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  • Fleur

    May 10, 2009 at 11:12 pm in reply to: Happy mothers day!

    Indeed! Happy mother’s day to all the amazing, sexy, beautiful, hard working women out there

  • Fleur

    May 9, 2009 at 7:53 pm in reply to: Hi from NC!

    Hello and welcome!!!

    I agree with you, I’ve always been flexible and in good shape from ballet but it’s amazing the kind of strength you get from pole!

    Did you know Alethea Austin of BeSpun, Miss Sexy USPDF ’09 is coming to North Carolina next weekend for some workshops? You should look into it!!!

    Looking forward to seeing you in a vid soon


  • Fleur

    May 8, 2009 at 1:43 am in reply to: Practice Questions

    (1) How long do you practice?
    I practice 1-2 hours total with warmup time. I usually spend the first half hour warming up.

    (2) How often do you practice?

    2-4 times a week depending on how much I teach. I try to go for every other day.

    (3) Do you just freestyle or do you have a plan of action?

    Some days I decide to just do a bunch of uncut freestyle dances. Other times I have a list of moves I’ve written down to work on. Most times I do a warmup freestyle dance (only spins and transitional moves, maybe one climb and simple invert at the end) and spend the rest of the time working on individual moves.

    (4) Do you stretch before, after or before & after practicing?

    I do not usually stretch my legs when practicing pole but I do make myself stretch my arms AFTER!! I stretch my legs AFTER my cardio workout (power walking 4 miles). Did I mention I stretch AFTER not before a workout? Oh, ok, just checking

    (5) Do you incorporate any strength training & conditioning exercises into your practices?

    No, I only do pole for upper body and core. Power walking and the occasional ballet class is for the lower body.

    (6) Do you self-teach, take classes, or both?

    Well, I teach classes. Other than that I am self taught since I am the most advanced dancer at my studio.


  • Fleur

    May 8, 2009 at 1:36 am in reply to: Stressing out to death

    How about pixie???

    Hope you feel better. I take dance study breaks when I’m really stressed. Or I just take a minute to do a handtsand or heastand, the extra blood to the brain seems to refresh me


  • Fleur

    May 6, 2009 at 11:59 pm in reply to: Aysha

    I was just looking at the picture of your aysha and the way you are doing your split legs is definitly not going to allow you to move your hips away from the pole. It is normal and necessary when learning this move to keep your hips close the pole. As you start to feel more controlled and confident, you will be able to move your hips away from the pole with one condition: another part of your body needs to move forward to counterbalance. This is usually done with the legs in the split pointing down more toward the floor and in front of you instead of in line with your hips. Does that make sense? Also, you really need to think of engaging the abs on this one, if you let them go, you allow your back to arch and can fall backwards (I almost did that the other day!!). I was thinking of posting a vid with the hip difference of the two ayshas so now I’m thinking I will to better explain this!


  • Fleur

    May 6, 2009 at 5:09 pm in reply to: Friday chat

    Ugh, I’ve been so crazy busy this past week and it’s not going to let up for a few more days BUT I just wanted to let you all know I miss seeing your faces in chat and I’m trying to catch up on vids!!! Great job everyone for posting your challenge videos and your hard work!!


  • Fleur

    April 30, 2009 at 6:48 am in reply to: Amateur Night post event recap!!!

    YAY! Glitter, you did AWESOME!!!! Sounds like the "sisters" were just trying to make some cash by going in as a team, didn’t matter which girl won, they’re probably splitting the earnings…lame. But YOU did great! I am sooo proud of you! I wish I could find an amateur night around here to go to, you make me a little braver BRAVO!!!

  • Fleur

    April 30, 2009 at 6:26 am in reply to: Show me your tattoos!!!

    Oh my gosh I love all your tattoos!!!

    My mom and all three of my sisters have tattoos because we have a friend in France who is a tattoo artists. I’m the only one who isn’t inked and you guys are really making me want to get one!!!

    Love the fairy, that is amazing! And Azzwoo, very cool that you designed it yourself. I love how everyone is really represented by their tattoos

    I once saw a woman who had a tattoo on her shoulder blade and it was the color of light Hena, I think it would be nearly invisible if she was tan. I woud love something like that. Kind of like you Shelby, the white is very subtle.

  • Fleur

    April 30, 2009 at 6:17 am in reply to: Naked or not???

    I LOVE heels, I’m always looking through the catalogue for new ones I prefer dancing in them.

    BUT, I always do new moves barefoot or moves I don’t feel I’ve trully mastered. Also, when I dance at home on my carpet I don’t wear heels, it’s just a pain!

  • Fleur

    April 29, 2009 at 8:03 pm in reply to: Amateur Night tonight AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

    Glitter you will do great! Have FUN! I think the most important thing to remember in performance is to SLOW DOWN! You will go about twice as fast as you usually do because of nerves so just remember to take your time and you will do great and be safer too. Let us know how it goes!

  • Fleur

    April 28, 2009 at 3:47 am in reply to: Help with Falling Angel Knee Hold

    Are you talking about gemini? There are different names, I’m not sure which move you are referring to but give me a little more info and I will try to help. Is it an inversion with the outside leg hooked at the knee? Don’t stress, just give it a rest for a while and work on other things and go back to it later.

  • Fleur

    April 27, 2009 at 1:57 am in reply to: pole and abs

    Pole dancing is the best core and upper body workout I have found. I’ve never had the kind of definition I’m getting in my abs before. I would have a six pack if my body fat was lower! You bet it’ll tone your midsection!


  • Fleur

    April 20, 2009 at 5:25 pm in reply to: How old are you?!?!?

    I’m one of the young’uns

    I will be 23 in October of this year. My mother was a professional dancer before becoming a dance teacher so I started dancing young (age 5) and my true love is ballet. I also danced jazz for many years and started taking modern dance in college. I’ve tried Indian, Irish, and tap dance but am a beginner in all of those.

    I started pole dancing after seeing Felix’s performance on youtube so I am nearing the 1 year mark for my pole adventure Of course, all my dance training gave me quite an advantage!

    I am 5’10” and 158lbs (yes, I’m heavy! Just goes to show the number doesn’t matter, my body looks better now than it did when I was 15 lbs lighter!)


  • Fleur

    April 20, 2009 at 1:02 am in reply to: I GOT THE JADE!!!!!!

    It’s ok Veena, I was super excited when I finally got mine too! I know we’ve both been struggling with it for a while!

  • Fleur

    April 19, 2009 at 8:18 am in reply to: Major forearm pain

    Split grip is very tricky and it took me a while of working on it before the forearm pain went away. If you really focus on your lats doing the work it will help immensely (and even for those of us who have this down, it’s great to remind ourselves of this!).
    The TOP arm is the one doing the work!!! You aren’t really pushing out with the bottom arm, it’s just there for support, the top arm is the one pulling up really hard! Also, for those of you working on air walk or bodywave, thinking of engaging the lats even more helps to stop spinning.

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