Forum Replies Created

  • Brittanyshanah1663

    March 12, 2020 at 7:12 am in reply to: What are the Pro’s and cons of a stage pole

    The stages scare me. When I see ppl poking on them they sometimes look like they are going to break with the force being applied to them. They swag to whatever side the weight is on. I just don’t think I would feel comfortable on them, but I’m sure when you are on them you don’t feel it, it probably just looks worse than it is.

  • Brittanyshanah1663

    March 12, 2020 at 6:46 am in reply to: Slippery Pole – I’ve tried a million things!

    Ya I’ve never done it bc I didn’t want to damage my beautiful piole, but the girls in my FB group that talked about it swears that it’s so light you can’t see the part they sanded. I was just passing the info along in case she was still looking for some help, it would suck to have a brand new pole at home and not be able to use it. I would try just about everything to get my moneys worth.

  • Brittanyshanah1663

    March 10, 2020 at 4:12 am in reply to: Slippery Pole – I’ve tried a million things!

    Hey Katie I don’t know if you are doing better with your chrome pole but in case you want it to have better grip have you thought of taking fine grit sandpaper to it? I’ve heard so many girls say they do that to new poles. It’s not enough to scratch the pole, it’s just a fine grit that takes off the top coat that is on new poles and makes it a little more worn in?? I’ve never tried it, I have no idea about if it’s bad for the pole or anything but like I’ve said I’ve seen it in a lot of pole discussions elsewhere that it helps so just wanted to pass it along to anyone looking for some tips for less grippy poles.

  • Brittanyshanah1663

    August 4, 2019 at 3:16 am in reply to: Getting new boobs but need advice on poling….. 🙁

    My advice is only get them done for yourself, not bc of the other girls in your class. This is a a serious surgery with risks. That being said I’ve had mine since 2009 and I love them! I have saline under the muscle. I got mine bc after I had my child I lost all my breasts from losing weight, I didn’t breastfeed. I wanted my fullness back for ME to fill sexy and full out my bras and clothes the way I was used to. I asked the surgeon to just make me proportionate and he did an amazing job. NO ONE can tell my breasts are fake. They always say that they couldn’t tell when I let them know. You need to take into consideration that you are supposed to have the implants replaced after about 10 years. You can start to see rippling in the implants after you’ve had them for a while. I would highly recommend you do not get them above the muscle. Not many ppl do that anymore especially bc you can see the rippling of the implants later on than you can if they are under the muscle. I wish I wouldn’t have gotten the gummy bears when I got mine but they were so new my Dr didn’t offer them. I am going to have my salines replaced with the gummy bears as soon as I can. They are WAY more expensive but they feel amazing almost like real breast tissue. I love it!! Make sure you pick a good Dr do lots of research. I was a dancer at the time so I saw sooooo many booby jobs. I went to the Dr that the girls with the best breasts in my club went to. It was funny bc the girl who made the most money and no one knew they had fake breasts bc the Dr was so good, he didn’t advertise like some plastic surgeons do in magazines and stuff like that he was word of mouth. He is amazing if you were in ARIZONA I would totally reccomend him. Anyway girl definitely listen to the ppl saying if you get them take the time they say to stay off the pole plus some just to be safe and don’t lift too much bc you don’t want to cause any complications or get one those capsule contractions those are no good. Also take into consideration if you gain or lose weight or get pregnant it could effect your overall look too. Anyway so much I could say but good luck on whatever you decide to do!

  • Brittanyshanah1663

    May 18, 2017 at 4:40 am in reply to: Pole

    I will!

  • Brittanyshanah1663

    May 17, 2017 at 7:16 am in reply to: Pole

    I haven’t tried the Lupit pole yet, but I want to. I heard that it spins better than the xpert. I’m really looking into ordering one.

