Forum Replies Created

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  • Fleur

    January 21, 2010 at 8:50 pm in reply to: USPDF March 2010 – Pro and Amateur Nationals

    Hey ladies,

    I am teaching a workshop for USPDF on satuday March 20th from 7:00-8:30pm and another at Body & Pole (Lian Tal’s studio) on sunday March 21st from 10-11:30am.

    Feel free to e-mail me with any questions and I would love to see many of you there


  • Fleur

    January 21, 2010 at 7:55 am in reply to: Sexuality and Pole Dancing

    Great topic!

    First off I’d like to say that we should all be able to express our opinions as long we recognize they are just that: personal opinions. And I also think it’s ok for us to get riled up if someone says something that really makes us think, that’s the beauty of communication! If we only say the things we know no one will be "offended" by, we would have rather boring conversations! Debate is good! It means we care enough about something to get emotional about it. As long as we respect each other, I think there is space for many differing opinions here.

    You may have noticed my youtube channel is considerably different from my studio veena account and the issue of sexuality and pole dancing has a lot to do with that. On youtube, I only post videos in which i dance barefoot and in a minimum of shorts and a sportsbra. On studio veena, I post video anything I like! I think it is important to consider your audience. In my mind, pole dancing is an art. I tried pole dancing because I thought it was beautiful, not because it was sexy or acrobatic. However, the feeling of sensual energy and power I derive from it is indeed something I really enjoy! And I am proud of every acrobatic trick I can perform! The key for me is deciding who I am willing to share those different elements with.

    I want pole dancing to be recognized as an art. To be honest, I have no interest in pole dancing making it into the Olympics because to me, it isn’t a sport. This has something to do with my dancing background, after all ballet has never been in the Olympics and it doesn’t bother me one bit! But anyway, I choose to only share the sexual side of my dancing with an audience who I feel is able to see the artistry in the movement, hence why I only post sexy stuff on studio veena. It is important that we open the eyes of the public and I personally think this means taming down the sexual side of pole dancing, at least initially. Once it is recognized as art, we may be able to reintroduce the sexual elements.

    I have so many thoughts on this subject and I’m just not doing a good job of putting them into words I think I will stop here for now.


  • Fleur

    January 19, 2010 at 5:33 am in reply to: Name one thing…and NO apologies!!

    One thing? I’m going to have to pick my stomach, I’m working on some four pack abs which make me quite proud

  • Fleur

    January 16, 2010 at 1:22 am in reply to: USPDF March 2010 – Pro and Amateur Nationals

    Yay! Can’t wait to meet all of you in person! I hope I see lots of you in the workshop too

  • Fleur

    January 14, 2010 at 12:10 am in reply to: Vertical Pole Challenge 1/2 vegas

    I originally didn’t submit for this show because I was told anyone with USPDF pro status was not allowed to participate…clearly that is not the case. I’m considering it now but I feel iffy about having a TV producer decide what to show, etc. I dunno…

  • Fleur

    January 11, 2010 at 3:40 am in reply to: HCG Injections for weight loss?

    BTW, losing 30 lbs in 30 days means having a 3500 calories deficit per day. That would be like not eating and running for 6 hours every day (assuming you burn 600 per hour when running) . Sound too good to be true? It is!!!

  • Fleur

    January 10, 2010 at 5:30 pm in reply to: HCG Injections for weight loss?

    This is just my personal opinion:

    Ladies. There is no miracle cure for weightloss other than surgery which literally decreases the size of your stomach. Any supplement that claims you will lose lots of fat and no muscle without changing your diet or exercise in a limited amount of time is lying. Any supplement that is not approved by the FDA means that there is little known about the side effects of the drug or that what is known about it shows it is dangerous or ineffective (as pointed out earlier, some drugs approved by the FDA are still awful so what is in those that they don’t approve??!). Please do your research before trying these since there is no long-term study that shows the effect it could have on your body." onclick=";return false;

    It is far more likely that the low calorie diet it is paired with is causing weightloss or that the thought that the shots help you lose weigth makes you less stressed out about food and so you end up eating less (placebo effect). Trust me, if the drug was actually effective they would be charging up the A$$ for the stuff!!!
    Our bodies are VERY good at holding on to fat, they are designed to do so! To claim that you will lose only fat and no muscle even if you don’t work out is plainly unscientific. Your body WILL burn muscle before it does fat if you aren’t working out because muscle takes far more energy to maintain and our bodies are, once again, very good at conserving energy and holding on to fat.

    Weight loss is hard. It takes physical work. It takes mental energy. It takes discipline. Please don’t cheat yourself out of the feeling of accomplishment you will get when you do it all on your own! I personally wouldn’t take the risk of putting some substance whose effect is not trully known in my body, especially hormone which can serisouly wreak havoc on your entire system. Again, just my personal opinion, I am not trying to offend anyone.


  • Fleur

    January 10, 2010 at 7:43 am in reply to: HCG Injections for weight loss?

    HCG meaning Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone???

  • Fleur

    January 9, 2010 at 12:43 am in reply to: USPDF March 2010 – Pro and Amateur Nationals

    Alethea posted this on facebook so I’m passing it along:

    All You POLE Peeps wanting to come to NYC fo rthe Nationals on MArch 19th. Jet Blue is having a huge sale until next wed. It’s $99 or less each way into JFK. So you round trip is 200 or less. GOOD DEAL ; )

  • Fleur

    January 8, 2010 at 6:59 am in reply to: no lotion… ever!?

    I apply lotion religiously after showering. If my skin is dry or peeling a bit from pole burn, I even add baby oil on top. Yes, you read that right OIL!!! As long as you have a couple hours before pole class and you are wearing clothing (which will rub the lotion and oil off your skin) you should be just fine. I believe having dry skin makes you even more slippery than a bit of lotion!


  • Fleur

    January 4, 2010 at 6:59 am in reply to: Does height matter?

    Height only matters to a certain extent. I am 5’10” and some moves will not be possible for me the way they are for someone who weighs 50 lbs less and is 8 inches shorter BUT my height makes other moves looks far more extended on my body. You work with what you got! You can be tall and still be a great poler, don’t let your height bother you and certainly don’t let your boyfriend convince you of anything! You can do it!


  • Fleur

    December 28, 2009 at 6:03 pm in reply to: USPDF March 2010 – Pro and Amateur Nationals

    For anyone looking at flights to NY right now, check out JetBlue, Continental, or Virgin America, they have some good deals (at least from the West coast).


  • Fleur

    December 22, 2009 at 8:15 pm in reply to: Final and Official Xmas Pole Jam Thread

    Just letting everyone know I posted all the pictures I took at the jam on facebook. I didn’t take nearly enough pictures and I have no videos If you friend me, please send a message with your studio veena screenname, sometimes it’s hard to tell who everyone is! jungle cat, we aren’t friends so find me!!


  • Fleur

    December 19, 2009 at 6:32 am in reply to: Xmas Pole jam and the weather devil….

    Veena, Fleur and Azriel are in route to Sissy’s house! Snow is crazy right now, please be safe if you are still traveling!

  • Fleur

    December 14, 2009 at 7:14 am in reply to: Final and Official Xmas Pole Jam Thread

    I messaged Roxy on facebook but haven’t heard back from her. Maybe she doesn’t check that inbox. Roxy, if you see this, let me know what your plans are on friday

    I will be taking the metro into DC on friday morning as early as I can muster to sightsee until early afternoon because I start teaching at 3pm. I would love company!

    I’m very excited and starting to get nervous!!!


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