Forums Discussions How’d you get into pole dancing? Reply To: How’d you get into pole dancing?

  • Veena

    January 10, 2009 at 6:16 pm

    I was always intrigued by "the pole" I don’t know why?? I had done a few amateur nights for the experience and just to get a chance to touch the pole… was calling me. lol. Well that was back when I had no pole experience what so ever but I still had fun! I had no idea there were people taking classes for this. Then one time I went to a party and they had 2 platinum stages poles there. As soon as I saw that I was beside myself with excitement. Once they started the music I was one of the first to jump on the little square shaped stage and I pretty much stayed up there the whole night. I had no idea what I was doing but people seemed to like it I even had a lady ask if I would teach her. lol

    The next day my shoulder and every other body part was sooooooo sore butI couldn’t stop thinking about the pole….so I got on google and started searching for poles. I was so shocked to see you could by them for your home. I ended up choosing a platinum stages polished stainless steel pole……and here I am today