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  • Aly77

    October 4, 2011 at 3:53 pm in reply to: So happy to have discovered this world of POLE!

    Welcome!!!  This is a great positive place to meet other polers, ask questions, and learn.  I'm sure you'll meet your goal of weight loss, and also tone up and gain strength, all while doing something fun!!!

    Yes, you will have bruises.  Some people also bruise easier than others.  Your skin might or might not toughen up, or get used to a move, depending on how often you do the move, and if you do it correctly.   So, the more you practice, your body will get accustomed to getting "beat up by the pole", and you will eventually notice less bruising.  Just don't push it and hurt yourself though!!!  As far as your pole sit hurting between your thighs… will get less painful once you get used to it. 

    Good luck with the lessons, and congratulations on getting a pole!!!!

  • Aly77

    September 27, 2011 at 9:51 pm in reply to: Newbie Dancer

    Welcome Bob!!!  I started pole about a month after you.  Can't wait to see some videos from you!!!

  • Aly77

    July 27, 2011 at 2:14 pm in reply to: Hey All!

    I have two X Poles…45mm and 50mm both chrome, and they are the older screw together type. 

    If there are any studios near you, you might want to call and see what kind of poles they have, the finish on the pole, and the size (diameter).  If they have the type of pole you are interested in buying, then you could go take a class to try it out. 

  • Aly77

    July 27, 2011 at 11:30 am in reply to: Hey All!

    It really depends on how close it is to the wall or walls.  If it is in a corner then I would think you would have two walls to avoid hitting or kicking. 

    I have my poles set up in a 10X14.   The pole I use the most is 43" from the center of the pole to the closest wall.  All of the other sides have plenty of clearance.  It's fine for basic spins, and some inverts, but when I do something like an Aysha I have to make sure I don't hit the wall.  I had to place it like this because of the ceiling studs, but I wish it was a little further out.   

    Placing your pole too close to a wall, other furniture, or below a ceiling fan or light, can really inhibit your ability to progress.  I did have a small blade ceiling fan/light close to my pole when I first put it up.  I was so worried about kicking it that I would have to invert on a certain side.  I found myself not wanting to do any moves that would make me come into contact with the fan/light, so I took it down.  It felt so much better not having to worry about something constantly, and I could even invert much better. 

    It is probably best to just set up your pole, and start poling.  If you are doing spins and feel "cramped up" in the space you have your pole in, then I would suggest moving it out a bit if that is possible.  Good luck and congrats on getting your pole!!!!

  • Aly77

    July 25, 2011 at 11:36 pm in reply to: When you meet a pole celebrity..

    At the convention, I saw a lot of pole celebrities.  I felt kind of weird just going up to them and asking for an autograph or to get my pic with them.  I didn't know if it would bother them or not. 

    I got Felix's autograph bcause she was at her table, and I had no idea what to say except for thank you when she signed her picture.

    I spotted Alethea just as she was getting to her table.  I literally made a beeline for her.  Of course I didn't know what to say, but I purchased some of her merchandise, the preorder DVDs, and she autographed some stuff.

    I did get my picture with Karol.

    I was literally hitting my husband's arm the whole weekend saying, "look, look"…lol


  • Aly77

    July 22, 2011 at 10:04 pm in reply to: depression and other s***

    I take Lexapro and it works well for me. I don’t really notice any side effects, but of course everyone is different. My sister took Symbiax and gained a lot of weight…..and I don’t mean just like ten pounds. That was one of the side effects, and when she switched medications, she lost a lot of weight.
    I also struggle with anxiety and panic attacks. I had gallbladder problems in May 2010 and it took over a week to be diagnosed. After my gallbladder removal surgery I continued to have severe pain, and spent the next two weeks in the emergency room every couple of days. Finally after every test imaginable, they gave me an anti anxiety med in my iv, and that solved the problem. My anxiety manifests as pain and nausea. My panic attacks have been so bad that I have been hyperventilating and can’t even catch my breath to talk. I also drool, yes drool, and I am usually on the floor crawling around. I know this sounds weird, but when I’m in an attack this is what seems comfortable to me. I saw a psychiatrist for a while, but when she said to me, “well I don’t know what’s wrong with you or what’s causing this”, I decided to see someone else. Since going to someone else and getting medication for when I feel them coming on, I have had fewer and fewer to date. I know the reason they started….I thought I was going to die because I hurt so bad before my gallbladder surgery. There is just no trigger for them now…I could have an anxiety attack just sitting in bed. At least they’ve become less frequent though.
    I also went through severe depression during my whole pregnancy, and post partum depression for a long time. I didn’t want to take medication because it didn’t seem to work for me when I was younger, but looking back I should have. It was so bad, that I had a tubal ligation because I never wanted to go through that again, and my husband was all for it.
    You sound like you have a lot on your plate, and maybe taking a breather, if you can, would help. I can’t say I know exactly what youre going through and I know how you feel because everyone has different stress levels and breaking points. Just know that there are others who experience similar things, and its good to have someone to talk to, whether it be a friend, therapist, or someone on here. Also, if you don’t feel like a med is working or don’t like the side effects, by all means tell your doctor. There are a lot of medications out there and you’ll eventually find one that works for you. I hope everything goes well for you with all of your studying!!!!

