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  • miss fern

    January 3, 2009 at 6:33 am

    After seeing you guys say it was easy – I tried to bow and arrow – and ignored the voice in my head telling my I couldn’t do it – I was too slippy – it was too hard – it was too scary – it would hurt – I woudl fall — and just DID IT!

    And I suceeded YAY!

    But then I got a bit cocky and I DID slip and fall and hurt myself hahahaha! So my advice is to surround your pole with pillows — because I kept landing on my knees and it really hurts – especially if you accidentally don’t hook your top foot around!

    But it’s true that it’s not as hard as you think – just make sure you can do a crossed legged release or a falling angel first – and also practice the half bow and arrow (which is the same leg position as bow and arrow, but your hands are both on the floor shoulder width apart). If you can do those – you’re good to go!

    Good luck everyone!