Forums Discussions January Studio Veena Challenge Reply To: January Studio Veena Challenge

  • pole-twista

    January 8, 2009 at 3:40 pm

    I hear you Taylor I think I had mentioned that concern before with my floorwork am not really sure how to do "filler moves" and floorwork without it looking atleast somewhat sexually suggestive I don’t mean like humping the floor, but ya know.. I realize we’re all adults here, and as said it’s sexually suggestive, not soft core porn, but def. didn’t want to make anyone (including myself) uncomfortable Well I’ll repeat after you Taylor.."whew!" I have recored a little bit, but really have to figure out how to edit ( so don’t spend half the video watching me walking back and forth to radio or standing trying to figure out what to do next )
    and and post Am going to redo challenge as used a long sparkly necklace as prop to play with, but found it got in way of certaoin moves Can’t wait to finally have a video up here so you guys can feel like you know me better and am looking fowward to constructive feedback I have got a couple of pics I am going to see if I can get scanned onto comp. Nothing fancy just snapshots of practice, but atleast can finally put a face to a name

    If a miracle ever happens with me and my digital camera and I someday magically know how to use it will be able to post pics easily for now have to figure a way to get pic on here with no personal scanner or digital camera Maybe wal-greens can help out with there photo lab options.. hmm.. well anyway am really looking foward to seeing all the latest vids and posting my own materuial

    Happy Poling Everyone!!!