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  • FreeTheSun

    December 6, 2009 at 4:15 am in reply to: New from Canada


  • FreeTheSun

    December 6, 2009 at 4:08 am in reply to: Joel is famous!!


  • FreeTheSun

    December 4, 2009 at 5:45 pm in reply to: Anyone know of good pole studios in Brisbane, Australia?

    Awesome! Thanks for all the info. I was only able to find GirlFriends, Pole Fitness and Scoundrelles with a google search so I’m glad I asked! I know I’m planning way in advance (not leaveing to Oz till June) but I like to know all the options avaliable and decide from there. I will def try and meet up/take a class with you when I’m in town!

  • FreeTheSun

    December 4, 2009 at 3:04 am in reply to: Pole Dancing for Jesus?!

    Thanks for sharing JC. I think that it is great that someone who is not an active member of the pole community is willing to look at your work objectively and actually consider it. Your comment(s) were very eloquent as well.

  • FreeTheSun

    November 30, 2009 at 5:50 am in reply to: Hello all!!!
  • FreeTheSun

    November 29, 2009 at 6:34 am in reply to: Art of Pole- 20% Discount

    Ooo me too! I have the whole set but I didn’t know they had a mailing…off to go sign up. I want her routines or tease videos.

  • FreeTheSun

    November 28, 2009 at 8:34 pm in reply to: Hi from Seattle!
  • FreeTheSun

    November 28, 2009 at 8:20 pm in reply to: S.A.D.

    I don’t have the official "light therapy" lamps but I used daylight bulbs (the energy efficient kind you can get a bartells, home depot, etc) and those help me a lot. Buy them in bulk sets of 3 or more and they aren’t very expensive either especially considering they are supposed to last on normal use for about 5 years. Who knows, I’ve only had them for a year and 1/2 but it made a huge difference last year and is helping dramatically this year as well.

    I’ve also heard that the tanning thing works but considering I am corpsely pale and at a rather high risk of skin cancer I figure I shouldn’t risk it but sometimes I consider it but never have.

    I have some feel good movies/music lists. I use music more than movies cause I have a lot of stuff to get done but I have to have various playlist with different types of music because sometimes one list doesn’t help when another does. It just depends.

    I also try and make myself accountable to other people who will give me grief if I flake out of things. So for pole I will tell my BF or friend or someone, "I’m gonna pole today, make sure I do it." Then later in the day they remind me and give me slight grief if I haven’t done it or am trying to get out of it because I feel totally blah and sort of like a blob or slug.

    I also try to do things that I know make me happy. So I bake a lot in the winter because even though I’ve feeling blah as I start, as I keep going I start to feel better because I give almost all my baking away to friends and I know how much they enjoy it and so that starts to make me feel better.

    Or I go wander for a bit alone. Just wandering aimlessly (rain or shine) watching the world and thinking. It is somewhat depressing because you dwell on things or you see people being all cheery and you’re get annoyed that you’re not and you can’t really help it, but after walking and thinking till your legs are ready to fall off, you tend to get it out of your system and start to notice the crisp breeze, the sound of your steps, and all these random little things that somehow cheer you up slightly. Obviously due to the long time commitment for the walks it is prob best done on the weekends.

    That is all I can think of right now. If I think of anything else I’ll let you know.

  • FreeTheSun

    November 26, 2009 at 5:33 am in reply to: Nausea

    My bellydance teaching recommends ginger chews (like the ones from "Ginger People"), apparently it helps with nausea incuded from spinning. Haven’t tried it yet but I know other people who swear by it.

  • FreeTheSun

    November 21, 2009 at 6:07 am in reply to: Hi, new around here, from Venezuela.

    Hi and Welcome! That’s a good quote/idea. Thanks for sharing.

    And your english is quite good. And even if it weren’t there would be nothing to forgive because you try, which is more than a lot of people (including myself). I keep attempting to learn spanish but I’m a slow learner. One day it will stick with me.

  • FreeTheSun

    November 17, 2009 at 5:53 am in reply to: You shouldn’t go to strip clubs and heckle the strippers

    I think it was meant as not ALL strippers are pole dancers just like not ALL pole dancers are strippers. There are some stripper who never physically touch a pole, to lean on or use for stability or anything, they use the walls or the tip rail or nothing, and they wouldn’t be a pole dancer. But I do agree tricks don’t make a pole dancer. Dancing around a pole does count otherwise what would beginners be.
    …although I guess we would then have to count Miley Cirus (sp?) at the concert thing as pole dancing which it seems like it was more for ballance and not falling of the top of the truck thing, but whatever

  • FreeTheSun

    November 16, 2009 at 10:08 pm in reply to: 7′ 3.5" ceiling

    you might have to change which attachments you use, but it could be worked to fit.

  • FreeTheSun

    November 16, 2009 at 10:02 pm in reply to: extra lg. mirror frustration

    why not get two of the ones at lowes (the 4ft by 3ft ones) and stack em on the wall? Then you would have a floor to ceiling mirror for about $100 (each mirror being a bit under 50). You would have the mirror seam in the middle but it’s not too bad

  • FreeTheSun

    November 4, 2009 at 8:47 pm in reply to: Hey everyone!

    Welcome! My first pole was a Lil’ Mynx. I loved it! Don’t worry about not having tons of time to practice, any practice is better than no practice (as long as your practicing safely).

  • FreeTheSun

    November 4, 2009 at 7:26 pm in reply to: Hi
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