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Joel (poledancefan) said something so true on a different post where he pointed out that if you go to a strip club, the strippers are the only ones labeled as sleazy and none of the patrons are labeled as sleazy! It’s going to take time for the stigma to wear off and people to realize that pole dancing doesn’t have to be sexual and that sexuality is OK!!!
Hey girls,
OK, so I posted some pictures of pole moves on my facebook the other day and a friend of mine jockingly said "can you do a pisces for me?" and it got me to thinking that gemini and scorpio are the only two astrological signs used as names…which mean we can name some new moves with others and it would fit in pretty well!!!
There is a move I’ve been calling the modified star (I have it in my profile pics, second to last) how do you feel about calling it the pisces??? Does it already have a formal name I don’t know about? Now I want to come up with a move for my own astrological sign! (libra)
Give me feedback!!! And I belive misslola is in charge of the wikipole, what do you think?
you have to grip really hard under the armpit and work on balancing the pulling the leg in while pushing the other one down. I’m still working on this one so I’m not sure how much I can help, haven’t got all the elements down myself! Next week I’ll get a practice session in and see if I can break it down better…
PS: One more thing: calorie counting is a good method if you can stick to it but I know for me, because of my perfectionist tendencies, I became completely obssessed and engrossed in calorie counting to the point that I was constantly calculating my calorie total for the day with every food I saw. It can become an unhealthy habit so be careful. Also, it is very difficult to get an accurate calorie count and I see people frequently say that they count their calories and are still not losing weight and I’ll bet anything that they are underestimating and getting inaccurate counts.
Lastly, I find the more I focus and obssess about the food I eat, the worse I do! Relax, don’t let it become a focus in your life and stay healthy mentally and physically https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
Hey kerrierou,
I am 5’10”. I’ve always weighed quite a bit, I’m big boned and am naturally muscular. Moves are harder when you are taller or heavier because a) you’ve got more weight and pressure on skin and b) your momentum arm off the pole is much larger (can you tell I’m taking effing physics?) making holds like flag much harder. Nonetheless it can be done! Just takes a bit more work for us https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif Keep it up!
Here are some simple and healthy tips to lose weight the right way:
-don’t skip meals, especially breakfast, your metabolism will slow down if you do.
-drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounces of water (ie: I weigh 158lbs, I drink 76 ounces of water a day) Many times your body interprets thirst as hunger and if you’ll find if you drink a cup of water you’re no longer hungry!
-snack on healthy and filling foods (ie: fruit, nuts in small quantities, veggies)
-don’t cut out food groups. You will only feel deprived and binge later. Eat everything you want! The key is portion control so have some cake or cheese, just not the entire thing!
-Eat more vegetables and whole grains, they are high in fiber and make you feel fuller and are more nutritious (ie: for dinner have a cup of brown rice, some protein whether its chicken/fish/whatever, and fill the rest of the plate with vegetables)
-Eat slowly! It takes your brain 20 minutes to figure out you’re not hungry anymore, if you take your time to savor your food you probably won’t eat as much of it!
-You do NEED fat, again, no cutitng out of food groups. Try healthier alternative like olive oil.
Lastly, however much time it took for you to put on the weight is as long as it will take to lose it. Be patient, take it one day at a time, don’t fall into an all or nothing mentality, every little success counts and every little failure is just that: a small oops. If it took you a year to put on 10 lbs, it may take a year to lose it and thats ok! You have the rest fo your life to be healthy and happy https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
Weightloss and personal image is greatly emotional. I find that when I’m unhappy in life I start to eat more but instead of realizing that, i reverse it and think that I’m unhappy because I’m eating too much when really it’s the other way around! Are there other things in your life that are causing you to eat more? It’s a good idea for all of us to look at why we turn to food and tru to cure the problem, not its symptoms: overeating.
Let me know if I can help in any way, I’ve gone through my fair share of food/weight struggles and am fairly educated on the subject. You are beautiful https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
Do you mean a jade split? (where you are parallel to the ground) It’s a tricky one…
you can do handstands or elbow stands against the wall https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif
for spins I would try to master these before moving on: front hook, back hook, chair, carousel.
for climbs: leanr to single climb then double climb. learn to sit, learn to sit and then tip back into cross ankle or knee release
for inversions: imperative to get a good, strong crucifix, then work on gemini, scorpio and inverted thigh hold, those are the basics.
Good luck!
Fleur -
MemberMarch 24, 2009 at 5:25 am in reply to: trying to convince parents pole dancing isn’t skanky!Thank you to whoever suggested she show her parents one of my videos, I am very flattered https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_redface.gif
Here is a vid of me very clearly WORKING OUT (no sexy clothes, no heels, no stripping, not even any dancing! just acrobatics)
And here is one of me dancing (i’ve been a ballet dancer for 17 years! This is a legitimate art form!):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXL8_CuSrkgYou’ll notice in the "ballet inspired" video that I am ON MY TOES at all times. The reason? It lengthens the leg line! This is the same reason ballet dancer wear pointe shoes and pole dancers wear high heels, aesthetics. That being said, I agree with everyone who said don’t bother trying to convince them about the shoes.
And here is another video of me fully clothed dancing:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7FNIblnsYwAllright, I think you’ve seen more than enough of me!!!
Hello jungle Cat and welcome!
There are very few spins, in fact I can’t really think of any, where your wrist is supposed to be right up against the pole, make sure you;re using the bracket arm to push you out and away from the pole. It will improve with strength and you won’t have that problem anymore https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
Probably best to message Veena about this so the webmaster can help you with it https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif
It is true that the pole burn may be due to death gripping the pole and this will subside with strength and experience but if it is really bothering you, I see nothing wrong with using wrist bands.
I think cherry is cute and original and itll be catchy since it rhymes wih your name https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif