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  • Gsylass

    April 6, 2009 at 6:26 pm in reply to: Artex Ceilings

    Mine’s similar too – I just have a plywood board between the top of the pole and the ceiling, which also helps spread the pressure across the joists.

  • Gsylass

    April 4, 2009 at 7:59 pm in reply to: I was in a movie today!

    That’s so exciting!! I can’t wait to see your footage too!

  • Gsylass

    April 4, 2009 at 12:27 pm in reply to: So I have arnica for my bruises but what about blisters?

    Scholl used to do a spray on thing, designed for feet obviously, but I wonder if it’d work on hands too?

  • Gsylass

    April 1, 2009 at 6:49 pm in reply to: New York Judge

    Great news! Shame about some of the comments though, ugh, guess these ignorant folks will always be around trying to spoil it though.

  • Gsylass

    April 1, 2009 at 6:05 pm in reply to: People Are Mean.

    1 – You can choose your friends but you’re stuck with your family
    2 – Family should be friends and friends should be like family

    So here’s a big supportive hug to one of my "big sister"s in the poling family, I think everybody’s already said what I think!

  • Gsylass

    March 11, 2009 at 7:43 pm in reply to: Workout wear for pole dancers

    Do you ship to the UK, or have a UK retailer?

  • Gsylass

    March 6, 2009 at 5:05 pm in reply to: Grooming *cough* down there!

    I’m glad you brought this up – it’s something I wanted to know but never dared ask about! Hair is the bane of my life – I can barely keep on top of it. I used to shave, but the stubble drove me crazy, and having to shave every couple of days just caused rashes. I tried Blitzblank which is a depilatory cream designed for "down there", but it never dissolved the hair properly, so I used to shave then Blitzblank in the hope of killing off the roots, but I couldn’t be bothered hanging round in the bathroom for 10 minutes with my legs open or tiptoeing around like a baby with a wet nappy (diaper). Tried epilating my legs once but it was so darn painful I did one half-leg one Saturday afternoon and the other one the following weekend. Never picked one up again, although I do have friends who swear by their epilator for everywhere. If I couldn’t handle it on my legs there was no WAY it was going anywhere delicate Plucked up the courage (ugh, awful pun, please excuse me) to try waxing my legs and haven’t looked back, tried the pits but it made me bleed, however bikini line works fine and the fuzz in front, but I can’t get close to me bits, the hair is too resiliant and the skin is too sensitive. HOT TIP my pal once mentioned that teething gel works a treat as an analgesic before waxing – I agree but it still hurts too much to wax those bits. So I wax my bikini line/fuzz in front and shave the rest.

    What do fellow Brits use to prevent ingrowing hairs?

  • Gsylass

    February 23, 2009 at 11:15 pm in reply to: Welcome

    Hi I’m Hannah although I go under the name of Gsylass on YouTube and MySpace. I’ve been learning pole for just over 3 months, and have been posting my progress on YouTube. I’ve been lurking for a bit and came out to say hello!

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