› Forums › Discussions › your nemesis moves…
Tabletop, TG lifts and similar. The things which are unsuitable for a long body basically…
Currently my nemesis moves are EG ( or any grip) Aysha, a truly flat Jade and figurehead out of Superman…I swear I broke my boob trying that in class!
Mine are mostly lifts, moves where you are really relying on you upper body to do alot of the work. I guess its b/c im holding a large chunk of weight (rest of my body) and relying on my arms. Anything split grip as well – I got tendonitis on my left wrist when I went at it hard so that fear still sits with me from time to time.
Today I rediscovered how incredibly awful my spinning invert is… I want to be able to do a spinning pencil spin into a straight legged invert! But my body said no. Ugh! Also getting into TG aysha from scorpio (which I managed, sloppily, once today) and Iron X.
Ugh, spinning inverts are mine too. I'm missing some kind of technique I just know it! I know I'm strong enough because I can deadlift and aerial invert…but when I'm fighting the pull of a spinning pole it's a complete no-go!
Spinny inverts are one of mine too. I'm with you, dustbunny, I feel like it's a technique thing. Lately my way out of that is to do a climb, then drop into inverted position. I can do that gracefully and it looks cool…. and I eliminate the "looking like a tortured spider of some ilk" appearance to the invert.
Spin MODE!
Any type of floorwork!
ANY move, pose or spin on my weak side (left side)
Spinning v invert/chopper
aerial v invert/invert
still struggling a little bit with holding the inverted crucifix
hood ornament hold/pose
Advanced plank
We just started prepping for shoulder mounts in class the last couple of weeks and it is NOT going well…I'm beginning to think maybe I should revisit the shoulder mount again waaaayyyyyyyy down the line that's how bad it is 🙁
A controlled invert.
Butterfly. (I cannot keep my top hand in the right position for the split grip hold!)
And the name a few. -
Tabletop and Marion Amber for me. I think my biggest problem is that I've never had instruction for either move. The closest thing to it has been reading the MA threads here!
I'm sure there are some others, but these are the ones that always seem to elude me.
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