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  • Ask Becky Blush at Blush Dance in Manchester – she has loads of old pole pieces. That’s the only one I can think of! Hope you find one.

  • Hazelnut

    December 7, 2014 at 8:58 am in reply to: My mother is dying. 🙁

    There’s not much that anyone can say at times like this, but we are all here to support you. I know going through these things is so difficult but you’re a strong woman and you can get through it. When the time comes you need to be strong for her so please make sure to try and eat something and look after yourself; it might seem selfish (and a silly practical thing to say at such a terrible time!) but you need to keep your strength up. Keep us updated; I really wish all the strength I have over to you.

  • Hazelnut

    November 7, 2014 at 4:45 am in reply to: Cleaning Brass Poles

    Luckily I work in a science lab, so I have access to 100% ethanol (pure alcohol) and this is GREAT for all my poles, even the brass! It takes off all the residue from grip aids and sweat and leaves it perfect.

  • Hazelnut

    October 16, 2014 at 10:39 am in reply to: Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself 🙂

    Welcome!!! Hope you enjoy SV, it’s a great community and support and advice is priceless! see you around 🙂

  • Hazelnut

    August 20, 2014 at 5:51 am in reply to: If you don’t have our lessons why?

    I think the price is great. It’s just that I teach at a studio, part-time, and what with that and my full-time job I just don’t have enough time to pole at home very often or commit anymore time to it. So I know if I paid, I still would rarely use the lessons just due to time limitations. I have told alot of pole friends, especially when my students move away, that the lessons are great and to sign up.

    I think, unfortunately, you will always have a percentage of users like me who use SV for social stuff and not lessons and therefore don’t feel they could make the most of the lessons, and won’t buy them 🙁

  • Hazelnut

    August 7, 2014 at 6:16 am in reply to: 5:2 diet?

    I’ve tried the 5:2 for a few weeks, and lots of my friends and workmates do it (also, we’re all scientists, so we’re pretty skeptical on most fad diets!).

    I liked it – I couldn’t do a 500-calorie day when I wanted to exercise though (I think that’d be asking for trouble) and as I pole 3 days a week I just couldn’t fit it in, otherwise I’d have liked to have kept it up. I didn’t want to lose weight, but I wanted to give my blood sugar a chance to properly go down and restart again, which this diet does.

    My friends on it all lost a few kilos and then they stabilised – but they were all only a few kg overweight to start with. My boss lost 15 kg on it over 4 months! I think this is good for slow, consistent weight loss, which is what you want really, so it’s fat and not muscle or water loss.

    On the “diet days” you really have to plan though – you want to eat LOADS of salady type things, so you really make the most of your 500 calories, you can’t just have a banana and then nothing for 12 hours. If you plan well you don’t feel too hungry, just keep yourself busy. I found that the next day I was a bit hungrier than usual, not much though, and I did feel amazing the day after – like my whole body had been turbo-charged and wasn’t the slightest bit sluggish.

    Hope that helps! I think it’s one of the rare fad diets that are actually good for you, but obviously you have to be sensible – don’t pole on a diet day, drink LOTS of water and fill up on things like celery, and eat fairly well the rest of the time too. Give it a shot, a few weeks can’t hurt!

  • Hazelnut

    August 5, 2014 at 9:27 am in reply to: Any Canadian pole studios out there?

    Thanks guys! I’ll have a look at all of them and hopefully can fit in a class, I’m super excited about the holiday even without any pole time. My floorwork is pretty average so a private with Tammy might be a good idea… plus my boyfriend might not mind if I desert him as long as I can dance like her afterwards…..!!

  • Hazelnut

    July 30, 2014 at 8:48 am in reply to: Abs of August…. Veena style.

    Definitely up for it!!

  • Hazelnut

    July 28, 2014 at 7:14 am in reply to: Teaching first class!

    Ask the WHOLE class if they have moisturised in the last 24 hours and if they have any dangly jewellery on before you start… especially if they are beginners they mightn’t realise you can’t do that and trust me, you don’t want to end up spending the whole hour cleaning body butter off the pole! I have to start my first beginner class each month re-iterating that a few times, then they remember and it’s fine 🙂

    Have fun!!!

  • Hazelnut

    June 25, 2014 at 6:59 am in reply to: anyone had weird leg swellings, maybe from janeiro?

    thanks guys… I tried to make an appointment with my doctor but the only one they could offer me was in a months time! (Thanks NHS).It’s totally gone now, and I did a janeiro last night and it was fine. So I’m hoping it’s all just gone away….

    I asked a friend though who is studying medicine and she said it may have been bursitis. apparently it’s rare to get them on your calf, they’re usually on joints, but it’s definitely possible. they’re fluid filled sacs they occur when you separate membranes between cartilage or muscle layers, by putting excess pressure on the region, and aren’t dangerous unless they happen a lot. she said maybe i had just stretched too much and slightly torn a membrane leading to leaking in the region. as long as it doesn’t happen again, i’m putting it down to one of those weird pole things!!!!

  • Hazelnut

    January 5, 2014 at 12:03 pm in reply to: 2014 January Challenge!

    Awesome idea! Reverse grab into phoenix. It’ll never happen in a month, but I need to start working towards it and January Challenge is a good motivation to start properly!

  • Hazelnut

    December 28, 2013 at 4:20 am in reply to: What are your pole goals for 2014?

    I pass my grade 5 exam! Which will entail getting my moves way more polished and solid, and also finally choreographing a proper routine. So I’m determined to get it!

  • Hazelnut

    November 4, 2013 at 6:26 am in reply to: It’s A Brand New StudioVeena.Com

    Just came back after a month away and LOVE the new site! Thanks Veena!

  • Hazelnut

    September 26, 2013 at 10:12 am in reply to: How long did it take to feel like you sucked less?

    I had been poling for 18 months before I finally felt like I could link moves and look at least semi-graceful (and trust me, those so-called linked moves were not advanced ones!)… but I think what made me turn that corner was the fact I finally got a pole at home and therefore could actually *dance* often, rather than just trying in classes to do random bits and pieces and never put a routine together or let myself properly feel the music.

    Honestly – don't worry! Everyone still feels like they suck sometimes no matter how long you have been poling for. Plus people have different strengths – I can't do more than two spins before I want to throw up, even after 2.5 years now, and so I am SO jealous of people who can link together a whole spinny routine!!! Keep it up!!!

  • Hazelnut

    September 9, 2013 at 4:20 am in reply to: Afraid to fall down

    Whatever you do don't give up!!! Imagine how you'll feel knowing that you didn't keep trying. 9 weeks is NOTHING. I know alot of people who can't invert at all after 6 months, and that is fine – everyone moves at their own pace. If you enjoy it, keep going!!!!!!!

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