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In regards to the history of pole dance. Although in most common form that we practice it prob immediately dates back to when they had the whole traveling shows and the pole in the middle of the tent got incorperated, but that view doesn’t take into account chinese pole (which although different is a form of pole dance, though some argue it is more acrobatic than dance there still are dance elements, like with Remi Martin or that pole tango video that was posted a while back)
Some people think that going way way back centuries that pole might have come from Mallakhamb http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7MUjFliBNk which requires men to preform a series of yoga positions in a set amount of time on a slightly conical pole that has been coated in oil (I assume to reduce the chance of splinters etc). They also do it on rope. http://mallkhamb-ape.tripod.com/mallakhamb.htm
I’m not a historian, I don’t know if it is related to the pole we practice or if it is like convergent evolution (sorry I’m a Bio major, I’m not try to push any theroies of life etc) and looks very similar because, duh, its movement on a pole and no other similarities.
OMG, that is hilarious
I assume we are talking like whipping it in a circle and not back. I couldn’t do it for the longest time and I found that by doing a fast head roll starting slightly behind my shoulder and and ending just behind the other shoulder (with a slight chin lift to get it out of my face) helped. For me it, also, helped thinking more about the head and just generating momentum than moving the hair (kinda like booty shakes, if I think about the butt it ain’t gonna happen but if I focus more on the legs or the overall picture it works).
The second one looked like she had a pillow between the pole and the ceiling (stupid yes, but why else would a pillow fall from the ceiling as the pole comes down), the 4th one the pole was obviously loose on the first spin so it was dumb to keep spinning on it, and the others just looked like bad installation.
I had my x-pole fall once because I hadn’t tightened it enough and I hadn’t throughly tested that it was tight enough. But ever since then not a single problem. My bf will run, jump and cling to it to do a quick spin and the thing won’t come down (I worry but hasn’t happened…yet).
I like my hair cause it is still silky smooth despite the years of chlorine damage I’ve done to it.
I like my eyes, very blue.
I like my legs, they’re really strong.
I like my shoulders (apparently very wide for a girl but I love em)
I like my back, same reasoning as why I like my legs.
I like my tummy with it’s two-pack at the top (all that I’ve ever had and prob ever will) and slight pooch at the belly button. -
I think that might be helpful to since for some moves the burn is in really random locations you wouldn’t think it would be. I can’t think of any off the top of my head but I remember learning new moves and sometimes thinking I was doing it wrong because the location of the pain seemed so odd for me conceptually when really I was doing it right and just had to get used to it.
Haha. No worries. I get what you’re saying (Used to ride, but english saddle). It is actually kinda like Nilla was saying and what you are imaging. For me I have to sorta loosen my grip with my thighs to let my pelvis kind of roll back (like rolling back on imaginary butt pockets) which sorta forces your crossed leg to come up closer to the pole and then I tighten my thighs and let go and lean back. You can do it slow or fast. Just make sure your thighs are in a good position because lying back when they’re not is way way way more painful than it needs to be. Does that make more sense?
what I found helped was to let you hips tilt back so your butt drops and you knee/shin connects with the pole and then worry about letting your upper body hang back. I also put some couch cushions around the bottom of the pole for mental support.
Welcome https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_sunny.gif Lots of canuks joining lately. Enjoy your lessons and feel free to share your progress.
Welcome! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_sunny.gif
You don’t need to be 20something to pole. As long as you keep working at it you’ll do great! Which is sounds like you will if you are already having fun with all the soreness and bruises. -
That’s just ridiculous. I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact that while calling all the girls whore the camera was focused on her freckles and chest. She doesn’t really say much either, I’m kinda bummed I wasted the time watching. And based off the eloquence of her reponses (both spoken and written) she is one of those people that likes to put other people down and disrespect them without actually listening because it makes her feel better about herself. Not worth the time of day.