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  • pole-twista

    January 11, 2009 at 9:58 pm

    I can imagine it is scary and prob very good idea to have spotter i would just rather have someone teach me the correct way of getting into/out of move as safely as possible as well as get any tips or advice Veena may have on this rather than attempt it by watching videos on you tube of people who are not only not breaking the moves down, but may be doing it incorrectly Of course there should be a warning to people who may want to learn it it is a very advanced and dangerous move and people should be remindied to use a spotter, mat, and common sense ( if you haven’t completely mastered superman and feel very confident holding yourself in that position don’t even attempt death lay basically being honest with yourself about your level of training on the pole ) I was just requesting some diffrent options If a requested move is deemed to dangerous or there’s just not alot of intrest in a moves thats fine, just throwing out some ideas