Forums Discussions Houston Jan 16-17, Bryan/College Station 1/15 then 1/18-1/21

  • Houston Jan 16-17, Bryan/College Station 1/15 then 1/18-1/21

    Posted by chemgoddess1 on January 2, 2012 at 2:07 pm

    Just putting this out there.  I will be down in Texas in about 2 weeks.  Monday night I will be taking a Super Pole I class at 8pm at S Factor Houston then Tuesday I am planning on taking the Jiggle It class at PoleLaTeaz at 7pm.  As far as I know there is nothing offered in the BCS area.  If anyone is interested in taking these classes with me and meeting a Northern Veener hit me up!




    Want some fries with that shake?This class is completely dedicated to a woman's best asset….her butt!!! Learn how to jiggle it, shake it, and roll it! Let us get that butt into tip top shape! Heels optional



    Super Pole I

    Pole dance workout. Part I of S Factor's superior pole technique enhancement series. A unique brand of athletic pole fitness that is exclusive to S Factor. Lessons emphasize right and left-handed pole grips, rotation balance, spinning and flying speed, standard inversions and dance flow. Begin with a specialized S Factor Workout focused on the shoulders and upper body. Appropriate for all Levels including women new to S Factor. Low to medium intensity.




    shayjones replied 13 years, 2 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Hotness Momster

    January 2, 2012 at 10:23 pm

    Never been to s factor. But crystal @ ego fitness is super awesome and fun. I’ve taken 6 (8 week) sessions at plt. Make sure you bring knee pads or a yoga mat. Enjoy your stay!!

  • TigerLilyMarie

    January 3, 2012 at 12:33 am

    I'll be taking a Freestyle class at 7pm at PolelaTeaz, but you'll have a blast in Jiggle It – Dorothy is a hoot! Maybe I'll see you in the studio though!

    I've only taken an intro class at S Factor, but didn't stay there – they have a whole Zen/no mirrors/spiritual thing going on over there that I found to be a little disconcerting when applied to poling.

    Ego Fitness I can recommend, try a class with Crystal Belcher aka "Little Crystal", she's a firecracker and will make you work pretty hard. My favorite drop in with her is PoleworX/Sensual Stretch. You'll always need sneakers here, so don't forget to bring them, and beware Ego's very unkind florescent lighting… I always try to wear capris there, where at PoleLaTeaz I feel okay to be more daring because they dim the lights down to make it more sexy.

  • cupcake11

    January 3, 2012 at 12:56 am

    @chemgoddess, are you familiar with Kelly, the choreographer for The Girls Next Door? She will be doing a workshop in San Antonio on Sat, Jan 14th from 1-3:30 for $75 if you want to hit that too. Info available at Info is listed uner events here on verna’s site for Kelly and estee in Austin too-don’t remember the dates though. If you want to try to together (if you’ll be in SA area) pm me.

  • chemgoddess1

    January 3, 2012 at 5:44 am

    I am not flying in until Sunday evening… 🙁


    I have been to S Factor before….that was actually where I started 4 years ago when sites like this really did not exist.  They really do slinky like no other studio I have been to before and I don't have problems with that.  

    I looked at Ego but I really am not looking for a pole fit class….I wanted to take a few things I don't have access to up here.


  • shayjones

    January 3, 2012 at 10:09 pm

    There is also the option of taking the Stiletto Strut, Lap Dance Fusion, Sensual Fit and/or Sneaks -n- Cheeks at Ego Fitness Studios. And a little further up the freeway is Lady of Essence with another range of fun fitness classes.

  • chemgoddess1

    January 4, 2012 at 5:53 am

    Shayjones, let me clarify, I looked at Ego's schedule for when I could take a class and all I saw were more fitnessy classes than pole.  I did not even see Lady of Essence when I searched for pole studios in Houston.

  • shayjones

    January 4, 2012 at 9:08 am

    No problem, most of our pole and women's fit classes are in the evening and the weekend. Yeah Lady Of Essence opened its studio around mid year last year, so its fairly new 🙂 There is also Kara's Pole Studio in the Kemah area and Verticality in the Central Houston area.

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