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How much should you normaly get in a day?
That really depends on the types of food you eat, how much you lose through sweat (or tears if you have a really stressful day), and who you are. If you eat a lot of water based foods, then you need less water. If you work out or live in a hot environment where you lose lots of h20 then you need to drink enough to replace what you lost. And just like each person has slightly different caloric needs, people have different water needs. I am one of those people that needs tons of h20 and will get really cranky, headachey, my eyes get dry, and I will start to get dizzy and/or my vision will start to go black if I get over a little dehydrated. So I’m on a pretty exteme end of the spectrum where as some of my friends barely need any water intake at all. (http://www.snopes.com/medical/myths/8glasses.asp)
Also other liquids (tea, juice, etc) also count but some have other sugars or calories which would hurt you if your goal is weight loss.
Welcome! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_sunny.gif You could get started by looking for some local classes or getting yourself a pole and taking some online classes. Attending classes is good so you can be more sure that you’ll like it and stick with it (also can be cheaper initially than buying a pole and lessons) but if that isn’t an option plenty of ladies have forged ahead on their own (with help from forums and online lessons) quite well.
its so sad… I definitely have the butt for it…but it just doesn’t seem to want to cooperate https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_evil.gif
I’m in the same boat as you. Sometimes it works, other times it laughs and taunts me.
Well nvm to what I said then. Glad someone knows for sure cause I was just guessing.
I’m 5’6" too my ceiling is technically 7’10" but because of how the adjusters work out I have 6’9" to work with (ceiling plate takes some of it too), lame I know becuase the tubing that might have just fit was about 1/2 too tall https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_evil.gif It is do-able but limiting. I tend to squat a little to invert because if I dont my feet are already on the ceiling (although it is fun to feel like you’re more pro than you are by walking on it around your pole). Just something to consider.
If you mean the cover that covers the screw thread that adjust to ceiling height, than no it is not okay to grip. If not, than I don’t know. I have the x-pole not pert, but I think they are pretty similar. And yes your pole should be fine to use so long as you secure it well.
Welcome! I lurked a bit too before introducing myself too.