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  • Aly77

    September 5, 2012 at 12:54 am in reply to: Pole Dance Heroes

    I love watching Phoenix Kazree 🙂 Beautiful dancer!!!

    Marion Crampe is also amazing!!!

    Definitely Becca Butcher, Hanka Venselaar and Skittles for tricks.

    Marlo is a fantastic dancer no matter what the music style is and she is a powerhouse on the pole!!!

  • Aly77

    March 1, 2012 at 12:37 pm in reply to: I was sold a FAKE Xpole!

    Look on the back of the DVD…..usually mass produced DVD's are silver.  Copied media will be a color. 

    Look on the back for the wording X-Pole on the silver ring. 

    Open the DVD on your computer and view the files.  Look either at the bottom of your screen when you highlight a file, or in the properties for the date created. Most disks have a copyright year on the front, and that should  match with what you see for the date created.  Of course this wouldn't work if the disc said 2012 and it was created in 2012, or 2011 and created in 2011, and so on.


  • Aly77

    March 1, 2012 at 8:53 am in reply to: I was sold a FAKE Xpole!

    Looks like sellers are now selling the fake bottom loading poles as well.  This thing looks really unsafe, and  the tools …omg!!! 

    @Hollywood in CT…..chemgoddess1 is right.  Also that top adjuster looks plastic, or either some sort of metal  with very little threading.  Although they didn't advertise on eBay as an X Pole, I would take pictures of the box, DVD, and instruction manual that had the X Pole branding on it, and send it to X Pole through their contact link on their website.  I would also report the item to eBay through the link on the auction page.   You can report it as "Copyright and trademark>bootleg records or unauthorized media>unauthorized photocopies of printed material" as long as they were actual copies from the X Pole media. 

    I don't know what your copies looked like, but I have seen some manuals with very poor wording, and an X Pole logo.  Either way, they are using the X Pole logo to trick buyers into thinking they received a genuine product after the purchase because they know they can't get away with it on eBay. They state that they have a 30 day return policy, with the buyer paying shipping back, so maybe that would be an option for you.   It is also interesting that they state no one over 150 lbs should use this pole, and they have two different listings for the same pole at different prices.  Their other listing has a picture of Jenyne Butterfly on a pole as their main pic. 



  • Aly77

    December 31, 2011 at 9:33 pm in reply to: Why did you pick your Veena name?

    The first 3 letters of my first name…..Alyssa, and the last two digits of the year I was born….1977 = Aly77
    I’m really awful at coming up with names, so mine are usually boring!!!

  • Aly77

    December 9, 2011 at 4:11 pm in reply to: I was sold a FAKE Xpole!

    This is so weird because I was just looking at this listing again today.  I was about to email X Pole with some information, but I will put it here since Lindsey will probably see it. The seller is about 90 miles from me, and they have listed poles before on eBay saying that they were X Poles.  They had pictures of what appeared to be an authentic X Pole DVD, and X Pole manual.  The picture was clear enough for me to make out the wording on the manual, and it was obvious it was a fake.  I'm pretty sure I reported it to ebay, and X Pole (Lindsey), as I always do, so I guess they have quit claiming they are X Poles, and have taken off the fake manual and DVD picture as well.  Just from the picture of the pole you can see that the dome is a different shape. 

    Here is their current listing, which has the picture of the manual.  They are also still claiming on there that it is an X Pole.  I would think that this would be a violation of the Craigslist Terms of Use #5 that deals with infringement. 

    They are also selling on as a storefront……….. 

    There is also another seller on eBay out of Canada that I reported this week.  Their listing title says that they are selling 45mm X Perts, but has a stock picture of an older screw together pole.  I contacted them to ask for actual pictures of the pole they are selling.  Their response was that the picture in the auction was the actual picture.  I responded back and told them they weren't selling genuine X Pole, X Perts because that wasn't a picture of one.  Their response was, "you will be surprised:), this is old model of original xpole with all documents.thanks for your time. "  

    I bet I would be surprised if I spent a lot of money on something and it wasn't what it was supposed to be!!!!

    Lindsey gave good advice….call X Pole!!!!

    There are a lot of "knock-off" X Poles right now on eBay, and most of the business sellers will have more than one listed, or multiple amounts of poles available in each auction. 

    You also have to be careful with individual sellers who are reselling their pole.  They might have bought a "knock-off", but were told it was an X Pole.  They list it as an X Pole because that's what brand they were told it was. Some sellers don't even know what size their pole is when you ask….45mm or 50mm? 

    I'm not saying that you shouldn't buy a pole from eBay or any other website that someone lists these on.  There are reputable sellers on the web.  So, if in doubt ask the seller questions or call X Pole to verify.

  • Aly77

    December 8, 2011 at 8:54 pm in reply to: For those who have Sirius Radio

    I think I found it…….If it was the Playboy Morning Show, the rebroadcast is daily at 7am Eastern. 

    Since the schedule says the show starts daily at 10am Eastern, I am assuming it will be on Friday morning.

    So, my guess is that you would probably be on around 7:30am Eastern.

  • Aly77

    December 8, 2011 at 11:10 am in reply to: For those who have Sirius Radio

    That’s awesome!!! Too bad I just saw this and missed it. Will they be replaying it throughout the day?

