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I wear a size 8 in lululemon and a M in bad kitty if that helps 🙂
Sprained my intercostal muscles on my right side slipping out of a twisted ballerina. It was the worst pain I ever have felt in my life, like I was being stabbed in the side. There was popping and grinding sounds too. It was so bad I went to the hospitol but they refused to xray me because I had no health insurance so I still don’t know if anything was broken. I could hardly get out of bed for three weeks 🙁
And most recently(December) I bashed my foot into my coffee table just doing a simple spin and fractured it, but it healed pretty quick and was just annoying. …word to the wise, move furniture when poling! -
Oooo this should be fun, now to find a really wierd fun prop!
I think its funny how the 3 pictures of “her” look nothing alike and are clearly 3 different girls! And clearly no one has ever seen her perform or teach, so I doubt InStyle is giving her awards lol. InStyle should give studioveena an award 🙂
Phoenix Kazree did almost the same thing at pole art but with the bottom leg still on the pole. I forgot what she called it, elbow hook split I think??
I use that app too! I just put my aerial classes and pole time under gymnastics general, it seems to be close 🙂
Yup, and you can watch many of them on Netflix free too ! 🙂
First position was amazing! It was great to see ballet being more mainstream! Another good one is Ballerina, and Etoiles:Stars of the Paris Opera Ballet (it’s in French with English subtitles) http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0000AZT67/ref=redir_mdp_mobile
Omg right up my Polerina alley!!! You guys have no idea how ecstatic I am for this lol
I had a co worker comliment my back muscles once and was like "oh wow I can never see them so cool!" One time someone was like "wow look at that bruise thats enormous!" and I was like "yup…that's from working my butt off on the Marion Amber" https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif
I have silks at my studio as well as lyra but take private classes at OSSG in Lincoln RI which is about 20 min from the Mass line 🙂
I just got an aerial hoop for my birthday!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 Greatest boyfriend ever! I would definitely contact a pro about rigging if you do not have a sturdy rigging point. I just rigged mine to one of the support beams in the studio (big and steel, very sturdy!) I got my hoop from aerialfabric.com and it was $200. I love it! I had them tape it for me and they did a very good job. You are supposed to tape a hoop from the top to middle of the bottom on each side so when you slide your hands down it it doesn't unravel or roll.
MemberMarch 4, 2013 at 10:41 pm in reply to: Clearance Yoga hammocks and Pole ManualsI’m really tempted to get a mini hammock!!
I have it for my silks, but would never let students or anyone use it on the poles as it makes a lot of sticky and hard to clean off residue. Great for silks, not for pole!
My friend has the one from trapeze rigging and she loves it and its very sturdy! I can’t wait for spring so we can go out and use it 🙂