  • Aly77

    June 19, 2011 at 9:03 pm in reply to: You gotta see this routine!!!

    This was an awesome routine!!!  They were the first performance of all the shows on Saturday. 

    @Layla Duvay…..that is Marlo.

  • Aly77

    June 9, 2011 at 8:26 am in reply to: Help with talk on Pole Dancing!

    I know you said this is for the Womens Institute, and your target group is ladies, but you could possibly mention that a lot of men are participating as well because they realize that it is a form of exercise. 

    You could talk about the organizations, associations, and federations that have been formed to brings standards, safety, training, etc., to the pole community. 

    Good luck on your presentation!!!!!


  • Aly77

    May 12, 2011 at 10:41 pm in reply to: Europe and USA here i come!

    That’s awesome news!!!! Where are you moving to?

  • Aly77

    April 20, 2011 at 7:55 am in reply to:

    You're welcome!!  Their store name is one you don't forget.

    The bikini is cute.  It wouldn't be a scrunch back on me though… would be a "munch back" because it would look like my butt had muched it up  haha

  • Aly77

    April 19, 2011 at 10:02 pm in reply to:

    They are on Ebay, so you can check out there feedback there. 

    I'm pretty sure I ordered something from them, but its been a while back.  I don't remember anything bad, so I guess that's good!!!

  • Aly77

    March 30, 2011 at 8:28 am in reply to: Dry Rough Heels

    For me, dry rough, cracked heels come from my extremely dry skin, and going barefoot, or wearing flip flops.  This suggestion may sound weird, but it works for me.  At night before I go to bed, I use a pumice stone on my heels first.  Then I put vaseline onto my heels…I use enough so that it looks like "gobs" of it on my heels.  Then I tear off a piece of saran wrap or plastic wrap, and wrap it around my heel and ankle so that it holds in place.  I put a pair of socks on over it so that it will stay on.  I have soaked my feet in just water and vegetable oil before doing this also.  After a couple of nights my heels are doing better.  I guess this is the cheapo fix, but it works for me!!!!

  • Aly77

    March 5, 2011 at 10:27 pm in reply to: finally found a used x pole….need yalls help!

    The "chopsticks" or "rods" are used to loosen to tighten the pole.  There should be two of them. 

    As far as the holes being rough, you should feel the outer edges.   If the person used something other than the rods to loosen or tighten the pieces, it could have warped, made dents, or made the holes jagged. 

    If she got this pole 2 years ago new, she should only have the 2 rods, and hex key as tools. 

    I have 2 of the threaded poles….a 45mm and a 50mm.  Here is a pic of my 45mm (without the adjuster cover on the top) 

    Just make sure that all of the pole pieces are there too!!!

  • Aly77

    February 23, 2011 at 8:00 pm in reply to: Best Flooring

    This might be what you are looking for……. 

  • Aly77

    February 23, 2011 at 9:11 am in reply to: Poling at home

    I have a 3 year old daughter, who loves the pole.  I personally think it is great that she likes to be active instead of just sitting around doing nothing.  I also have  2 nieces, 5 & 6 years old, that beg to come over, and play on the pole.  Kids see it as a fun activity.  My sister recently took my 5 year old niece to a new PreK for a tour.  When they got to the playground there was a pole attached to some play equipment.  My niece screamed out, "mommy look, a pole", and proceeded to run over and attempt an invert.  I was dying with laughter when my sister told me!!                                         I think if they grow up learning what it is about, then they will not be embarrassed when confronted by others. 

    As for teenagers….I think they are generally embarrassed by anything their parents do!!!  They are able to form their own opinions at this age and their definition of "cool" is the opposite of what their parents do.  I wouldn't let my child stop me from doing something I wanted to do, or try just because they don't like it.  I think once an older child saw the hard work and dedication that goes into poling, they would learn to appreciate it.

    I don't hide the fact that I pole to other adults if they ask or find out.  I am very proud that I am 33 and I am able to do what I do.  I have not come across anyone that looks down on me for it, or says anything bad about it.  Of course I get the occasional joke about dancing for my husband, but when I show someone a picture of me doing a move, their impression of pole dance changes. They are all amazed and in awe of the strength that it takes.   I know that eventually I will find someone with preconceived notions about pole, and not be able to change their mind.  People are entitled to their opinions, and they can simply choose not to associate with me if they don't like it.  I do what I do for me, and not for anyone else!!!  So, don't let anyone else discourage you from doing something that is great for you.

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