Forums Discussions Studio Veena Challenge Reply To: Studio Veena Challenge

  • Rouge_LAmour

    January 17, 2009 at 8:36 pm

    We use the no spin / no invert challenge at the studio to get girls thinking about their in between work.
    It’s actually really tough on those who are very trick focussed. But it’s great for those girls who can wiggle and aren’t so good at tricks as it’s their turn to shine.

    Chair dancing is also a great challenge. We teach it in our burlesque class (No nudity, but loads of fun). It uses slightly different muscle groups and it’s a lot harder as the "thing" you’re dancing on isn’t as stable.

    We’re also thinking about a challenge in the studio for New Zealand Music Month (May) where the girls have to create a routine to a Kiwi song. It’s easier in a bigger country where there’s a lot of artists, like the US, so this is a good challenge for students while pushing the kiwi music industry. My choice is RocknRoll Machine "Want you bad".

    I’m looking forward to the challenges, just need to get the pole back up at home – had to return a borrowed extension and the slot car set got built around the base… (Lame excuse, I know, I have 10 poles at the studio to play on .)

    However, I will place this months studioveena challenge with my students this week and get them to post their efforts!
