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  • FreeTheSun

    January 7, 2011 at 11:46 pm in reply to: yoga dvd suggestions pleeeease

    they're taught as sequences although if you do the beginner ones they are pretty good at explaining in depth, and you can pause and rewind if you're still unsure.

  • FreeTheSun

    January 6, 2011 at 1:21 am in reply to: yoga dvd suggestions pleeeease has some good routines. They also have lots of free classes you can get through itunes.

    Eion Finn has quite the following as well. His 'happy hips' one is good for opening the hips.

  • FreeTheSun

    January 3, 2011 at 5:45 am in reply to: The Return!

    Hey hey. Welcome back! 

  • FreeTheSun

    January 2, 2011 at 10:08 pm in reply to: Do you tell other people that you pole dance?

    For the longest time most people knew except for my parents (super conservative). I finally told them and my mother has done way better than I expected accepting it. She sighed and was like "well as long as it isn't skanky and you're happy. You've always been an odd duck, so I'm not too surprised." Not sure what my Dad said.

    She happened to mention it to my godparents and they weren't sure how to take it, but as this past new years party they asked my parents about it and in the course of things my dad (who apparently is always armed with his Ipad now that he has one) googles Felix cause she won MPD Australia which I went to, and they were most impressed with how acrobatic it was and not at all what they had imagined. Apparently if I had phrased it pole acrobatics they would have understood better.

    Some extended family will prob never find out or if they do accept it, but I don't really care. They're family. I love them and respect them but we def don't have the same views about many things and that's cool. As long as they remain respectful we're fine.

  • FreeTheSun

    January 1, 2011 at 4:53 am in reply to: 2011 January challenge

    Funny you should say garbage bag, I donno if it is still up but SaschaPoles did an awesome pole dance video in a garbage bag a long while back just to make the point that you can be sexy in anything and it's about the attitude you projects and how you work it. I think it's come down, but now anytime someone mentions a garbage bag I think of it. 😀

  • FreeTheSun

    December 23, 2010 at 2:16 am in reply to: Thinking of teaching on my own…

    I agree with Amy and Yoga 100%.

    Have you ever taught anything fitness-y before? If not, or even if you have, I would def recommend getting certified as a fitness instructor and then also doing a pole cert so you really know how to safely execute and explain moves. This also will let you know if teaching is something you really want to do.

    Teaching involves a lot of thinking outside the box because while moves might be super easy for you, you need to be able to think of ways that it might be hard for others and be able to teach around that. New things will pop up in the middle of teaching that you’ve never encountered or thought about and you need to be able to not only identify the problem, but then figure out various changes to fix it and be able to explain those changes in at least three different ways because everyone interprets things differently.

    For example (and no one get mad at me for this) a friend of mine took an advanced workshop with Felix (who as we all know is AMAZING as a dancer) and was kinda disappointed cause she was super sweet but wasn’t that great of a teacher for her more advanced moves (she was fine with more basic things) because she wasn’t 100% sure how to explain what her body was doing to get into moves, but she can do them with her eyes closed. I would still be super jazzed to have a workshop with Felix, cause duh, it’s Felix, but I’d know that there would be a lot of personal figuring out for some of the more advanced moves.

    Think about Olympic coaches. They might not be able to do all the things they coach, but they can break it down to teach and ensure proper form from their athletes. Whereas the athlete might be able to do the move, but maybe can’t break it down to teach another person.

    Be sure to think about why you want to own a studio and teach. Is it because you want to be able to tell people you teach pole dance, or have a good excuse to pole a lot and get paid for it, or is it because you really want to teach?

    That being said it you truly want to teach, then go for it, but make sure you are being the best teacher you can be by making yourself as prepared as possible.

  • FreeTheSun

    December 23, 2010 at 1:52 am in reply to: Hi! From Guam:)
  • FreeTheSun

    December 20, 2010 at 8:26 am in reply to: Headstand practice

    you’d prob be better off doing things like downward dogs or dolphins (from yoga) to build up arm andcore strength. The other might help a bit, but unless you do it right tripods can put a lot of strain on your neck

  • FreeTheSun

    December 20, 2010 at 8:23 am in reply to: Nausea during certain moves

    like with most things it will get easier with practice, but for the backbend make sure you’re not pulling back up too fast, and for the backbend slide be sure you’re breathing. A lot of newbies hold their breath with things like this and that can cause a dizzy/blackout sensation.

  • FreeTheSun

    December 5, 2010 at 6:27 am in reply to: Tuck Invert

    Are you also pulling your body up (like a tucked pull up)? cause it is way harder to tip back in a tuck invert without first pulling your whole body into the tuck and then slowly releasing the arms back to straight as your use your core to lift your butt up.

  • FreeTheSun

    November 27, 2010 at 1:28 pm in reply to: Pole Set Up on Carpet

    I’ve been in two different apartments with two different poles (one lil mynx, one x pole) that were both up for about a year w/o really taking them down. The indent went away with a bit of work. I scrubbed at the carpet with a wash cloth to get the fibers moving a bit. Then I did the ice cube trick, followed by more scrubbing. I did it a couple times and then vacuumed and it mostly came out. I’d guess it is all out now but I was moving so I can’t say for sure. It was mostly gone when I moved out of the places.

  • FreeTheSun

    November 25, 2010 at 10:15 pm in reply to: shaving the nether region

    Thanks for posting this!!! Im going to have to try it!

    I use sugaring rather than waxing – my genetics makes shaving a really bad idea. Sugaring paste readymade is quite expensive for what it is.

    I use this guide to making it" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

    It works and is really easy to correct. If it isn’t sticky enough cook it some more. If it’s too hard then add some water.

    just fyi, you do need the lemon to get the right sticky consistency. Without it, it sorta works but not near as well, so don’t skip it. So many people do when they try to make it cause they figure it won’t make that big of differences, but it does.

  • FreeTheSun

    November 25, 2010 at 8:14 am in reply to: shaving the nether region

    I used to wax (to save money buy your own waxing kit, I got this one but would prob just get the brzillian pro now cause I like not having to use the strips).
    But since I am traveling and broke as all get out, I have gone back to sugaring like I used to do in middle and high school. I make mine a little different than this

    I use sugaring rather than waxing – my genetics makes shaving a really bad idea. Sugaring paste readymade is quite expensive for what it is.

    I use this guide to making it" onclick=";return false;

    It works and is really easy to correct. If it isn’t sticky enough cook it some more. If it’s too hard then add some water.

    but that way works well too. It’s really trial and error in the making and using of halawa (sugar wax). I know a women who would crush up asprin in the mixture to help minimize the pain. It’s not as bad as waxing but then again I tend to have a high pain tolerance when it comes to ripping hair out by the roots. Just don’t buy the kind at the store and expect it to be all natural since most have wax added to it.

    Doing the butt crack when self waxing/sugaring is sorta like contortionism, but shaving there scares me (I’m always cutting myself) and nair hurts my skin. So I just do what I can on my own, or when I have money I pay for a pro to help me out.

  • FreeTheSun

    November 21, 2010 at 5:49 am in reply to: transition from the butterfly & flatline scorpio help

    Yup. If you paused before going into your decending angel you’d be in a flatline scorpio. After that you could let yourself down to decending angel or whatever you want.

  • FreeTheSun

    November 19, 2010 at 2:29 am in reply to: How often does Jamilla have a discount code out?

    She doesn’t have them all that often, maybe a couple times per year. When she does have em they tend to be specific, like the last one only applied to her new routines dvd, not the Art of Pole set. The newsletter will let you know when discounts are, but don’t count on a general one every time.

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