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Dunno about facebook. Maybe they just didn’t close his account, or there’s someone with the same name https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_albino.gif
Unf. it’s true; he was 21 yrs old, was studying music studies in France, and tragically drowned in the river after having drinks with some friends at a local bar.
https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif Well anyway, he sure left us with some great performances! I bet he’d be honored to know that he still cheers up so many people around the globe! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif
Ahh, those definitely made me smile too!
Did you read that he died a couple of months ago? Anyway, very sad.
But yay for the youtube vids!!!
I think he’s kind of cute https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif And man! does he know how to do tricks on a pole!!
Thanks for the links! Chinese pole rocks https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/bom.gif -
Wow! ABCs! I see you’re picking up some German https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
But seriously, pics and vids would be freaking awesome!! We’ll live vicariously through you https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_bounce.gif -
Maybe TaraKarina’s vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msy7TtyAVIc&feature=fvst. It’s definitely clean, and it’s the YT pole dancing vid with the most views (over 3 mln now).
Of course one of Veena’s vids. As Sissybuns mentioned her March (St. Patrick’s Day) Challenges are great. The first is more airy, with lots of light footed dancing; the second one is more up-tempo, with more ‘heavier’ moves. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdN7E_nHKWo&feature=related and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qbLdXzlKN0&feature=related)
But there are soooooo many more. I bet the other SV ladies have many great suggestions for you too. Especially here on-site there are a lot nice vids. Maybe it’s also good to show them different levels of pole dance, since you won’t be hanging upside down in a full split anytime soon https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_razz.gif . And I personally always like vids of men doing pole as well, because it shows the strength aspect even more. (And it underlines once more that it’s deffo not just for strippers!)
Anyway, I’d be happy to look at more vids, if you need me too https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_thumright.gif
It’s really too bad you can’t browse vids yourself!Also, I’d love to see what other suggestions are posted. Can’t wait to watch them all! *giggles from the excitement* https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
I had a skirt/shorts combo thingy like that once. It was meant as a tennis skirt. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
Great job girl!!! I’m positive you totally deserved it! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif
And kudos for being friendly and encouraging too, you are a true lady! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_flower.gif
(I wish everyone was gracious like that..) -
(invertin’s for crazy folk!)
Teehee! That made me giggle https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gifBut you’re sooo right! Everyone has their own pace! For me the spins came really easy, and even the basic invert. But it took me months to properly get butterfly and inverted crucifix. I was months behind on those, and I saw girls that were two levels behind me do them just like that. It can be frustrating at times, but you just have to let it go, keep practicing, and trust that you’ll get there eventually. Oh! And focus on your strengths! Whether it is your dancing, booty pops/shakes, one or two spins.. I had lots of fun perfecting the moves I was doing okay with!
Wow! Those are some hugh accomplishments! Congratulations!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif
Do you have your goals for next month yet? -
For me, when I came back from vacation, my kneepits were back to being really sensitive. So now I’m working on getting them more ‘desensitized’ https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif . I try to do all the moves I can do that involve the knee pits at least once or twice every practice. And in the process, my hamstrings get a good workout too. Hopefully it’ll be less painful for all of us really soon!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif
BTW, I totally forgot about the side climb! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_exclaim.gif Used to do that a lot, now: never.. Thanks! Good luck to all!!! -
Why not go in to watch first? That way you can get an idea of the level of competition and of course the atmosphere. If you like it, you can start working on your routine and enroll. Plus, if you decide you’re not ready, you’ll still have had a great night of watching live pole dancing, and maybe more inspiration too!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
Hi Saar! Welcome to the site. I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun here! What part of Belgium are you from?
Awww! Thanks for sharing that! That really intensely warmed my heart. Ahh, where are the heart smilies when you need them…
I’m sure Veena will have some helpful info on the subject, since she has the preggo-pole experience https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif
But apart from that: Congratulations!!!!!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_cheers.gif -
Hey girl, welcome to the site! Just like p1nkpr1ncess I’m wiping down and cleaning the pole constantly. And as a final straw I use gym chalk. If your pole is warm, clean and grease-free, and you still have trouble with grip, you could take a look at the thread about grip-aids (https://www.studioveena.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1184). I bet you’ll find something that works for you. A lot of us have grip issues!! You’re definitely not alone in this https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif
Good luck! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif -
My approach to air inverts is the same as roxy-pink: from climb to aerial chopper, and from there to basic invert position. For me it helps when I have my arms fully bent when I go from the climbing position to bringing my body to the side of the pole, and then start the aerial chopper with bent arms. I help the tilting of the body into chopper by simultaneously stretching out my arms (in a slow and controlled manner). Does that make sense? (It’s always so hard to explain https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif) I guess that’s pretty close to what loopielou meant (?)
Anyway, it might be a good trick for you too, for when you’re almost there.Good luck!! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_thumright.gif