Falling Star

Before training for this trick, your Shooting star and a Gemini on BOTH sides must be strong and consistent.. This combo can be done fast or slow, music and comfort level should determine the speed.
wohoo i love it. i have so many things to practise at the moment, but i will absolutely try this in my next excercise-time!!
OMG…This one of my favorite drops!
Ok, Found my next move to work on
HOLY CRAP! That’s insanely scary! Lol, good job Veena.
If I ever make this move look HALF as graceful as you, I will be very pleased with myself 🙂
im gonna try this one tonight! 🙂
Love this move…..can’t do it yet, but love watching it!
That’s cool!
Is this also known as the dolly drop???
I think there is no leg switch in the holly drop.
Ok thanks!
i did it finally with ease….after 2 years
Veena, is it possible to do this move without the Gemini at the end. just end in a scorpio?
sorry, that was a dumb question. you are already in scorpio, looks like you can just stay there if you wanted too
Yes 😊
Got this one today, woo-hoo! I’m feeling like a pole-chick super hero now 😉 Thanks for this awesome lesson.
Is this also called a holly drop?
I think with the holly drop you don’t switch the legs.
Yay I got it!! Just got to practise making it smoother and a little faster – effortless (not) lol thanks veena
Love it!! Did it! Thxxxx
This is such a cool looking move! Was able to do it on both sides today very slowly and thoughtfully but I see now that I will be able to get the flow down with practice.
Both sides that’s awesome!
Three years ago I started working on my Superman drop, and realized this was the perfect progression … I ultimately succeeded with the Superman drop.
In the interim, injuries & illness have set me back considerably, and I started over — again — in April after nearly 7 months off the pole. It’s been in just the last 3-4 weeks that even reclaimed my leg hangs (still can’t chopper).
After resolving my technical difficulties, I watched this video about eleventy-seven times, and today succeeded on my very first try!!!