrooms replied 15 years, 1 month ago 9 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • luvlee

    January 7, 2010 at 1:25 am

    Sounds like it is not level. Does it thump when u spin at all?? Did you use a level? Mine did that and the hubby got a level and fixed it.

  • Veena

    January 7, 2010 at 3:21 am

    Its either not level like luvlee suggested OR….TOOOOO TIGHT! If you over tighten the dome your X pole it will not spin freely.

  • aWiiPeanut

    January 7, 2010 at 1:51 pm

    i did use a level so that can’t be it.. i’ll have to check the dome part.
    Veena, do you mean the bar that goes it the dome is to far up, or the little nut thing that stops the bar from moving is too tight?
    thanks! =)
    maybe there is some hope after all…

  • faerie9

    January 7, 2010 at 1:59 pm

    Mine’s doing the same thing and I KNOW that it’s because the dome wasn’t level on the ceiling. I need to take it down and re-seat it.

    Equally overtightening can cause this, especially if as you say it looks bowed.

    Take it down, put it up again properly, making sure the dome is level (they say this is more important than the pole being perfectly straight – a level might tell you the pole is straight but that might make the dome not evenly placed on the ceiling!) and see how it goes. Only if that doesn’t sort it might you start thinking its faulty. Good luck

    Oh also make sure the adjuster screw (bewteen the dome and the pole) isn’t out more than the recommended 5 inches too.

  • freakiel

    January 7, 2010 at 3:06 pm

    i did use a level so that can’t be it.. i’ll have to check the dome part.
    Veena, do you mean the bar that goes it the dome is to far up, or the little nut thing that stops the bar from moving is too tight?
    thanks! =)
    maybe there is some hope after all…

    i think she means the pole itself. so when you are tightening the dome to the ceiling, you are overdoing it. she talks about it some in her how to put up an xpole video.

  • Veena

    January 7, 2010 at 3:27 pm

    Yes, I mean you have tightened to pole against the ceiling too much.

  • stars2shame

    February 5, 2010 at 2:40 pm

    I am having the same problem with my pole. I have untightened it but Im afraid it might be too loose. Is there something else that could be causing this problem? even when I make it more loose it still feels different than before I took it down and put it back up. It feels the same, it sticks in one spot, and Im stuck between leveling it and tightening it, then putting it on spin and checking, then on static and then untightening, and then on spin to check again, then my arms get tired and I give up, I just can’t seem to get it right!

  • polebunny

    February 7, 2010 at 4:13 pm

    This happened to mine once it just wasn’t straight I had the same clicking sound in one spot that felt like it was going to catch but never really did. At that same time it was also installed really tight bc I took it to my friends house. I think its a human error issue even if u had a level.

  • loopielou

    February 8, 2010 at 5:07 pm

    Mine is clunking at the moment as I have taken it down and am trying to reinstall. My ceiling isn’t level so when I have the pole straight, I go to tighten it and one side of the dome is flush to the ceiling, but the other side isn’t, so I tighten it more so that there aren’t any gaps at all round the dome, but then I think I have probably over-tightened it! – how can I solve the problem? I have taken it down and put it up about 10 times now and just can’t work out how to stop the clunkiness. Damn these cock-eyed old houses!!!!

    It was fine before so I must have got it right previously, although I do have marks in the ceiling where the dome was.

  • rabidshrooms

    February 25, 2010 at 7:29 pm

    Aha, I am having this same problem except I JUST got my x-pert yesterday. I am kind of getting pissed but it’s too soon to tell. I went to x-pole because I had heard bad things about PS’s customer service and just decided I’d rather have the x-pert. I had a problem putting it up with the adjuster getting stuck. When I called they almost tried to insinuate I did something to get it to stick – I held to my guns and finally got it unstuck (my bf and I had to untwist it).

    I have my pole level, all over. Pole is level on all four sides, dome is flat and level in he middle of a joist. We untightened it and it still feels like when it is on spin mode it has "pressure" humps. It doesn’t free spin. My bf and I are going to take it down today and redo it just to see if maybe moving it to another spot would help. If not, I am not sure what I am going to do because I am not going to pay xpole to replace a defective part if that is what the problem is (we followed instructions to a T so there was nothing done that would cause the pole to work improperly!). I definitely do not think it is still too tight because we untightened it a lot (I was wary of it being not tight enough at first) and checked it until the dome didn’t budge at all. So, wtf could it be if it isn’t any of those things? I mean my ceiling is 8’1 at best (It’s actually 8 1/2 but I’ll give it the extra half inch just to be on the safe side – yes I measured it, I’m just paranoid) and I am only using the one smallest extension which the manual says to use on ceilings under 8’2. I am almost 100 percent sure that the larger extension will not even fit on my ceiling as it is too big but we thought about maybe trying that although I doubt that would have to do much with how it spins.

    xpole even told us we could take the screws all the way out and it still does this. I have NO CLUE what is going on.

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