  • Brittanyshanah1663

    March 24, 2017 at 1:21 am in reply to: Newbie

    Hey jamie! I would reccommend getting an x-pole. If you cant afford a new one look on Craigslist or offerup, they usually have them there. I know I couldn’t wait to save up for an x-pole and I bought another pole instead, it’s sturdy and an expensive one but even having that pole I still want an x-pole because they are the best and wish I would have been more patient. The x-poles are so easy to set up, dont require any screws in the ceiling and you won’t ever have to worry about them falling down. It really is better to wait and get a good one then have to waste your money on a pole that isn’t sturdy or safe and you can’t do the tricks and moves you want on it. I also started learning on a a spin pole and later realized it is so much easier to learn some strength and basic moves on a static pole first then you can switch to spin when you are more advanced. So even a sport x-pole that doesn’t spin (and is cheaper) would be a good choice if you are just starting out. Lil mynx also makes great professional poles that I always see used on offer up. They are pretty affordable and safe also. Most of those do require you to screw one thing into the ceiling but it makes it super safe and most of them come with a plant hook attachment that covers the hole so no one can see it when you take the pole down. Good luck with everything, don’t get discouraged and down if you don’t see the progress you want fast enough. It takes time to strengthen the muscles you need for pole. Welcome to the pole family!!!

  • Brittanyshanah1663

    February 6, 2017 at 4:29 am in reply to: WHERE DID THE SEXY GO????

    “Sexy” is definitely in the eye of the beholder. I think our background plays a huge role in what we find sexy too. Here in the US where pole dancing isn’t something everyone does, and if you asked the average person here of their idea of what pole dancing was you would mostly get descriptions of what you find in strip clubs. I used to be a dancer for 4 years and what interested me in learning to pole dance was the tricks. I mean several strippers can dance around a pole exoticly and almost all can do floor work. Doing tricks however was sometching you had to learn to do. Now that I’m many years older and the club is a distant memory I got into pole dancing from instagram. I saw a video that sparked that desire in me to learn how to pole dance, learn the tricks. I have always found the acrobatic gymnastic side sexy and doing it for fitness seemed like a fun idea. While watching videos I came across some Russian exotic pole for the first time, there were very little pole tricks involved it was mostly fast flow leg and floor work and not only did I find it not sexy, I didn’t find it fun and I couldn’t understand what was likable about it. The few videos I watched they hardly even used the pole and only saw a few climb it. It just wasn’t for me. I also didnt start pole dancing for the booty work or body waves. I’ve been a stripper I imagine since I’ve used my body, danced sexually and provocative that I no longer have to express it publicly. Sorta like ive got that all of my system, you know? I don’t know if that makes sense to anyone else, but I guess what I’m trying to say is no one can tell you what is sexy or what pole should be or shouldn’t because we all love pole for different reasons and we all like/dislike different types of pole dancing. Gymnastic pole tricks may have brought me to pole, maybe sexy pole brought you here, whatever it was that made you love pole I’m glad we can all share it and hopefully all celebrate the different types even if we don’t understand or appreciate them.

  • Brittanyshanah1663

    December 27, 2016 at 9:48 pm in reply to: Pleaser Shoes Sizing

    I’m a 8 and 1/2 and was a dancer for 4 years. I always bought my pleasers in an 8 because the plastic on the top stretches the more you wear them. They were always tight for a week or so until I broke them in. To top it off my foot is wide and from the dancer stores I shopped at didn’t sell wide in any stripper shoes, so my shoes were extra tight. I made the mistake and bought a 9 and they were too big in days. I hope that helps. I also walked in them a lot working the floor so if you are only going to wear them a few times a week on the pole I think it may take a while to break in.

  • Brittanyshanah1663

    December 11, 2016 at 11:10 pm in reply to: Pole & other workout DVDs for sale

    Are you buying them all? I want the art of pole and splits dvds!!!!

  • Brittanyshanah1663

    December 11, 2016 at 10:43 pm in reply to: Selling Brass X-pert X-pole

    I’m looking for a brass xpert in Arizona, I’ve been looking for 6 months now hopefully I’ll find something soon.

  • Brittanyshanah1663

    December 11, 2016 at 10:40 pm in reply to: Pole Dancers in Music Videos, the list

    My fav has got to be the Rhianna Pour it up video, I did notice some pole dancing in Fergie’s Milf Money.

  • Brittanyshanah1663

    July 14, 2016 at 3:38 am in reply to: Gross Old Men?

    So true, everything she said is the way it is. I danced for 4 yrs. The money was great however eventually you get tired of the constant mind games you have to play. And I’d take a 55yr old with money over a 21 yr old on a Friday night with $30 in his wallet. Older men visiting the clubs most likely have money so they are the ones who buy multiple dances or will take you to VIP all night.