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No they are not the same brand. Different styles fit differently. I tend to wear a 9 in Ellie but a 10 in Pleaser.
Same with me. Ellie is def bigger
Welcome! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_sunny.gif
I don’t know about pole in Barcelona but I’m sure someone does. If not there is always google for a start.
Is anyone else alarmed that she’s holding a peekaboo pole? https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_sad.gif
That’s the first thing I noticed in that photo!
MemberMay 16, 2010 at 4:22 pm in reply to: felt like quitting, advice on non pole supporters?I know starting a serious talk can be difficult and it is easier to just do your own thing until it comes up again, but if you wait for it to come up again (apparently only during arguments) the talk won’t go well because tempers are flaring. Just a thought to consider before you put off discussing it. Often when you do it becomes a much bigger issue than it really is. Just my opinion.
Shove your butt towards the ceiling/up to pole so your hands are more thigh height (you could could slide you hands down and keep the legs where they are). Take your inside hand off the pole so you can turn your torso to face the pole and then once your facing the pole, let go. If you’re worried slide down to a handstand after your torso is facing the pole and then lift one or both hands but your have the ground closer to catch yourself should you fall.
I had that happen to me all the time when I used to shave, kinda made me feel like what’s the point in shaving. It’s annoying cause I’m a blonde (depending on the season depends on how dark it is) but my lower leg hair and underarm hair seems to have come from my dad (who has…had thick dark red/brown hair). Really not cool. It annoys me, but as Amcut says, you’re the only one who notices cause your close and you know what to look for. Besides, who cares if anyone else notices. They looked, they get to deal with what they see.
I’m a swim instructor so I’m in swimsuits a lot of the week but because shaving gives me bad razor burn and ingrown hairs I wax (legs, underarms and bikini), which means there is grow out time. I use to be self conscious about it but after I while I just gave up. People know women naturally have hair. If they don’t want to risk seeing hairy legs or underarms or something, don’t look!
It’s amazing how that attitude change helped me not notice those little inconsequential things. So what if you have dots on your leg! I know a lot of people do too but you don’t notice and unless you’re a leg model no one’s gonna notice on you either.
This right here is HUGE. I can see each move as you are saying it. If someone is going to teach pole they NEED TO LEARN NAMES OF MOVES AND VARIATIONS!!!! I work full time and have a 45 minute commute but I am still able to do a little research on a weekly basis and learn what these moves are. No studio owner is THAT BUSY that they cannot go to wikipole or watch a few youtube videos to see what their students are inquiring about.
I agree. This makes such a difference to how students view you. It’s not hard at all to do and it gives you so much more cred.
MemberMay 7, 2010 at 12:52 am in reply to: Ladies with a Curved Spine (Hip Joint Popping)It’s not too terrible (although maybe this is why I tend to have a high pain tolerance…hmm https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif ).
What your describing (uncomfortable cramp like) sounds like the 1st half of what happens to mine cause if I stop pushing it I can feel my hip joint slide back into it’s normal place. I woulda stopped at that point a long time ago but my coaches told me to push through it (maybe not the best advice but I was in Egypt and thats how they coach, push till you can’t go anymore. Then push some more) and that’s when the big pop happens. Once the intial big/painful pop happens I can go way deeper into the stretch. But I don’t recommend pushing yourself to see if that’s what happens to your hip. I don’t know if it is bad for you but it’s not super fun.
I’m hoping some of our ladies well versed in anatomy will chime in here cause they’d prob know best. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_salut.gif
MemberMay 6, 2010 at 11:51 pm in reply to: Ladies with a Curved Spine (Hip Joint Popping)do you mean it feels like your hip joint locks up and then if you keep pushing (and lots of deep breathing) it will sort of "pop out" and then back in (basically adjusting how it sits in your hip sockets)? and the whole popping process is anywhere from somewhat painful to "you’d rather have your teeth ripped out w/o anesthesia"?
If yes, then yes I’ve been dealing with that since I was in 5th grade (prob longer but that is when I started synchro and was pushing for the splits). It normally happens to me when I lay on my back and pull one leg towards my head either with a towel or hands. Sometimes it will "lock up" when I am standing and have my legs together (or crossed) and reach to the floor. Then it doesn’t hurt it just feels uncomfortable and if I stand up and wiggle the hips and legs a bit I normally can get it "unstuck" and it will be fine. I’ve never considered that it could be due to my messed up spine…makes sense though. I just thought I had crap joints since my knees and elbows have been locking up since I was around 6 or so. My middle splits majorly suck too, even when I work on them. Foreword splits are pretty decent considering how little I work on them but middle has always sucked.
So if any of what I described is like what is happening with you then I can’t say poling has helped or hurt it. I can control it better because the smaller muscles around my hips are stronger but it still happens (especially if I don’t stretch after a practice, the next time my hips hate me). No one has ever been able to figure out what is actually occurring and since most people (read doctors) don’t realize how important it is to me to increase my flexibility they kinda blow it off with the whole "if it hurts when you do something, don’t do it." One massage therapist was guessing that perhaps one of my muscles was super knotted so it was like a barrier it had to adjust for but I don’t know if that is true or not. If you figure out what it is, do let me know. I’ve never met another person that has the same hip issue as me so that limits the research pool. https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_confused.gif
MemberMay 2, 2010 at 4:12 pm in reply to: This is some of our soldiers enjoying some down time LOLhttps://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif that’s really funny