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I didn’t want to start yet another thread about this. I want to get the bad kitty Brazil pole shorts. I’m debating medium or large. I saw Serzi said 40″ hips and small waist would want medium. I have plenty of booty (hips measure 42″ which is is mostly cause I’ve got my portable padding going on in the back) but my waist is around 28-30 depending on where you measure. I worry that medium would leave a plumber crack thing going on (hate hate hate. Honestly though, who doesn’t), but I don’t want to get too big, cause floppy waistbands tend to lead to the shorts slipping around when you do things.
You mean like this? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152128604884454 Not sure how they made it, but it can be done.
MemberJuly 9, 2013 at 11:42 pm in reply to: Moving to Fredericksburg, VA & looking to get back into poleThanks Platinum! Manassas isn't too far. I'll definitely check it out.
We ended up getting our feathers from here cause even with shipping they were the cheapest without having to order tons:
We mades 4 fans (2 each) so got 50 big feathers and 50 little ones cause we did a two tone layer. We went with the B grade and some were a little funky but most were quite nice. We had extra left over to make a sort of facinator/headband thing to match. The fans themselves worked out to be about 25 inches or so across. I'll see if I have a photo I can upload to my profile.
But they don't close so not what you (Corby) want, but if you decide to make your own with your own staves, then the link above might be a good place to buy.
Smokinangel and I made some mostly based off this tutorial: http://dangerousdelilahburlesque.blogspot.com/2011/02/how-to-make-feather-fans.html
We debated getting staves and making ones that open and fold but based on my research the majority of people would just glue their folding ones open anyway. Plus we figured it was just for us to play with and combine with pole (which we had yet to do), so it didn't matter too much.
If you wanted a folding one you might like one of these: http://fancyfeather.com/feather-fans
They aren't bamboo staves but more in your price range and still pretty and functional.
@Stevesgirl: You really have to get the technique right with sugaring to make it work. It helps to plaster the sugar paste on and let it sit for a second or two before ripping it off (making sure you don't let go of it completely). But it takes a decent amount of practice to get right. My friend came to try it and I could make it work, but she had the same issue where it would grab just one or two hairs at a time.
@Poison dwaft: I had issues with so many of the earlier batches I made. Some were too hard, some were too soft, some were the right consistency but wouldn't stick to the hair (this is why the lemon juice is important, some people don't even add water when they make it, just lemon). Then getting the technique down took some time cause I'd mostly had it done to me, not done it myself. I'd try to get it right for a few months and then just give up and go back to self waxing and getting brazilians professionally done, and then a year or so later I'd try sugaring again. Finally this last year, I've got it pretty consistent. So there is a bit of a learning curve. At least the ones that get too hard to wax with can be eaten like lemony sugar candy=, so not a total waste.
For those of you that are doing it but still find it too painful, I know many ladies in Egypt would smash up asprin and mix it in while they were making it. Not sure if it really made a difference or was just a placebo effect, but many of my friends swore it made it even less painful.
I second sugaring. I've done laser for my underarms with decent results. And I've had wax brazilians done for years, but then, since i was doing most of my waxing at home (with the gigi warmer and creme, later switched to hard wax), I decided to do my own brazilian at home. Extended bikini, no problem. Brazilian. Holy crap did that hurt. I ended up having to pick off the wax in small little chunks. It wasn't pretty. But I've since gotten back into sugaring (grew up in the middle east and it's quite popular there) cause it's cheaper and I can make it at home. I got brave enough to take my extended bikini wax to a full brazilian again but this time with sugaring (AKA Halawa). Wow! So much less pain, super effective and really easy to do. I recommend getting familiar with using halawa first, but once you do, so simple.
For those that want to try it. I do 2 c sugar, 1/4 c lemon juice, 1/4 c water (if it's humid, maybe a bit less). Heat to 260F. Allow to cool a bit and then pour onto the back of a lightly greased cookie sheet or plate. Peel off when cool. Stretch till it's opaque and sticky. Slide on against the hair growth and rip off in the direction of the hair growth. Reball and go again. Store the stuff you didn't use in the fridge.
These same comments can be (and have been) voiced about tons of competitions worldwide. MPD Australia is one that I know of for sure. It's a Bobbi's Studio production through and through. Other studios can and do compete but there is a lot of drama surrounding it as well about favoratism (yes, all their instructors compete, I think I recall hearing it was required as part of their employment, and, thus far, first place has always gone to one of their instructors) and biased judging criteria, etc.
