Tuck Hip Hold

This trick is a great way to prepare yourself for other more advanced hip holds like the Pike, Inverted lotus and Jade. Pay close attention to the points of contact and remember to place the pole high on the thigh, near the hip, hence the name, hip hold.
Also Known As: BOMB
Strengthens: ADDUCTORS
I really love your new tutorials Veena. I wasn’t active for a while on your site and now I see all your new tutorials. They are so great and detailed and with prep exercises!! Keep up the good work!
The only thing I don’t like is the portrait modus of the video instead of the landscape, but that’s only a little thing 🙂
Thanks! 🙂 This Vertical view makes mobile use far better. It gives you a much closer look and there’s no need to flip the phone, which makes me look tiny on mobile. Make sure to tap the 4 arrows to go full screen!
Oh good idea thanks! I use studio veena only on my computer, therefore the comment 🙂
I see! I made the switch to vertical because over 90% of our users are on a mobile device! Crazy how things change ðŸ˜