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  • azriel

    February 13, 2009 at 7:37 pm

    Glitter is right- you should totally take your own advice (and you have awesome advice about this stuff) about this! sometimes when it comes to our own issues, we totally forget how to apply everything we know- think of what you would tell a friend if she asked for your advice for this exact same issue, and then follow exactly that- trust me, this works better than it sounds, you just have to really get into the role.

    Also from a psychological point of view, (and this is obvious), we tend to get more nervous around people we feel intimidated by, people we think we like more than they like us, and people we like of the opposite sex. So just like you said, you KNOW you can do the moves, it’s just that if it was someone else you didn’t particularly like, you’d be fine! so this is where you need to trick your brain- you can make your brain believe everything that glitter said (and it’s true anyway!) – you are HOT, sexy, confident, and he definately is lucky as hell to be gettin a lapdance from you (and for free too! lol). He’s lucky that you even like him, i don’t care How cute he is. I know it sounds wierd, but you’d be surprised how easily your brain can be affected by your thoughts. That’s why they say, if you pretend to be confident, and act confident, you actually become confident.
    If you didn’t care about this guy’s opinion, you’d do great, so tell yourself- you don’t CARE what he thinks! and why should you? you know you’re awesome, and so does everyone that has seen you showing us some moves! Think of under what circumstances you wouldn’t be nervous, and then make yourself believe that those are the actual circumstances.
    You’re just in the class to have fun, and doin this final recital to have fun- so think of it as that, and not as a serious performance that you’re being judged or graded on! and like you’ve said , guys are simple (and stupid they’re so easily pleased by lapdances and wouldn’t even know if you made a mistake- you just keep going as if that was part of the routine.
    More of your own advice: before you start, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and when you open them, you’re in a new role- and take your time.
    You’re definately gonna be awesome as hell. And i’m also thinking what ducky said- that maybe your instructor volunteered him again because he may have said something to her about it..