Does it mean I don't enjoy MPD Oz? No, but people have to remember that competitions organized and run by someone(s) with a studio will always have some bias, regardless of how much they try to avoid it. The only way not to have bias is to have no studio run it, but whose going to offer to do that whose not affiliated with a studio since most competitions aren't big money makers. Plus, what studio would be willing to run a comp and ban their instructors from competeting. Competeting (and winning) instructors build names for themselves, which makes more people aware of the studio, which brings in more students.
In the case of qualified judges. With pole being an organized activity for such a short time, finding qualified judges is hard. Now, not as hard, but still not easy (especially if you're trying to avoid bias).
As several people have said, it's important to do your research when going for a competition about the criteria, their policies, potential negatives you have to just accept if you agree to support that competition through entering or attending Just because a competition exists and is a "big name" doesn't mean it's right for you as a viewer or competitor.
No idea if they are still in business but there was the Goddess Arts Academy NW.
I got a high density 6 by 36 round foam roller on Amazon. I went with the Isokinetics brand because in my researching on various review and fitness sites it was one consistently ranked as of the less expensive but still good quality ones. And since I wasn't sure how much I would like it and/or use it, inexpensive but functionally sound was perfect for me. Most of the reviews said if you're going to get one then the 6 by 36 round is the most versatile, so I went with that. I'm happy with it as it is hard enough to still get those spots where I'm more open and not too hard that I can't adjust to a tolerable pain level for those spots where I'm super tight.
MemberMarch 23, 2012 at 11:58 pm in reply to: visiting Australia with working holiday visaI had the same visa and even though I told people I had it, lots of employers didn't know what it was or what it qualified me for, so be sure to mention it when you talk to them, just in case.
MemberMarch 22, 2012 at 10:25 am in reply to: visiting Australia with working holiday visaI second The Pole Gym in Brisbane. It's nice. Melbourne has some fun ones too.
And I agree with the other ladies, you shouldn't have too much trouble finding work in the city, especially Sydney. Be sure to let them know that you are leagally allowed to work, apparently lots of travellers try and get jobs without having the proper visa.
I thought of another place you might be able to find a place to stay (or even work), Bobbi's facebook page (or prob any of the other studios too).
MemberMarch 20, 2012 at 8:06 pm in reply to: visiting Australia with working holiday visaI did a gap year in Oz on a work holiday visa for half of 2010 and 2011. Where all will you be going?
For places to stay that don't cost you so you can save more money to pole (gotta have priorities you know) check out things like helpx.net or couchsurfing.org.
It's not super hard to find a job in Oz as long as you're a bit tenatious and then stay reliable. Travellers get a bad rep for being majorly flakey, so if you find a job you really want, just keep swinging by to see if they have openings and eventually it'll pay off. Applying in person really helps too so you can chat with people and make a good impression.
If you have any questions about WHV or gap year stuff, feel free to pm me.
Some of you mentioned joining a CSA and shopping at your local butcher (who may not have certified organic, but often has some products that basically are but without the hassle of the cert). It's important to note that in many cases it is better for your health and the environment (no one's mentioned that concern, but many have it) to buy local rather than organic.
The health/environment reasons being that the food has to travel less distance so less pollutants being produced, it tends not to have as much packaging (saving energy), and, for produce, being fresher means more nutrients are still absorbable (leafy greens tend to lose between 50-89% of their Vit C within 24 to 48 hrs of harvesting) and it also means that they were picked closer to their proper ripeness since it doesn't have to survive a long trip to market, which means better taste and more nutrients.
I bring this up because so many people get stuck on the 'organic' label that they would rather buy certified organic somethingrathers from S. America or Asia rather than the non-certified organic somethingrathers from a few miles away. Being certified organic is a long (I think I heard 5 to 10 years or something), expensive process that isn't economical for many smaller farms to do, but many produce organic products, without the organic label.
And of course growing your own, per marle's suggestion, is always a good thing.
Any partner stretching should first an agreement between partners (no just walking up and pushing someone deeper into something) and lots of communication so you don't go too far, cause the person pushing can't feel your limit.
The double leg throwdown thing was a big thing in the dry land part of synchronize swimming practice. I actually liked it cause it added a (good) intensity to the double leg raise that I couldn't get otherwise, but everyone has their own likes and dislikes. I know lots of girls would tuck their hands under their bum/hip to keep the strain off the back and focus more on the abs (instead of holding the ankles of the other girl). Might be an option if you don't want to sit it out.
But like everyone else said. Communicate with your instructor and sit out (or modify) what you don't feel comfortable with.