  • Aly77

    November 9, 2011 at 9:00 am in reply to: Implanon, Mirena, Depo

    I got Mirena after my daughter was born in 2007. At my 2 week post delivery check up, the doctor asked if I had thought about birth control. I told her yes….I want a tubal ligation. I was 30 years old, and my husband and i had been married for 9 years when we decided to have a baby. Because of a rough pregnancy,mentally, and a 19 hour labor that ended in an emergency c-section, I was very positive on what I wanted. Of course she told me to try something that wasn’t permanent, in case i wanted another child, so I opted for Mirena.
    For the next year my periods were so messed up that I constantly wore a tampon. It would be like one week on, two weeks off, three days on, two days off…well you get the picture. So, at my yearly check up, I told her again that I wanted a tubal because the Mirena wasn’t working for me. So, in December 2008, I got a tubal!!! I will be 35 next year and still don’t want another child.
    The mirena insertion just felt like bad period cramps for about a minute, so it wasnt that unpleasant. I had mine removed during my tubal so i have no idea how that felt. My husband said he never felt the wires or anything, unless i asked him to check for me. I was also constantly afraid it was going to come out and I wouldn’t know that it did and I would get pregnant again.
    I have heard so many different stories about all of the contraception listed…good and bad. It just depends on what you’re comfortable with and what works with your body. You might have to try a couple of methods before finding the right one.

  • Aly77

    November 3, 2011 at 8:43 am in reply to: Fear of going Upside down

    @Runemist….." I'm one of those people that can't figure out which way to turn my wheels on a bike or in a car if I'm backing up! lol  """

    Haha….This is totally me too.  I'm left handed so that doesn't help.  We have a riding lawn mower with a small dump trailer, and I can't figure out which way to turn when backing up.  Our insurance company for our 36 foot fifth wheel trailer made us list me on there as a driver because I'm licensed.  I told them if it ever had to be moved and it was left up to me, I would have to call a towing company.

    I feel more secure in the CKR because I have my leg crossed and braced against the pole.  I used to get real dizzy when I would go upside down, but with time that has gone away.  When I first tried the CAR, before I let go with my hands, I slid down a little.  That is what freaked me out and left me with that "I'm going to slide straight down on my head" feeling. 

  • Aly77

    October 31, 2011 at 8:56 am in reply to: Fear of going Upside down

    It's not so much a fear of being upside down for me.  It's the CAR that scares me.  There is something about only holding on to the pole with my legs straight out, letting go with my hands, and my head going backwards.  I just can't psych myself up to do it.  I've tried it low, with pillows underneath me, and with a spotter and I freaked out.  I can do a CKR just fine, and also a gemini, scorpio, brass monkey, etc.  I will also do just about anything upside down involving holding on with my arms or hands, such as an EG Aysha, TG Aysha, etc.  I know it's all in my head, but I guess it's landing on my head that scares me!!!!

  • Aly77

    October 25, 2011 at 3:40 pm in reply to: Artistic pole videos
  • Aly77

    October 24, 2011 at 2:05 pm in reply to: Artistic pole videos

    Oops…sorry I forgot to include your videos Veena.  I figured your vids were a given for being artistic, but I guess maybe some havent seen them.  I actually think all of yours are artistic because you do different lighting, props, angles and backgrounds in each one.  I love the three that you linked to, and how they cut to different scenes throughout

  • Aly77

    October 24, 2011 at 9:56 am in reply to: Artistic pole videos

    Whew…. didn't realize I remembered so many from youtube.  I looked at all the other links posted, so I tried not to include any of those already mentioned.  Hope you get some ideas from them.

    These two are not pole videos, they're corde lisse by Allie Cooper, but I really love how they are shot. 


    Here are two from Anastasia Skukhtorova….. 


    One from Pole Summer Camp….. 


    And of course Becca Butcher…. 



  • Aly77

    October 16, 2011 at 11:28 am in reply to: Problems screwing together 2 main poles (of x-pole)

    I have two screw together x poles….45mm and 50mm. Both of them have gotten stuck at different pieces before, even when I’ve only had them up for a couple of hours. I also have the C-cup releases from x pole. They are very helpful in getting the leverage you need to pull. I have had one of the pins that goes through the hole bend before because of the pressure. I hammered the pin back out flat and it’s ok now.

    I’ll give you some info on what I do as far as “maintenance” to the threads.
    I take a wet, lightly soapy, rag and clean the threads of all the gunk. I then take another plain wet rag and wipe over them again. I have a tube of “Lucas Oil Products White Lithium Grease” that I use on the threads. The grease is white and not runny, so it is easy to spread and get on the threading. After the pole threads are cleaned, greased and I’ve put it back up, I make sure and wipe it really good in case any of the grease squeezed out while screwing it back together. This does help if you do it consistently.
    As a matter of fact, I need to take mine down today and do some cleaning!!! Good luck getting your pieces apart 🙂

  • Aly77

    October 8, 2011 at 8:07 pm in reply to: Halloween Costumes…Are U dressing up?

    Runemist….tiggertail is right about walmart. I saw different tails in the costume section. There are usually cat ear headbands out this time of year too.

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